Tag Archives: SIMATIC WinCC V7.4 & V7.3

SIMATIC WinCC V7.4& V7.3 common order number catalogue of Chinese suppliers

If you are looking for information about SIMATIC WinCC V7.4 & V7.3 and have a demand for its products, here are SIMATIC WinCC V7.4 & V7.3 common order number catalogue of Chinese suppliers. You can find the products you need in it. It doesn’t matter if you don’t find them. You can contact us through various channels, such as sending emails. We will provide you with corresponding services in the first time. SIMATIC WinCC V7.4 & V7.3 common order number catalogue of Chinese suppliers MLFB Description Catalog 6AV63812BC074AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 亚洲版128 外部变量 (RT 128), 亦可做客户机/服务器架构的客户机(不带组态功能) WINCC system software running version V7.4 Asian version 128 external variable (RT 128), can also be used as a client of client / server architecture (without configuration function) ST80.2TA 6AV63812BD074AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 亚洲版 512 外部变量 (RT 512) WINCC system software running version V7.4 Asian version 512 external variables (RT 512) ST80.2TA 6AV63812BE074AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 亚洲版 2048 外部变量 (RT 2048) WINCC system software running version V7.4 Asian version 2048 external variables (RT 2048) ST80.2TA 6AV63812BH074AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 亚洲版 8192 外部变量 (RT 8192) WINCC system software running version V7.4 Asian version 8192 external variables (RT 8192) ST80.2TA 6AV63812BF074AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 亚洲版 65536 外部变量 (RT 65536) WINCC system software running version V7.4 Asian version 65536 external variables (RT 65536) ST80.2TA 6AV63812BJ074AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 亚洲版 102400 外部变量 (RT 102400) WINCC system software running version V7.4 Asian version 102400 external variables (RT 102400) ST80.2TA 6AV63812BK074AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 亚洲版 153600 外部变量 (RT 153600) WINCC system software running version V7.4 Asian version 153600 external variables (RT 153600) ST80.2TA 6AV63812BL074AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 亚洲版 262144 外部变量 (RT 262144) WINCC system software running version V7.4 Asian version 262144 external variables (RT 262144) ST80.2TA 6AV63812BM074AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 亚洲版128 外部变量 (RC 128), 亦可做客户机/服务器架构的客户机(带组态功能) WINCC system software full version V7.4 Asian version 128 external variable (RC 128), can also be used as a client of client / server architecture (with configuration function) ST80.2TA 6AV63812BN074AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 亚洲版 512 外部变量 (RC 512) WINCC system software full version V7.4 Asian version 512 external variables (RC 512) ST80.2TA 6AV63812BP074AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 亚洲版 2048 外部变量 (RC 2048) WINCC system software full version V7.4 Asian version 2048 external variables (RC 2048) ST80.2TA 6AV63812BS074AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 亚洲版 8192 外部变量 (RC 8192) WINCC system software full version V7.4 Asian version 8192 external variables (RC 8192) ST80.2TA 6AV63812BQ074AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 亚洲版 65536 外部变量 (RC65536) WINCC system software full version V7.4 Asian version 65536 external variables (rc65536) ST80.2TA 6AV63812BT074AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 亚洲版 102400 外部变量 (RC 102400) WINCC system software full version V7.4 Asian version 102400 external variables (RC 102400) ST80.2TA 6AV63812BU074AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 亚洲版 153600 外部变量 (RC 153600) WINCC system software full version V7.4 Asian version 153600 external variables (RC 153600) ST80.2TA 6AV63812BV074AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 亚洲版 262144外部变量 (RC 262144) WINCC system software full version V7.4 Asian version 262144 external variables (RC 262144) ST80.2TA 6AV63711CA074AX0 WinCC V7.4 服务器选件授权, 需要与WinCC RT或RC组合使用构成WinCC服务器 WINCC V7.4 server option authorization, which needs to be combined with WinCC RT or RC to form WinCC server ST80.2Y 6AV63711CF074AX0 WinCC V7.4 冗余选件授权 WINCC V7.4 redundancy option authorization ST80.2Y 6AV63621AB000BB0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.4   支持1个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webnavigator V7.4 supports 1 client (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63621AD000BB0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.4   支持3个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webnavigator V7.4 supports 3 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63621AF000BB0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.4   支持10个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webnavigator V7.4 supports 10 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63621AJ000BB0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.4   支持30个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webnavigator V7.4 supports 30 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63621AM000BB0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.4   支持100个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webnavigator V7.4 supports 100 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63623AB000BB0 WinCC / DataMonitor V7.4   支持1个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / Datamonitor V7.4 supports 1 client (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63623AD000BB0 WinCC / DataMonitor V7.4   支持3个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / Datamonitor V7.4 supports 3 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63623AF000BB0 WinCC / DataMonitor V7.4   支持10个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / Datamonitor V7.4 supports 10 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63623AJ000BB0 WinCC / DataMonitor V7.4   支持30个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / Datamonitor V7.4 supports 30 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63622AB000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视,  支持1个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring, supporting 1 client (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63622AD000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视,  支持3个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring, supporting 3 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63622AF000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视,  支持10个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring, supporting 10 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63622AJ000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视,  支持30个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring, supporting 30 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63622AM000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视,  支持100个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring, supporting 100 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63622BB000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视与控制,  支持1个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring and control, supporting 1 client (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63622BD000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视与控制,  支持3个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring and control, supporting 3 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63622BF000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视与控制,  支持10个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring and control, supporting 10 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63622BJ000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视与控制,  支持30个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring and control, supporting 30 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63622BM000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视与控制,  支持100个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring and control, supporting 100 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63711DQ174AX0 WinCC V7.4 归档:1500个归档变量 (可累加) WINCC V7.4 archiving: 1500 archiving variables (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63711DQ174BX0 WinCC V7.4 归档:5000个归档变量 (可累加) WINCC V7.4 Archive: 5000 archive variables (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63711DQ174CX0 WinCC V7.4 归档:10000个归档变量 (可累加) WINCC V7.4 archiving: 10000 archiving variables (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63711DQ174EX0 WinCC V7.4 归档:30000个归档变量 (可累加) WINCC V7.4 Archive: 30000 archive variables (cumulative) ST80.2Y 6AV63621BA000BB0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.4   诊断客户机 WINCC / webnavigator V7.4 diagnostic client ST80.2Y 6AV63621FA000BB0 WinCC / Web Load Balancing V7.4  web负载平衡(2个服务器授权) WINCC / Web load balancing V7.4 web load balancing (2 Server licenses) ST80.2Y 6AV63711CB074AX0 WinCC / User Archives V7.4 用户归档选件授权,用户归档用于诸如配方之类的功能 WINCC / user archives V7.4 user archive option authorization, user archive is used for functions such as recipes ST80.2Y 6AV63711CC074AX0 WinCC / ODK V7.4 开放开发工具包 WINCC / odk V7.4 open development kit ST80.2Y 6AV63711DR074AX0 WinCC / ConnectivityPack V7.4 连通包选件 WINCC / connectivitypack V7.4 connectivity package option ST80.2Y 6AV63711DR174AX0 WinCC / ConnectivityStation V7.4 连通站选件 WINCC / connectivitystation V7.4 connectivity station option ST80.2Y 6AV63624AA074AA0 WinCC /…

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