As is known to all that many international buyers source the genuine Atlas Copco Airends from China directly. And more buyers never ever try Alibaba or Amazon, B2B platform etc (because these B2B platforms and the sellers who there charge high percentage fee from each transaction). Furthermore, Atlas Copco Airend or any related overhaul Kits are not cheap things, especially when it is related to heavy duty compressors. Therefore, choosing a reliable Air Compressor and Genuine parts distribution network is the key to help you save money and avoid troubles.
Don’t Miss the Opportunity to Buy “Genuine Atlas Copco Air ends with Stocks” from China inner resources, Save for more imports!
For quick quotation reconfirmation, please provide the designated part numbers, air compressors models, etc. Please note that, every year, many Pakistani business people came to China to order second-hand used air ends and then they repair and refine it to sale with high prices in their market, HOWEVER, here, we supply “BRAND NEW ORIGINAL” with GREAT prices, while we also do have second hand used air ends which is FAR cheaper in China.
Here below we list few examples of the Atlas air ends and 2021-2022 promotion price for your reference:
Part numbers | Airend /Screw Element Different Service Stage Description | Part numbers | Price | Availability |
1616 5288 50 | Atlas Copco Screw Element Rotor GA110 GA132 GA160 C168 Airend 1616528850 | 1616-5288-50 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 5288 81 | Atlas Copco ELEMENT OIS 0-01 1616528881 | 1616-5288-81 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 5470 81 | Atlas Copco Compressor Airend 1616547081 | 1616-5470-81 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 5551 01 | Atlas Copco original GASKET 1616555101 | 1616-5551-01 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 5789 82 | Atlas Copco G15 G 18 G 22 Airend Service stage 1616578982 | 1616-5789-82 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 5803 81 | Atlas Copco ZR-145 LP Element(OFS K 21) 1616580381 | 1616-5803-81 | Negotiable | 1-3 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 5851 81 | ZR-145 HP Element(OFS G 21) 1616585181 | 1616-5851-81 | Negotiable | 1-4 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 5904 81 | ATLAS COPCO O F S M-21 Airend 1616590481 | 1616-5904-81 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 6010 80 | O I S L-06 Air End OIS L-06 Atlas Copco Airend 1616601080 | 1616-6010-80 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 6466 80 | Atlas Copco Part Air End For C106 Series 1616646680 | 1616-6466-80 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 6512 80 | Atlas Copco Genuine Airend O I S K-26 1616651280 | 1616-6512-80 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 6512 83 | Atlas Copco O I S K-27Genuine Airend 1616651283 | 1616-6512-83 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 6573 80 | Atlas copco Airend PN 1616657380 | 1616-6573-80 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 6575 80 | QGB-10V C55 GAR5-14BP GX11 1616657580-1616657590 | 1616-6575-80 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 6575 83 | Atlas Copco QGB-7.5V C55 GAR5-14BP GX11 1616657583-1616657593 | 1616-6575-83 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 6575 90 | Atlas Copco QGB-15V C55 GAR5-14BP GX11 1616657590 | 1616-6575-90 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 6575 93 | Atlas Copco Airend Stage OIS F-05 C55 | 1616-6575-93 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 6712 80 | Atlas Copco GA 15 GA 18 GA 22 Air system – Air inlet Service Stage 1616671280 | 1616-6712-80 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 6712 90 | OIS H-06 SERVICE STAGE, OIS H-06 SERVICE STAGE | 1616-6712-90 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 6770 81 | O F S E-21 STAGE H P ZT55 ZT75 1616677081 | 1616-6770-81 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 6792 81 | Atlas Copco HP Screw Element | 1616-6792-81 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7066 92 | Atlas Copco Compressor OIS Q-02 1616706692 | 1616-7066-92 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7103 80 | GX5 C40 Atlas Copco Compressor Airend 1616710380-1616710390 | 1616-7103-80 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7103 90 | Atlas Copco Airend Service C40 (D11) GX2-5C OIS D-1 1616710390 | 1616-7103-90 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7107 81 | 1616710781 ELEMENT HP TO – Atlas Copco | 1616-7107-81 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7146 82 | OIS M-07 Atlas Copco Compressor | 1616-7146-82 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7146 83 | Drive arrangement – CPE 100, CPE 120 Service stage | 1616-7146-83 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7146 92 | OIS M-07 SERVICE ELEMENT Atlas Copco Airend 1616714692 | 1616-7146-92 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7146 93 | SERVICE STAGE O.I.S. C146 Atlas Copco Genuine Airend 1616714693 | 1616-7146-93 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7194 80 | Atlas Copco Compressor O.I.S. K-38 Service Stage 1616719480 | 1616-7194-80 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7194 90 | OIS K-38 SERVICE STAGE Atlas Copco Airend 1616719490 | 1616-7194-90 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7248 90 | SERVICE STAGE AIREND C106 Atlas Copco 1616724890 | 1616-7248-90 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7256 81 | Atlas Copco GA132 Screw Air Compressor Airend 1616725681-1616725691 | 1616-7256-81 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7256 91 | Atlas Copco ELEMENT OIS O-01 Airend 1616725691 | 1616-7256-91 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7257 81 | OIS N-02 – Atlas Copco Airend 1616725781 | 1616-7257-81 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7257 90 | OIS-N-01 SERVICE ELEMENT Atlas Copco Airend 1616725790 | 1616-7257-90 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7257 91 | OIS-N-02 SERVICE ELEMENT Atlas Copco Airend 1616725791 | 1616-7257-91 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7258 80 | Wholesale Atlas Copco Airend 1616725880-1616725890 | 1616-7258-80 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7271 81 | ELEMENT HP T2 Atlas Copco Airend 1616727181 | 1616-7271-81 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7281 80 | Atlas Copco Airend 1616728180 O I S K-36 C111 1616728190-1616728180 | 1616-7281-80 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7281 90 | Atlas Copco Airend Element O I S K-36 Service Stage 1616728190-1616728180 | 1616-7281-90 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7345 80 | Atlas Copco C190 AIR END 132KW Compressor 1616734580-1616734581 | 1616-7345-80 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7345 81 | Atlas Copco C190 AIR END 132KW Compressor 1616734580-1616734581 | 1616-7345-81 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7345 82 | Atlas Copco G200 G200W G 250 G 250W Service stage Airend 1616734582-1616734592 | 1616-7345-82 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7345 92 | 1616734592-ELEMENT COMPR Atlas Copco Airend 1616734582 | 1616-7345-92 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7382 80 | Atlas Copco 1616738280 ELEMENT C80 I-01-1616738290-1616738291 | 1616-7382-80 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7382 90 | Atlas Copco 1616738290 ELEMENT C80 I-01-1616738280-1616738291 | 1616-7382-90 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7382 91 | Atlas Copco 1616738291 ELEMENT C80 I-01-1616738290-1616738280 | 1616-7382-91 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7408 81 | Atlas Copco Belt Drive Rotary Screw Compressor Airend 1616740881-1616740891 | 1616-7408-81 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7408 91 | Atlas Copco SERVICE STAGE Airend 1616740891-1616740881 | 1616-7408-91 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7409 90 | 1616740990 OIS M-08 SERVICE – Atlas Copco Airend Whole Sale | 1616-7409-90 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7418 83 | Atlas Copco SF4 SF8 Plus Oil free Scroll Compressor Airend | 1616-7418-83 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7535 80 | 1616753580 ELEMENT OIS F-09 (C55*) Atlas Copco China Distribution | 1616-7535-80 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7535 90 | SERVICE ELEMENT OIS F-09(C55*) 1616753590 | 1616-7535-90 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7540 80 | C242 Atlas Copco GA355-500 Air End 1616754080 | 1616-7540-80 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7540 90 | Atlas Copco CPG 350 Element air end Stage 1616754090 | 1616-7540-90 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7575 80 | Drive Arrangement – GA 30Plus GA 37 GA 45 Service Sage 1616757580-1616757590 | 1616-7575-80 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7575 90 | Atlas Copco OIS J-50 C90-GEAR SPARES 1616757590-1616757580 | 1616-7575-90 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7577 80 | Atlas Copco Compressor Airend C90 1616757780 | 1616-7577-80 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7577 90 | Atlas Copco OIS J-51 C90-BELT SPARES 1616757790 | 1616-7577-90 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7612 80 | Atlas Copco Screw Compressor O I S J-34 Airend Element 1616761280 | 1616-7612-80 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7612 90 | Atlas Copco O I S J-34 SERVICE ELEMENT 1616761290 | 1616-7612-90 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7651 80 | Atlas Copco OIS C80 I-03 Airend 1616765180 | 1616-7651-80 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7651 90 | SCREW ELEMENT ON 37KW 50HP SCREW AIR COMPRESSOR | 1616-7651-90 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7725 90 | Atlas Copco OIS I-04 C80 VSD Plus Airend 1616772590 | 1616-7725-90 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
1616 7745 91 | CPVSD 21-34 – Direct Driven SPARE ELEMENT OIS H-11 1616774591 | 1616-7745-91 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
2236 0500 00 | AIR END ATSL-140E 2.2KW 8-10Bar Atlas Copco 2236050000 | 2236-0500-00 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
2236 0501 00 | AIR END ATSL-165E 3.7KW 8BAR Atlas Copco 2236050100 | 2236-0501-00 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
2236 0502 00 | AIR END ATSL-1651E 3.7KW 10BAR 2236050200 | 2236-0502-00 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
2989 0122 00 | Atlas Copco Compressor O I S SERVICE STAGE GAII-L 2989012200 | 2989-0122-00 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
2989 0144 00 | Atlas Copco COMPRESSOR ELEMENT Airend 2989014400 | 2989-0144-00 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
2989 0145 00 | SERVICE STAGE GA30-45GD(K14) Atlas Copco 2989014500 | 2989-0145-00 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
2989 0154 01 | Service Stage (H03MK2) Atlas Copco Airend 2989015401 | 2989-0154-01 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
2989 0157 00 | ELEMENT-COMPRESSOR Atlas Copco Airend 2989015700 | 2989-0157-00 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
2989 0158 00 | Atlas Copco Service Stage Ga30-45+50Vsd Dd(K25) 2989015800 | 2989-0158-00 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
2989 0159 00 | ATLAS COPCO SERVICE STAGE GA30-45GD(K26) 2989015900 | 2989-0159-00 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
2989 0163 00 | Atlas Copco Service Stage Ga55-90C(M01) 2989016300 | 2989-0163-00 | Negotiable | 1-2 weeks but it depends on Atlas Copco Factory |
Contact information
Export Department
Tony Phone: +86 18080158435
For Genuine Original Atlas Copco Airend or the related “OVERHAUL KIT” Price and Availability in China, Please Submit a Quick RFQ, we will Answer you soon!
Learn more about Air Compressors Trade – Chengdu Pudding Mechatronic Co.CPMC distribution network!
Dear, Good day
We kindly ask you to send us by email information about the price and
other conditions for the supply of the material described below:
Item Description
04 – UNTS
1503037780-J ATLAS COPCO
HS CODE, Delivery Time, Taxes.
Payment conditions
Technical information: Datasheet/Drawing
Send Certificates (if applicable)
Weight and dimensions estimate
King regards,
Thank you Dan for your comments and RFQ leaving on our website, our team will check and quote to you on Monday via email. If you need any other genuine parts for Atlas Copco, Epiroc drilling and mining equipment parts, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Gardner Denver, Doosan, Sullair, etc, feel free to contact with us.
Добрый день просим рассмотреть возможность поставки фильтров на компрессор ZH 7000-6-7(р/комплекты,фильтры, сепаратор, клапана)
Dear Sir or madam, thanks, please send us by email with the part numbers for ZH7000 Atlas Copco Air Compressors, we are looking forward to quoting you for your RFQs.
Добрый день, жду сообщений по поставке расходников
Thank you, please provide the part numbers, air compressor name plate by email to us:
Уважаемый Господин или Госпожа
Может ли ваша компания поставлять детали для центробежных воздушных компрессоров Ingersoll Rand? Для таких моделей, как Centac 400, C700E и т. д., а также запасных частей для безмасляных воздушных компрессоров Atlas Copco. Если да, то как быстро вы можете отправить нам продукцию и насколько надежна ваша продукция, если мы принимаем только оригинальные запасные части?
Dear Sir or madam, Thank you very much for leaving comment on our website. Our company offer MANY GENUINE ORIGINAL parts for all top brands of air compressors like Atlas Copco, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Doosan, Gardner Denver, and yes, we do serve centrifugal air compressors spare parts. You can compare our prices if based on 100% Genuine original parts. Thanks and hope we can communicate in email via English if possible. Kind regards, Team from CPMC, China.
I would like to request a Parts List Manual for Atlas Copco G55, We are planning to purchase PM parts for our compressor.
Your immediate response is highly appreciated.
Robert Arano
PDEC Co. (Purtlev Dynamics Engineering Company)
86 Hemedez Coumpound, Brgy. Sala Cabuyao Laguna Philippines
(049) 560 6264
Dear Robert, can you please send email to us with the compressor nameplate and so we can try to check the related user manual and see if we can get the part numbers for the PM parts. our email address: (miss Wendy) or (miss JoJo). Thank you for your inquiry and best regards, CPMC service team!
S No Description Part Number
1 Cooler Kit 3001531121
2 O-RING 0663210968
3 Seal Washer 0661100038
4 RING INTERNAL 1635051200
5 PROFILE, 1635051400
6 SEAL GASKET 1635051500
7 O RING 1623172600
8 COOLER AFTER 1635051900
9 CORE COOLER, AIR 1635051600
10 CORE COOLER, OIL 1635127300
11 O RING 0663210612
12 O RING 0663210968
Can someone please share prices and availibility.
Dear Kamran
Good morning and happy new Year 2025! We well received your message and our team will check and quote to you asap in this holiday period.
Kind regards