SIMATIC WinCC V7.4& V7.3 common order number catalogue of Chinese suppliers

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    SIMATIC WinCC V7.4 & V7.3 common order number catalogue of Chinese suppliers

    MLFB Description Catalog
    6AV63812BC074AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 亚洲版128 外部变量 (RT 128), 亦可做客户机/服务器架构的客户机(不带组态功能) WINCC system software running version V7.4 Asian version 128 external variable (RT 128), can also be used as a client of client / server architecture (without configuration function) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BD074AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 亚洲版 512 外部变量 (RT 512) WINCC system software running version V7.4 Asian version 512 external variables (RT 512) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BE074AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 亚洲版 2048 外部变量 (RT 2048) WINCC system software running version V7.4 Asian version 2048 external variables (RT 2048) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BH074AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 亚洲版 8192 外部变量 (RT 8192) WINCC system software running version V7.4 Asian version 8192 external variables (RT 8192) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BF074AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 亚洲版 65536 外部变量 (RT 65536) WINCC system software running version V7.4 Asian version 65536 external variables (RT 65536) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BJ074AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 亚洲版 102400 外部变量 (RT 102400) WINCC system software running version V7.4 Asian version 102400 external variables (RT 102400) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BK074AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 亚洲版 153600 外部变量 (RT 153600) WINCC system software running version V7.4 Asian version 153600 external variables (RT 153600) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BL074AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 亚洲版 262144 外部变量 (RT 262144) WINCC system software running version V7.4 Asian version 262144 external variables (RT 262144) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BM074AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 亚洲版128 外部变量 (RC 128), 亦可做客户机/服务器架构的客户机(带组态功能) WINCC system software full version V7.4 Asian version 128 external variable (RC 128), can also be used as a client of client / server architecture (with configuration function) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BN074AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 亚洲版 512 外部变量 (RC 512) WINCC system software full version V7.4 Asian version 512 external variables (RC 512) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BP074AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 亚洲版 2048 外部变量 (RC 2048) WINCC system software full version V7.4 Asian version 2048 external variables (RC 2048) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BS074AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 亚洲版 8192 外部变量 (RC 8192) WINCC system software full version V7.4 Asian version 8192 external variables (RC 8192) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BQ074AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 亚洲版 65536 外部变量 (RC65536) WINCC system software full version V7.4 Asian version 65536 external variables (rc65536) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BT074AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 亚洲版 102400 外部变量 (RC 102400) WINCC system software full version V7.4 Asian version 102400 external variables (RC 102400) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BU074AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 亚洲版 153600 外部变量 (RC 153600) WINCC system software full version V7.4 Asian version 153600 external variables (RC 153600) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BV074AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 亚洲版 262144外部变量 (RC 262144) WINCC system software full version V7.4 Asian version 262144 external variables (RC 262144) ST80.2TA
    6AV63711CA074AX0 WinCC V7.4 服务器选件授权, 需要与WinCC RT或RC组合使用构成WinCC服务器 WINCC V7.4 server option authorization, which needs to be combined with WinCC RT or RC to form WinCC server ST80.2Y
    6AV63711CF074AX0 WinCC V7.4 冗余选件授权 WINCC V7.4 redundancy option authorization ST80.2Y
    6AV63621AB000BB0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.4   支持1个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webnavigator V7.4 supports 1 client (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63621AD000BB0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.4   支持3个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webnavigator V7.4 supports 3 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63621AF000BB0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.4   支持10个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webnavigator V7.4 supports 10 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63621AJ000BB0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.4   支持30个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webnavigator V7.4 supports 30 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63621AM000BB0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.4   支持100个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webnavigator V7.4 supports 100 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63623AB000BB0 WinCC / DataMonitor V7.4   支持1个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / Datamonitor V7.4 supports 1 client (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63623AD000BB0 WinCC / DataMonitor V7.4   支持3个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / Datamonitor V7.4 supports 3 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63623AF000BB0 WinCC / DataMonitor V7.4   支持10个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / Datamonitor V7.4 supports 10 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63623AJ000BB0 WinCC / DataMonitor V7.4   支持30个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / Datamonitor V7.4 supports 30 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63622AB000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视,  支持1个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring, supporting 1 client (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63622AD000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视,  支持3个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring, supporting 3 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63622AF000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视,  支持10个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring, supporting 10 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63622AJ000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视,  支持30个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring, supporting 30 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63622AM000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视,  支持100个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring, supporting 100 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63622BB000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视与控制,  支持1个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring and control, supporting 1 client (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63622BD000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视与控制,  支持3个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring and control, supporting 3 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63622BF000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视与控制,  支持10个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring and control, supporting 10 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63622BJ000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视与控制,  支持30个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring and control, supporting 30 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63622BM000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视与控制,  支持100个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring and control, supporting 100 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DQ174AX0 WinCC V7.4 归档:1500个归档变量 (可累加) WINCC V7.4 archiving: 1500 archiving variables (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DQ174BX0 WinCC V7.4 归档:5000个归档变量 (可累加) WINCC V7.4 Archive: 5000 archive variables (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DQ174CX0 WinCC V7.4 归档:10000个归档变量 (可累加) WINCC V7.4 archiving: 10000 archiving variables (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DQ174EX0 WinCC V7.4 归档:30000个归档变量 (可累加) WINCC V7.4 Archive: 30000 archive variables (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63621BA000BB0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.4   诊断客户机 WINCC / webnavigator V7.4 diagnostic client ST80.2Y
    6AV63621FA000BB0 WinCC / Web Load Balancing V7.4  web负载平衡(2个服务器授权) WINCC / Web load balancing V7.4 web load balancing (2 Server licenses) ST80.2Y
    6AV63711CB074AX0 WinCC / User Archives V7.4 用户归档选件授权,用户归档用于诸如配方之类的功能 WINCC / user archives V7.4 user archive option authorization, user archive is used for functions such as recipes ST80.2Y
    6AV63711CC074AX0 WinCC / ODK V7.4 开放开发工具包 WINCC / odk V7.4 open development kit ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DR074AX0 WinCC / ConnectivityPack V7.4 连通包选件 WINCC / connectivitypack V7.4 connectivity package option ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DR174AX0 WinCC / ConnectivityStation V7.4 连通站选件 WINCC / connectivitystation V7.4 connectivity station option ST80.2Y
    6AV63624AA074AA0 WinCC / Industrial DatabridgeV7.4,工业数据桥基本系统 100个变量 WINCC / industrial databridgev7.4, 100 variables of the basic system of industrial data bridge ST80.2Y
    6AV63624AD000BB0 WinCC / Industrial DatabridgeV7.4,工业数据桥  300个变量  (可累加) WINCC / industrial databridgev7.4, 300 variables of industrial data bridge (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63624AF000BB0 WinCC / Industrial DatabridgeV7.4,工业数据桥 1000个变量 (可累加) WINCC / industrial databridgev7.4, 1000 variables of industrial data bridge (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63624AH000BB0 WinCC / Industrial DatabridgeV7.4,工业数据桥 3000个变量 (可累加) WINCC / industrial databridgev7.4, industrial data bridge 3000 variables (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63721DC074AX0 WinCC / Calendar Scheduler V7.4 日历调度 WINCC / calendar scheduler V7.4 calendar scheduling ST80.2Y
    6AV63721DD074AX0 WinCC / Event Notifier V7.4 事件提醒 WINCC / event notifier V7.4 event reminder ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DG074AX0 WinCC / ProAgent V7.4 过程诊断选件授权,与S7-PDIAG/S7-Graph配合使用 WINCC / proagent V7.4 process diagnostics option authorization, used in conjunction with s7-pdiag / S7 graph ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DV074AX0 WinCC / Audit RT V7.4   审计跟踪选件 运行版 WINCC / audit RT V7.4 audit trail option running version ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DV174AX0 WinCC / Audit RC V7.4   审计跟踪选件 组态及运行版 WINCC / audit RC V7.4 audit tracking option configuration and operation version ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DV274AX0 WinCC / ChangeControl  V7.4 组态跟踪选件 组态及运行版 WINCC / changecontrol V7.4 configuration tracking option configuration and operation version ST80.2Y
    6AV63722DG074AA0 WinCC / PerformanceMonitor v7.4基本系统,包含30个归档变量授权 WINCC / performancemonitor V7.4 basic system, including 30 archive variable authorization ST80.2Y
    6AV63722CG200BA0 WinCC / PerformanceMonitor 归档变量授权   30个 (可累加) WINCC / performancemonitor archive variable authorization 30 (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63722CG200CA0 WinCC / PerformanceMonitor 归档变量授权  100个 (可累加) WINCC / performancemonitor archive variable authorization 100 (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63722CG200DA0 WinCC / PerformanceMonitor 归档变量授权  300个 (可累加) WINCC / performancemonitor archive variable authorization 300 (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63722CG200EA0 WinCC / PerformanceMonitor 归档变量授权  1000个 (可累加) WINCC / performancemonitor archive variable authorization 1000 (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63712BD074AX0 WinCC V7.4 变量升级 RT 128 ==> RT 512 WINCC V7.4 variable upgrade RT 128 = = > RT 512 ST80.2U
    6AV63712BG074AX0 WinCC V7.4 变量升级 RT 512 ==> RT 2048 WINCC V7.4 variable upgrade RT 512 = = > RT 2048 ST80.2U
    6AV63712BM074AX0 WinCC V7.4 变量升级 RT 2048==> RT 8192 WINCC V7.4 variable upgrade RT 2048==> RT 8192 ST80.2U
    6AV63712BN074AX0 WinCC V7.4 变量升级 RT 8192 ==> RT 65536 WINCC V7.4 variable upgrade RT 8192 = = > RT 65536 ST80.2U
    6AV63712BP074AX0 WinCC V7.4 变量升级 RT 65536 ==> RT 102400 WINCC V7.4 variable upgrade RT 65536 = = > RT 102400 ST80.2X
    6AV63712BQ074AX0 WinCC V7.4 变量升级 RT 102400 ==> RT 153600 WINCC V7.4 variable upgrade RT 102400 = = > RT 153600 ST80.2X
    6AV63712BR074AX0 WinCC V7.4 变量升级 RT 153600 ==> RT 262144 WINCC V7.4 variable upgrade RT 153600 = = > RT 262144 ST80.2X
    6AV63712BD174AX0 WinCC V7.4 变量升级 RC 128 ==> RC 512 WINCC V7.4 variable Upgrade RC 128 = = > RC 512 ST80.2U
    6AV63712BG174AX0 WinCC V7.4 变量升级 RC 512 ==> RC 2048 WINCC V7.4 variable Upgrade RC 512 = = > RC 2048 ST80.2V
    6AV63712BM174AX0 WinCC V7.4 变量升级 RC 2048==> RC 8192 WINCC V7.4 variable Upgrade RC 2048==> RC 8192 ST80.2W
    6AV63712BN174AX0 WinCC V7.4 变量升级 RC 8192 ==> RC 65536 WINCC V7.4 variable Upgrade RC 8192 = = > RC 65536 ST80.2X
    6AV63712BP174AX0 WinCC V7.4 变量升级 RC 65536 ==> RC 102400 WINCC V7.4 variable Upgrade RC 65536 = = > RC 102400 ST80.2X
    6AV63712BQ174AX0 WinCC V7.4 变量升级 RC 102400 ==> RC 153600 WINCC V7.4 variable Upgrade RC 102400 = = > RC 153600 ST80.2X
    6AV63712BR174AX0 WinCC V7.4 变量升级 RC 153600 ==> RC 262144 WINCC V7.4 variable Upgrade RC 153600 = = > RC 262144 ST80.2X
    6AV63812AA074AV3 WinCC RT亚洲版升级包 从v7.X升级到v7.4 Upgrade package of WinCC RT Asia from v7.x to V7.4 ST80.2Z
    6AV63812AB074AV3 WinCC RC亚洲版升级包 从v7.X升级到v7.4 Upgrade package of WinCC RC Asia from v7.x to V7.4 ST80.2Z
    6AV63812BC074AX0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 欧洲版128 外部变量 (RT 128), 亦可做客户机/服务器架构的客户机(不带组态功能) WINCC system software running version V7.4 European version 128 external variable (RT 128), can also be used as a client of client / server architecture (without configuration function) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BD074AX0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 欧洲版 512 外部变量 (RT 512) WINCC system software running version V7.4 European version 512 external variables (RT 512) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BE074AX0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 欧洲版 2048 外部变量 (RT 2048) WINCC system software running version V7.4 European version 2048 external variables (RT 2048) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BH074AX0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 欧洲版 8192 外部变量 (RT 8192) WINCC system software running version V7.4 European version 8192 external variables (RT 8192) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BF074AX0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 欧洲版 65536 外部变量 (RT 65536) WINCC system software running version V7.4 European version 65536 external variables (RT 65536) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BJ074AX0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 欧洲版 102400 外部变量 (RT 102400) WINCC system software running version V7.4 European version 102400 external variables (RT 102400) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BK074AX0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 欧洲版 153600 外部变量 (RT 153600) WINCC system software running version V7.4 European version 153600 external variables (RT 153600) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BL074AX0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.4 欧洲版 262144 外部变量 (RT 262144) WINCC system software running version V7.4 European version 262144 external variables (RT 262144) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BM074AX0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 欧洲版128 外部变量 (RC 128),亦可做客户机/服务器架构的客户机(带组态功能) WINCC system software full version V7.4 European version 128 external variable (RC 128), can also be used as a client of client / server architecture (with configuration function) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BN074AX0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 欧洲版 512 外部变量 (RC 512) WINCC system software full version V7.4 European version 512 external variables (RC 512) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BP074AX0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 欧洲版 2048 外部变量 (RC 2048) WINCC system software full version V7.4 European version 2048 external variables (RC 2048) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BS074AX0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 欧洲版 8192 外部变量 (RC 8192) WINCC system software full version V7.4 European version 8192 external variables (RC 8192) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BQ074AX0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 欧洲版 65536 外部变量 (RC65536) WINCC system software full version V7.4 European version 65536 external variables (rc65536) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BT074AX0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 欧洲版 102400 外部变量 (RC 102400) WINCC system software full version V7.4 European version 102400 external variables (RC 102400) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BU074AX0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 欧洲版 153600 外部变量 (RC 153600) WINCC system software full version V7.4 European version 153600 external variables (RC 153600) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BV074AX0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.4 欧洲版 262144外部变量 (RC 262144) WINCC system software full version V7.4 European version 262144 external variables (RC 262144) ST80.2T
    6AV63812AA074AX3 WinCC RT 从v7.X升级到v7.4 WINCC RT upgraded from v7.x to V7.4 ST80.2Z
    6AV63812AB074AX3 WinCC RC 从v7.X升级到v7.4 Upgrade WinCC RC from v7.x to V7.4 ST80.2Z
    6AV63812BC073AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.3 亚洲版128 外部变量 (RT 128), 亦可做客户机/服务器架构的客户机(不带组态功能) WINCC system software running version V7.3 Asian version 128 external variable (RT 128), can also be used as a client of client / server architecture (without configuration function) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BD073AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.3 亚洲版 512 外部变量 (RT 512) WINCC system software running version V7.3 Asian version 512 external variables (RT 512) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BE073AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.3 亚洲版 2048 外部变量 (RT 2048) WINCC system software running version V7.3 Asian version 2048 external variables (RT 2048) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BH073AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.3 亚洲版 8192 外部变量 (RT 8192) WINCC system software running version V7.3 Asian version 8192 external variables (RT 8192) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BF073AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.3 亚洲版 65536 外部变量 (RT 65536) WINCC system software running version V7.3 Asian version 65536 external variables (RT 65536) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BJ073AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.3 亚洲版 102400 外部变量 (RT 102400) WINCC system software running version V7.3 Asian version 102400 external variables (RT 102400) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BK073AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.3 亚洲版 153600 外部变量 (RT 153600) WINCC system software running version V7.3 Asian version 153600 external variables (RT 153600) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BL073AV0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.3 亚洲版 262144 外部变量 (RT 262144) WINCC system software running version V7.3 Asian version 262144 external variables (RT 262144) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BM073AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.3 亚洲版128 外部变量 (RC 128), 亦可做客户机/服务器架构的客户机(带组态功能) WINCC system software full version V7.3 Asian version 128 external variable (RC 128), can also be used as a client of client / server architecture (with configuration function) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BN073AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.3 亚洲版 512 外部变量 (RC 512) WINCC system software full version V7.3 Asian version 512 external variables (RC 512) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BP073AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.3 亚洲版 2048 外部变量 (RC 2048) WINCC system software full version V7.3 Asian version 2048 external variables (RC 2048) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BS073AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.3 亚洲版 8192 外部变量 (RC 8192) WINCC system software full version V7.3 Asian version 8192 external variables (RC 8192) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BQ073AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.3 亚洲版 65536 外部变量 (RC65536) WINCC system software full version V7.3 Asian version 65536 external variables (rc65536) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BT073AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.3 亚洲版 102400 外部变量 (RC 102400) WINCC system software full version V7.3 Asian version 102400 external variables (RC 102400) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BU073AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.3 亚洲版 153600 外部变量 (RC 153600) WINCC system software full version V7.3 Asian version 153600 external variables (RC 153600) ST80.2TA
    6AV63812BV073AV0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.3 亚洲版 262144外部变量 (RC 262144) WINCC system software full version V7.3 Asian version 262144 external variables (RC 262144) ST80.2TA
    6AV63711CA073AX0 WinCC V7.3 服务器选件授权, 需要与WinCC RT或RC组合使用构成WinCC服务器 WINCC V7.3 server option authorization, which needs to be combined with WinCC RT or RC to form WinCC server ST80.2Y
    6AV63711CF073AX0 WinCC V7.3 冗余选件授权 WINCC V7.3 redundancy option authorization ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DH073LX0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.3   支持1个客户机 WINCC / webnavigator V7.3 supports 1 client ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DH073AX0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.3   支持3个客户机 WINCC / webnavigator V7.3 supports 3 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DH073MX0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.3   支持5个客户机 WINCC / webnavigator V7.3 supports 5 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DH073BX0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.3   支持10个客户机 WINCC / webnavigator V7.3 supports 10 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DH073CX0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.3   支持25个客户机 WINCC / webnavigator V7.3 supports 25 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DH073DX0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.3   支持50个客户机 WINCC / webnavigator V7.3 supports 50 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DH073GX0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.3   支持100个客户机 WINCC / webnavigator V7.3 supports 100 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DH073HX0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.3   支持150个客户机 WINCC / webnavigator V7.3 supports 150 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DN073LX0 WinCC / DataMonitor V7.3   支持1个客户机 WINCC / Datamonitor V7.3 supports 1 client ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DN073AX0 WinCC / DataMonitor V7.3   支持3个客户机 WINCC / Datamonitor V7.3 supports three clients ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DN073BX0 WinCC / DataMonitor V7.3   支持10个客户机 WINCC / Datamonitor V7.3 supports 10 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DN073CX0 WinCC / DataMonitor V7.3   支持25个客户机 WINCC / Datamonitor V7.3 supports 25 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DN073DX0 WinCC / DataMonitor V7.3   支持50个客户机 WINCC / Datamonitor V7.3 supports 50 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV63622AB000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视,  支持1个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring, supporting 1 client (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63622AD000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视,  支持3个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring, supporting 3 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63622AF000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视,  支持10个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring, supporting 10 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63622AJ000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视,  支持30个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring, supporting 30 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63622AM000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视,  支持100个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring, supporting 100 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63622BB000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视与控制,  支持1个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring and control, supporting 1 client (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63622BD000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视与控制,  支持3个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring and control, supporting 3 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63622BF000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视与控制,  支持10个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring and control, supporting 10 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63622BJ000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视与控制,  支持30个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring and control, supporting 30 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63622BM000BB0 WinCC / WebUX 移动监视与控制,  支持100个客户机 (可累加) WINCC / webux mobile monitoring and control, supporting 100 clients (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DQ173AX0 WinCC V7.3 归档:1500个归档变量 WINCC V7.3 archiving: 1500 archiving variables ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DQ173BX0 WinCC V7.3 归档:5000个归档变量 WINCC V7.3 Archive: 5000 archive variables ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DQ173CX0 WinCC V7.3 归档:10000个归档变量 WINCC V7.3 Archive: 10000 archive variables ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DQ173EX0 WinCC V7.3 归档:30000个归档变量 WINCC V7.3 Archive: 30000 archive variables ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DQ173GX0 WinCC V7.3 归档:80000个归档变量 WINCC V7.3 archiving: 80000 archiving variables ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DH073EX0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.3   诊断客户机 WINCC / webnavigator V7.3 diagnostic client ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DH073FX0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.3   诊断服务器 WINCC / webnavigator V7.3 diagnostic server ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DH073JX0 WinCC / Web Load Balancing V7.3  web负载平衡(2个服务器授权) WINCC / Web load balancing V7.3 web load balancing (2 Server licenses) ST80.2Y
    6AV63711CB073AX0 WinCC / User Archives V7.3 用户归档选件授权,用户归档用于诸如配方之类的功能 WINCC / user archives V7.3 user archive option authorization, user archive is used for functions such as recipes ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DR073AX0 WinCC / ConnectivityPack V7.3 连通包选件 WINCC / connectivitypack V7.3 connectivity package option ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DR173AX0 WinCC / ConnectivityStation V7.3 连通站选件 WINCC / connectivitystation V7.3 connectivity station option ST80.2Y
    6AV63711CC073AX0 WinCC / ODK V7.3 开放开发工具包 WINCC / odk V7.3 open development kit ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DX073AX0 WinCC / Industrial DatabridgeV7.3,工业数据桥 128个变量 WINCC / industrial databridgev7.3, 128 variables of industrial data bridge ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DX073BX0 WinCC / Industrial DatabridgeV7.3,工业数据桥 512个变量 WINCC / industrial databridgev7.3, 512 variables of industrial data bridge ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DX073CX0 WinCC / Industrial DatabridgeV7.3,工业数据桥 2048个变量 WINCC / industrial databridgev7.3, 2048 variables of industrial data bridge ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DX073DX0 WinCC / Industrial DatabridgeV7.3,工业数据桥 10000个变量 WINCC / industrial databridgev7.3, industrial data bridge 10000 variables ST80.2Y
    6AV63721DC073AX0 WinCC / Calendar Scheduler V7.3 日历调度 WINCC / calendar scheduler V7.3 calendar scheduling ST80.2Y
    6AV63721DD073AX0 WinCC / Event Notifier V7.3 事件提醒 WINCC / event notifier V7.3 event reminder ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DG073AX0 WinCC / ProAgent V7.3 过程诊断选件授权,与S7-PDIAG/S7-Graph配合使用 WINCC / proagent V7.3 process diagnostics option authorization, used in conjunction with s7-pdiag / S7 graph ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DV073AX0 WinCC / Audit RT V7.3   审计跟踪选件 运行版 WINCC / audit RT V7.3 audit trail option running version ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DV173AX0 WinCC / Audit RC V7.3   审计跟踪选件 组态及运行版 WINCC / audit RC V7.3 audit tracking option configuration and operation version ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DV273AX0 WinCC / ChangeControl  V7.3  组态跟踪选件 组态及运行版 WINCC / changecontrol V7.3 configuration tracking option configuration and operation version ST80.2Y
    6AV63722BJ073BA0 WinCC / SES V7.3 顺控系统扩展包(扩展5个单元) WINCC / SES V7.3 sequence control system expansion package (expansion of 5 units) ST80.2Y
    6AV63722DJ073AA0 WinCC / SES V7.3 顺控系统基本包(包含2个单元) WINCC / SES V7.3 basic package of sequence control system (including 2 units) ST80.2Y
    6AV63722DG073AA0 WinCC / PerformanceMonitor v7.3基本系统,包含30个归档变量授权 WINCC / performancemonitor V7.3 basic system, including 30 archive variable authorization ST80.2Y
    6AV63722CG200BA0 WinCC / PerformanceMonitor 归档变量授权   30个 (可累加) WINCC / performancemonitor archive variable authorization 30 (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63722CG200CA0 WinCC / PerformanceMonitor 归档变量授权  100个 (可累加) WINCC / performancemonitor archive variable authorization 100 (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63722CG200DA0 WinCC / PerformanceMonitor 归档变量授权  300个 (可累加) WINCC / performancemonitor archive variable authorization 300 (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63722CG200EA0 WinCC / PerformanceMonitor 归档变量授权  1000个 (可累加) WINCC / performancemonitor archive variable authorization 1000 (cumulative) ST80.2Y
    6AV63712BD073AX0 WinCC V7.3 变量升级 RT 128 ==> RT 512 WINCC V7.3 variable upgrade RT 128 = = > RT 512 ST80.2U
    6AV63712BG073AX0 WinCC V7.3 变量升级 RT 512 ==> RT 2048 WINCC V7.3 variable upgrade RT 512 = = > RT 2048 ST80.2U
    6AV63712BM073AX0 WinCC V7.3 变量升级 RT 2048==> RT 8192 WINCC V7.3 variable upgrade RT 2048==> RT 8192 ST80.2U
    6AV63712BN073AX0 WinCC V7.3 变量升级 RT 8192 ==> RT 65536 WINCC V7.3 variable upgrade RT 8192 = = > RT 65536 ST80.2U
    6AV63712BP073AX0 WinCC V7.3 变量升级 RT 65536 ==> RT 102400 WINCC V7.3 variable upgrade RT 65536 = = > RT 102400 ST80.2X
    6AV63712BQ073AX0 WinCC V7.3 变量升级 RT 102400 ==> RT 153600 WINCC V7.3 variable upgrade RT 102400 = = > RT 153600 ST80.2X
    6AV63712BR073AX0 WinCC V7.3 变量升级 RT 153600 ==> RT 262144 WINCC V7.3 variable upgrade RT 153600 = = > RT 262144 ST80.2X
    6AV63712BD173AX0 WinCC V7.3 变量升级 RC 128 ==> RC 512 WINCC V7.3 variable Upgrade RC 128 = = > RC 512 ST80.2U
    6AV63712BG173AX0 WinCC V7.3 变量升级 RC 512 ==> RC 2048 WINCC V7.3 variable Upgrade RC 512 = = > RC 2048 ST80.2V
    6AV63712BM173AX0 WinCC V7.3 变量升级 RC 2048==> RC 8192 WINCC V7.3 variable Upgrade RC 2048==> RC 8192 ST80.2W
    6AV63712BN173AX0 WinCC V7.3 变量升级 RC 8192 ==> RC 65536 WINCC V7.3 variable Upgrade RC 8192 = = > RC 65536 ST80.2X
    6AV63712BP173AX0 WinCC V7.3 变量升级 RC 65536 ==> RC 102400 WINCC V7.3 variable Upgrade RC 65536 = = > RC 102400 ST80.2X
    6AV63712BQ173AX0 WinCC V7.3 变量升级 RC 102400 ==> RC 153600 WINCC V7.3 variable Upgrade RC 102400 = = > RC 153600 ST80.2X
    6AV63712BR173AX0 WinCC V7.3 变量升级 RC 153600 ==> RC 262144 WINCC V7.3 variable Upgrade RC 153600 = = > RC 262144 ST80.2X
    6AV63711DH073LA0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.3客户机升级:从1个客户机升级到3个客户机 WINCC / webnavigator V7.3 client upgrade: upgrade from 1 client to 3 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DH073AM0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.3客户机升级:从3个客户机升级到5个客户机 WINCC / webnavigator V7.3 client upgrade: upgrade from 3 clients to 5 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DH073MB0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.3客户机升级:从5个客户机升级到10个客户机 WINCC / webnavigator V7.3 client upgrade: upgrade from 5 clients to 10 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DH073BC0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.3客户机升级:从10个客户机升级到25个客户机 WINCC / webnavigator V7.3 client upgrade: upgrade from 10 clients to 25 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DH073CD0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.3客户机升级:从25个客户机升级到50个客户机 WINCC / webnavigator V7.3 client upgrade: upgrade from 25 clients to 50 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV96811DH073DG0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.3客户机升级:从50个客户机升级到100个客户机 WINCC / webnavigator V7.3 client upgrade: upgrade from 50 clients to 100 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV96811DH073GH0 WinCC / WebNavigator V7.3客户机升级:从100个客户机升级到150个客户机 WINCC / webnavigator V7.3 client upgrade: upgrade from 100 clients to 150 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DN073LA0 WinCC / DataMonitor V7.3客户机升级:从1个客户机升级到3个客户机 WINCC / Datamonitor V7.3 client upgrade: upgrade from 1 client to 3 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DN073AB0 WinCC / DataMonitor V7.3客户机升级:从3个客户机升级到10个客户机 WINCC / Datamonitor V7.3 client upgrade: upgrade from 3 clients to 10 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DN073BC0 WinCC / DataMonitor V7.3客户机升级:从10个客户机升级到25个客户机 WINCC / Datamonitor V7.3 client upgrade: upgrade from 10 clients to 25 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DN073CD0 WinCC / DataMonitor V7.3客户机升级:从25个客户机升级到50个客户机 WINCC / Datamonitor V7.3 client upgrade: upgrade from 25 clients to 50 clients ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DQ173AB0 WinCC V7.3 变量归档升级:从1500个归档变量升级到5000个归档变量 WINCC V7.3 variable archive upgrade: upgrade from 1500 archive variables to 5000 archive variables ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DQ173BC0 WinCC V7.3 变量归档升级:从5000个归档变量升级到10000个归档变量 WINCC V7.3 variable archive upgrade: upgrade from 5000 archive variables to 10000 archive variables ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DQ173CE0 WinCC V7.3 变量归档升级:从10000个归档变量升级到30000个归档变量 WINCC V7.3 variable archive upgrade: upgrade from 10000 archive variables to 30000 archive variables ST80.2Y
    6AV63711DQ173EG0 WinCC V7.3 变量归档升级:从30000个归档变量升级到80000个归档变量 WINCC V7.3 variable archive upgrade: upgrade from 30000 archive variables to 80000 archive variables ST80.2Y
    6AV63812AA073AV3 WinCC RT亚洲版升级包 从v7.2升级到v7.3 Upgrade package of WinCC RT Asia from v7.2 to V7.3 ST80.2Z
    6AV63812AA073AV4 WinCC RT亚洲版升级包 从v6.2升级到v7.3  (备注:亚洲版v7.0>v7.3,选6AV63812AA073AX4) Upgrade WinCC RT Asian version upgrade package from V6.2 to V7.3 (Note: Asian version v7.0>v7.3, select 6av63812aa073ax4) ST80.2Z
    6AV63812AB073AV3 WinCC RC亚洲版升级包 从v7.2升级到v7.3 Upgrade package of WinCC RC Asia from v7.2 to V7.3 ST80.2Z
    6AV63812AB073AV4 WinCC RC亚洲版升级包 从v6.2升级到v7.3  (备注:亚洲版v7.0>v7.3,选6AV63812AB073AX4) Upgrade WinCC RC Asian version upgrade package from V6.2 to V7.3 (Note: Asian version v7.0>v7.3, select 6av63812ab073ax4) ST80.2Z
    6AV63812BC073AX0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.3 欧洲版128 外部变量 (RT 128), 亦可做客户机/服务器架构的客户机(不带组态功能) WINCC system software running version V7.3 European version 128 external variable (RT 128), can also be used as a client of client / server architecture (without configuration function) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BD073AX0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.3 欧洲版 512 外部变量 (RT 512) WINCC system software running version V7.3 European version 512 external variables (RT 512) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BE073AX0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.3 欧洲版 2048 外部变量 (RT 2048) WINCC system software running version V7.3 European version 2048 external variables (RT 2048) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BH073AX0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.3 欧洲版 8192 外部变量 (RT 8192) WINCC system software running version V7.3 European version 8192 external variables (RT 8192) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BF073AX0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.3 欧洲版 65536 外部变量 (RT 65536) WINCC system software running version V7.3 European version 65536 external variables (RT 65536) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BJ073AX0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.3 欧洲版 102400 外部变量 (RT 102400) WINCC system software running version V7.3 European version 102400 external variables (RT 102400) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BK073AX0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.3 欧洲版 153600 外部变量 (RT 153600) WINCC system software running version V7.3 European version 153600 external variables (RT 153600) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BL073AX0 WinCC 系统软件运行版 V7.3 欧洲版 262144 外部变量 (RT 262144) WINCC system software running version V7.3 European version 262144 external variables (RT 262144) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BM073AX0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.3 欧洲版128 外部变量 (RC 128),亦可做客户机/服务器架构的客户机(带组态功能) WINCC system software full version V7.3 European version 128 external variables (RC 128) can also be used as clients of client / server architecture (with configuration function) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BN073AX0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.3 欧洲版 512 外部变量 (RC 512) WINCC system software full version V7.3 European version 512 external variables (RC 512) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BP073AX0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.3 欧洲版 2048 外部变量 (RC 2048) WINCC system software full version V7.3 European version 2048 external variables (RC 2048) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BS073AX0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.3 欧洲版 8192 外部变量 (RC 8192) WINCC system software full version V7.3 European version 8192 external variables (RC 8192) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BQ073AX0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.3 欧洲版 65536 外部变量 (RC65536) WINCC system software full version V7.3 European version 65536 external variables (rc65536) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BT073AX0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.3 欧洲版 102400 外部变量 (RC 102400) WINCC system software full version V7.3 European version 102400 external variables (RC 102400) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BU073AX0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.3 欧洲版 153600 外部变量 (RC 153600) WINCC system software full version V7.3 European version 153600 external variable (RC 153600) ST80.2T
    6AV63812BV073AX0 WinCC 系统软件完全版 V7.3 欧洲版 262144外部变量 (RC 262144) WINCC system software full version V7.3 European version 262144 external variables (RC 262144) ST80.2T
    6AV63812AA073AX3 WinCC RT 从v7.2升级到v7.3 WINCC RT upgraded from v7.2 to V7.3 ST80.2Z
    6AV63812AA073AX4 WinCC RT 从v6.2/v7.0升级到v7.3 WINCC RT upgraded from v6.2/v7.0 to V7.3 ST80.2Z
    6AV63812AB073AX3 WinCC RC 从v7.2升级到v7.3 WINCC RC upgraded from v7.2 to V7.3 ST80.2Z
    6AV63812AB073AX4 WinCC RC 从v6.2/v7.0升级到v7.3 WINCC RC upgraded from v6.2/v7.0 to V7.3 ST80.2Z
    6AV63611AA014AA0 SIMATIC Process Historian 数据服务器 SIMATIC process historian data server ST80.2T
    6AV63611BA014AA0 SIMATIC Process Historian 数据服务器冗余包
    – 2
    SIMATIC Process Historian 数据服务器
    – 2SIMATIC Process Historian Redundancy冗余选件
    SIMATIC process historian data server redundancy package


    -2 SIMATIC process historian data servers

    -2 SIMATIC process historian redundancy options“

    6AV63611CA000AD0 SIMATIC Process Historian Redundancy 数据服务器冗余选件 SIMATIC process historian redundancy data server redundancy option ST80.2T
    6AV63611HA014AB0 SIMATIC Process Historian OPC UA Server 中央数据库OPC UA服务器选件 SIMATIC process historian OPC UA server central database OPC UA server option ST80.2T
    6AV63612AA014AA0 SIMATIC Information Server信息服务器基本系统, 包括:
    信息服务器 – 3个客户端访问授权
    信息服务器 – 1个数据源访问授权
    SIMATIC information server basic information server system, including:

    -Information server

    -Information server – 3 client access authorizations

    -Information server – 1 data source access authorization“

    6AV63612BD000AD0 SIMATIC INFO SERVER 信息服务器 – 1个客户端访问授权 SIMATIC info server – 1 client access authorization ST80.2Y
    6AV63612BE000AD0 SIMATIC INFO SERVER 信息服务器 – 3个客户端访问授权 SIMATIC info server information server – 3 client access authorizations ST80.2Y
    6AV63612BF000AD0 SIMATIC INFO SERVER 信息服务器 – 5个客户端访问授权 SIMATIC info server information server – 5 client access authorizations ST80.2Y
    6AV63612BG000AD0 SIMATIC INFO SERVER 信息服务器 – 10个客户端访问授权 SIMATIC info server – 10 client access authorizations ST80.2Y
    6AV63612CD000AD0 SIMATIC INFO SERVER 信息服务器 – 1个数据源访问授权 SIMATIC info server information server – 1 data source access authorization ST80.2Y
    6AV63612CE000AD0 SIMATIC INFO SERVER 信息服务器 – 3个数据源访问授权 SIMATIC info server information server – 3 data source access authorization ST80.2Y
    9AE71102SS101AA0 用于多个独立的生产单元的配方/生产数据管理,无作业控制:
    PM-CONTROL满足FDA关于审计追踪和电子签名方面的需求 ( FDA  21 CFR Part11)
    Formula / production data management for multiple independent production units, no job control:

    The openness of pm-control allows it to seamlessly connect with higher-level systems (such as MRP system) at the operation and production control level.

    Pm-control meets FDA’s requirements for audit trail and electronic signature (i.e. FDA 21 CFR Part11).

    9AE71102SS201AA0 用于一个生产单元的配方/生产数据管理和作业控制:

    PM-CONTROL满足FDA关于审计追踪和电子签名方面的需求 ( FDA  21 CFR Part11)
    Recipe / production data management and job control for a production unit:

    The integrated operation control can modify the production and scheduling plan and arrange the formula data.

    The openness of pm-control allows it to seamlessly connect with higher-level systems (such as MRP system) at the operation and production control level.

    Pm-control meets FDA’s requirements for audit trail and electronic signature (i.e. FDA 21 CFR Part11).

    9AE71102SS301AA0 用于多个独立或互联的生产单元的配方/生产数据管理和作业控制:

    PM-CONTROL满足FDA关于审计追踪和电子签名方面的需求 ( FDA  21 CFR Part11)
    Recipe / production data management and job control for multiple independent or interconnected production units:

    The integrated operation control can modify the production and scheduling plan and arrange the formula data.

    The openness of pm-control allows it to seamlessly connect with higher-level systems (such as MRP system) at the operation and production control level.

    Pm-control meets FDA’s requirements for audit trail and electronic signature (i.e. FDA 21 CFR Part11).

    9AE71104SC031AA0 作为服务器客户机架构的客户机 Client as server client architecture
    9AE71112SS201AA0 用于某一个生产单元的数据采集和归档:
    生产数据、操作信息、故障信息,以及实验分析数据可根据需求保存在批次的归档系统中。数据可通过趋势曲线或批次报表灵活进行展示;PM-QUALITY高度透明化的批次生产参数,对质量控制和验证意义重大, 尤其有FDA要求时。
    Data collection and archiving for a production unit:

    A modular production information archiving system oriented to batch production or job control is provided. Production data, operation information, fault information, and experimental analysis data can be saved in the batch filing system according to needs. Data can be displayed flexibly through trend curve or batch report; Pm-quality highly transparent batch production parameters are of great significance to quality control and verification, especially when required by FDA.

    9AE71112SS301AA0 用于多个独立或互联的生产单元的数据采集和归档 (并行批次)
    生产数据、操作信息、故障信息,以及实验分析数据可根据需求保存在批次的归档系统中。数据可通过趋势曲线或批次报表灵活进行展示;PM-QUALITY高度透明化的批次生产参数,对质量控制和验证意义重大, 尤其有FDA要求时。
    Data collection and archiving for multiple independent or interconnected production units (parallel batches):

    A modular production information archiving system oriented to batch production or job control is provided. Production data, operation information, fault information, and experimental analysis data can be saved in the batch filing system according to needs. Data can be displayed flexibly through trend curve or batch report; Pm-quality highly transparent batch production parameters are of great significance to quality control and verification, especially when required by FDA.

    9AE71112SS301BA0 用于将WinCC冗余服务器的数据融合到独立的数据中心(此数据中心需要额外的SQL Server授权),两个WinCC冗余系统均需要此软件包:
    提供了以批次生产或作业控制为导向的模块化的生产信息归档系统。 生产数据、操作信息、故障信息,以及实验分析数据可根据需求保存在批次的归档系统中。数据可通过趋势曲线或批次报表灵活进行展示;PM-QUALITY高度透明化的批次生产参数,对质量控制和验证意义重大, 尤其有FDA要求时。
    It is used to integrate the data of WinCC redundant server into an independent data center (this data center requires additional SQL server authorization). This software package is required for both WinCC redundant systems:

    A modular production information archiving system oriented to batch production or job control is provided. Production data, operation information, fault information, and experimental analysis data can be saved in the batch filing system according to needs. Data can be displayed flexibly through trend curve or batch report; Pm-quality highly transparent batch production parameters are of great significance to quality control and verification, especially when required by FDA.

    9AE71114SC011AA0 作为服务器客户机架构的客户机 Client as server client architecture
    9AE71042SS301AA0 PM-MAINT是专业的、系统的生产设备维护管理平台。
    Pm-maint is a professional and systematic production equipment maintenance and management platform.

    The daily maintenance plan based on calendar scheduling can be realized, and the maintenance plan based on equipment status and events (such as alarm or failure) can also be realized; Pm-maint system can intelligently analyze the best time for maintenance of computing equipment and track the whole maintenance process; Establish and implement systematic equipment maintenance process and maintenance cost analysis.

    9AE71044SC001AA0 作为服务器客户机架构的客户机 Client as server client architecture
    9AE71121SS011AA0 可对一个或多个WinCC 系统以及 WinCC Flexible(操作屏)系统的报警消息进行集中分析。 如:故障出现频率分析、故障持续时间分析等;以帮助工厂提高设备生产力和产品质量。 The alarm messages of one or more WinCC systems and WinCC flexible system can be centrally analyzed. Such as: failure frequency analysis, failure duration analysis, etc; To help the factory improve equipment productivity and product quality.
    9AE71124SC011AA0 作为服务器客户机架构的客户机 Client as server client architecture
    9AE71172SS011AA0 用于PM-QUALITY, PM-CONTROL, PM-MAINT服务器与SIMATIC WinCC之间的通信(包括数据和报警消息)。
    如果PM-QUALITY/PM-CONTROL/PM-MAINT 服务器安装在独立的PC上, 每个WinCC系统连接均需要一个PM-AGENT授权
    Used for communication (including data and alarm messages) between pm-quality, pm-control, pm-maint server and SIMATIC WinCC.

    If the pm-quality/pm-control/pm-maint server is installed on a separate PC, a pm-agent authorization is required for each WinCC system connection“



    Contact information

    Export DepartmentTony Phone: +86 18080158435

    Purchase SIMATIC WinCC V7.4 & V7.3 parts with CPMC, China Supplier, Our Team will help grow your esteemed business further!

    For  SIMATIC WinCC V7.4 & V7.3 parts Price and Availability in China, Please Submit a Quick RFQ, we will answer you soon!

    Learn more about Air Compressors Trade – Chengdu Pudding Mechatronic Co.CPMC distribution network! we are proud to offer better prices and we assure you win with our strong support.

    102 thoughts on “SIMATIC WinCC V7.4& V7.3 common order number catalogue of Chinese suppliers

    1. Knowledge Sourcing says:

      Modern centrifugal compressors are equipped with sophisticated control systems that allow for precise regulation of air pressure and flow. These systems enable adaptive performance based on real-time demand, further improving efficiency and performance.

    2. Ali says:

      Dear :sir/madam

      I hope this email finds you well.
      I am  Eng. Ali yousee   representing  Power Tech for Engineering & construction.
      We are interested in establishing a business partnership with your company to fulfill the requirements
      We would like to get a quote for 4 complete units  of air compressor and dryers with  control systems according to following details:
      – Atlas copco air compressor screw oil injected Model:GA132-7.5 bar,  4 units
      -Atlas copco air compressor screw oil injected Model:GA110-7.5 bar ,4units
      – Atlas copco twin tower heatless adsorption dryer Model:CD480+ / 4 units 
      – Atlas copco twin tower heatless adsorption dryer Model:CD400+ , 4units
      – Atlas copco Equalizer pro.4 (EQ) control system up to 4 compressors
      – others Accessories for installation

      Best regards

      Ali Yousee
      Power Tech for Engineering and construction
      Yemen,sanaa Almatar street
      Phon : +967777605085
      Email: in**@up****.ye/in**@hy********.ye

      • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

        Thanks Ali for your message on our website, we well received and our team should have quoted to you via email. We welcome your RFQs and orders. Looking forward to supporting your business with our strong supply chain worldwide. Tony, funder of CPMC!

    3. matheus says:

      I want to buy several Sandvik parts, I currently buy from Türkiye and would like more reliable suppliers

      • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

        Thank you for your message RFQ on our website, we welcome your inquiries and orders on Sandvik, Epiroc drilling and mining equipment parts, and Atlas Copco, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Doosan, Gardner Denver, Sullair air compressors spare parts. Please always feel free to write an email to us when you have RFQs and orders demand. Thank you, Tony, funder of CPMC.

    4. Dan Schwartman says:

      Dear, Good day

      We kindly ask you to send us by email information about the price and
      other conditions for the supply of the material described below:

      Item Description

      04 – UNTS

      1503037780-J ATLAS COPCO

      HS CODE, Delivery Time, Taxes.
      Payment conditions
      Technical information: Datasheet/Drawing
      Send Certificates (if applicable)
      Weight and dimensions estimate

      King regards,

      • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

        Thank you Dan for your comments and RFQ leaving on our website, our team will check and quote to you on Monday via email. If you need any other genuine parts for Atlas Copco, Epiroc drilling and mining equipment parts, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Gardner Denver, Doosan, Sullair, etc, feel free to contact with us.

    5. Александр Петрович Малухин says:

      Добрый день просим рассмотреть возможность поставки фильтров на компрессор ZH 7000-6-7(р/комплекты,фильтры, сепаратор, клапана)

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