Honeywell Controllers and Modules Parts Catalog Latest Update by China Supplier


If you are looking for Honeywell Genuine controllers or modules for your industrial automation system, welcome to check out some of our common models and our company will work out the fantastic prices as soon as possible.

Genuine Honeywell Controllers and Modules – Industry Automation Reliable Solution

Honeywell Parts Numbers/Models Reliable China Supplier Price Stock and Leading Time
CONTROL FIREWALL 10TA, 8 PORT +1 UPLINKMANUFACT URER: HONEYWELL  PART NO.: CC-TCF901 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
CONTROL FIREWALL MODULE8 PORT +1 UPLINKMANUFACT URER: HONEYWELL  PART:NO: CC-PCF901 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
BATTERY AND KEY SWITCH MODULEMANUFAC TURER: HONEYWELL PART NO.: FC-BKM-001 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
POWER SUPPLY UNIT 24/5 VDC, 16AMANUFACTURE R: HONEYWELL PART NO.: FC-PSU-240516 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
FS HD ANALOGUE INPUT MODULE24 VDC 16 CHANNELSMANUF ACTURER: HONEYWELL PART NO.: FC-SAI-1620M Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
FS DIGITAL INPUT MODULE24VDC 16 CHANNELSMANUF ACTURER: HONEYWELL PART NO.: FC-SDI-1624 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
FS DIGITAL OUTPUT MODULE24 VDC, 0.55 A, 8 CHANNELSMANUF ACTURER: HONEYWELL PART NO.: FC-SCDO-0824 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
BUS TERMINATORFOR REDUNDANT INPUT/OUTPUTMAN UFACTURER: HONEYWELL PART NO.: FC-TERM-0002 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
24VDC TO 30 VDC/1A CONVERTERMANU FACTURER: HONEYWELL PART NO.: FC-TPSU-2430 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
UNIVERSAL SAFETY INTERFACEMANUF ACTURER: HONEYWELLPART NO.: FC-USI-0001 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PAON01 DIGITAL OUTPUT MODULE Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PDOB01 DIGITAL OUTPUT MODULE Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell Honeywell CC-PAIN01 Analog Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell Honeywell CC-TAIN01 Analog Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PDIL51 Digital Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-TDIL51 Digital Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HoneyWell 51402497-200 operation keyboard Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51202329-302 Cable Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-TDIL01 Digital Input Module 51308386-175 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PDIL01 Digital Input Module 51405040-175 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL CC-PCNT01 C300 CONTROLLER MODULE Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-TCNT01 Controller 51308307-175 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-CCR014 Redundant Network Interface Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-IDD321 DC Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL MODEL TC-FPDXX2 POWER SUPPLY Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL 51199406-200 control board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL 51303940-150 REVISION G FAN ALARM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell MC-TAMR04 Low Level Analog Input Multiplexer Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL 51202329-720 51202329-721 NSNP Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL 51202329-604 51202329-605 NSNP Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL 51202329-300 51202329-301 NSNP Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL 51202329-200 51202329-201 NSNP Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL 51202329-100 51202329-101 NSNP Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TDC3000 Analog Input High Level Module MC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-TDOL-0724 DIGITAL OUTPUT MODULE Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-TDOL-0724 new module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51204156-175 digital output module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell MC TDOY62 Digital Output 51204156-175 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL 51199929-100 POWER SUPPLY Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401491-100 TC LLMUX Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL 51305072-500 CONTROL BOARD TDC 300 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell redundancy module TC-FTEB01 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell Power Supply Module FC-PSU-240516 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell PLC TC-IAH161 ANALOG INPUT MODULE Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
YAMATAKE HONEYWELL J-HCX00 Power Supply 24VDC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL Keyboard 51196694-300 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305776-100 OEP/IKB Module assembly Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51196694-300 operator keyboard Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL TP-ZSBHM2-100 Control Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL FC-PSU-UNI2450U Power Supply Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51199929-100 Controller Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PCNT01 51405046-175 Controller Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL 51309542-175 FTA W/HART MODULE Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL 51198651-100 control module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL CC-PSP401 control module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL CC-TSP411 control module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL CC-PSV201 control module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL CC-TSV211 control module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL TC-CCR014 reduntancy module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL Winner 05701-A-0361 Engineering Card Gas Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL TC-0DK161 DIGITAL OUTPUT PLC CARD Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
HONEYWELL TC-0AV081 OUTPUT ANALOG MODULE Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-PRS021 51404305-225 module new in stock Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell LLMUX2 51305907-175 Low Level Analog Input Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51202330-200 Series C I/O Link Cable Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51202329-211 Series C I/O Link Cable Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51202329-210 Series C I/O Link Cable Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51202329-615 Series C I/O Link Cable Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51202329-614 Series C I/O Link Cable Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51202329-401 Gray Drop Cable 3 drops 305mm Green Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51202329-400 Gray Drop Cable 3 drops 305mm Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51202329-201 Gray Drop Cable 4 drops 229 mm pitch Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51202329-200 Gray Drop Cable Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51202348-100 Cable Power Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51202335-300 Cable Strap Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51202324-100 Cable Power Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403896-100 Horizontal DC Power Bus Bar Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 8939-HN Fiber Optic Extender Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 8937-HN Fiber Optic Extender Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell F860-CA Redundant Fieldbus Power Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC‐TFB412 C300 Fieldbus Interface IOTA RED Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC‐PCNT01 C300 Controller Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC‐TCNT01 C300 Controller I/O Termination Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC‐PCF901 TDC3000 Control Firewall Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC‐TCF901 CF9 Control Firewall I/O Termination Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PWR401 TDC 3000 Series Power Supply Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PWRB01 TDC 3000 Series Power Supply Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51195153-002 CABLE new in stock Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51198651-100 Controller Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 900P01-0001 HC900 Controller Power Supply Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell DC1202-1-1-0-0-1-0-0-0 UDC1200 Loop Controller Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TDC 3000 51305907-175 MC-TAMR04 LOW LEVEL ANALOG MODULE Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304362-150 UCN Low Level Analog Mux Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51307190-150 ASSY HPM I/O Link CC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell MC-TSIM12 51303932-475 Serial Device Interface Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304584-300 Digital Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell C7061A1012 Dynamic Self Check UV Detector Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell ST7800A1096 7800 Series Burner Control Purge Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell R7861A1026 UV Amplifier Dynamic Self Test Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell RM7800L1012 Programmer Control W/ S7800 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51303948-100 REPLACEMENT Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51400997-200 Enhanced PLC Interface module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403988-150 Comm Controller Pcb Circuit Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell MC-PHAI01 HIGH LEVEL ANALOG IN HART Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 2MLR-AC23 power supply module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FE-ISO-0002 Universal Safety Interface Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PUIO11 Universal I/O Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PUIO01 Universal I/O Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403645-400 Formatted Drives for SBHM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell Fast Ethernet Module 2MLL-EFMTB-CC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 2MLI-CPUU-CC Masterlogic 200 Series CPU Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 2MLI-D28B Digital Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 2MLF-DC8A Output Module 8 Channel D/A Converter Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FXX132 Experion ​Rack 13 Slot Chassis 13 Amp Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-PRS021 51404305-225 C200 Controller Processor Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-IAH161 High Level Analog Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-IDJ161 DC Digital Input Module 24vdc 16pt Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-PCIC02 ControlNet Interface Card (PCI Bus) Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-PCIC01 ControlNet Interface Card (PCI Bus) Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-CCR014 CNI Redundant Net Interface Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FPCXX2 Power Supply 120/240vac Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-0DK161 Digital Output Module PLC Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-0AV081 Logix 5000 Series Analogue Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51307190-150 EHPM I/O Link Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PAIH01 51405038-175 Analog Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PAOH01 51405039-175 Analog Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PDOB01 51405043-175 Digital Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305072-400 Circuit Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 2MLF-DC8A 8 Channel Current Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305072-400 TDC 3000 Input Output Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell  51198947-100 HPM Power Supply Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell  51304485-150 TDC 3000 Digital Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 8C-PAON01 51454357-175 Analog Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PDIL01 51405040-176 Digital Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell C7035A1023 – Minipeeper UV Sensor Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell R7886A1001/U Flame Amplifier Dynamic Self Check Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51303940-100 Fan Alarm Assembly Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10024/I/I Enhanced COM module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10024/I/F Enhanced COM module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10024/H/I Enhanced COM module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10024/H/F Enhanced COM module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10024/F/F Enhanced COM module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10300/1/1 Converter 24V to 5V Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10215/2/1 Safe Digital Output Module 24 Vdc 2 A 4ch CC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10209/2/1 Digital Output module 24 Vdc 0.1 A 16ch Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10208/2/1 3400118 Relay output module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10302/2/1 Watchdog Repeater (WDR) Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10302/1/1 Watchdog Repeater (WDR) Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10216/A/. Range-setting modules Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10216/2/3 Fail-safe loop-monitored Digital Output Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10216/2/1 Fail-safe loop-monitored Digital Output Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10216/1/1 Fail-safe loop-monitored Digital Output Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10215/2/1 Fail-safe Digital Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10215/1/1 Fail-safe Digital Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10214/1/2 Fail-safe Digital Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10213/2/3 Fail-safe Digital Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10213/2/2 Fail-safe Digital Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10213/2/1 Fail-safe Digital Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10213/1/3 Fail-safe Digital Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10213/1/2 Fail-safe Digital Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10213/1/1 Fail-safe Digital Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10212/1/1 Digital output module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10209/2/1 Digital output module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10209/1/1 Digital output module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10208/2/1 Relay output module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10208/1/1 Relay output module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10207/1/1 Intrinsically safe optocoupler output module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10206/2/1 Analog Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10206/1/1 Analog Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10205/A/. Fail-safe Analog Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10205/2/1 Fail-safe Analog Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10205/1/1 Fail-safe Analog Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10203/1/2 Fail-safe Output Module with double Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10201/2/1 Fail-safe Digital Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10201/1/1 Fail-safe Digital Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10105/A/1 Analog Input converter module 0-25MA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10105/2/1 Fail-safe high-density Analog Input Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10104/2/1 Digital input module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10104/1/1 Digital input module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10103/1/2 Intrinsically Safe Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10103/1/1 Intrinsically Safe Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10102/A/. Analog Input converter module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10102/2/1 Fail-safe Analog Input module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10102/1/2 Fail-safe Analog Input module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10102/1/1 Fail-safe Analog Input module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10101/2/3 Fail-safe Digital Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10101/2/2 Fail-safe Digital Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10101/2/1 Fail-safe Digital Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10101/1/3 Fail-safe Digital Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10101/1/2 Fail-safe Digital Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10101/1/1 Fail-safe Digital Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10100/2/1 Horizontal bus driver(HBD) Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10100/1/1 Horizontal bus driver(HBD) Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10008/P4/1 P-Bus backplane module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10008/3/P FSC to P-bus Communication module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10008/2/U FSC-SMM Communication module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10007/1/1 Single bus driver SBD Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10006/O/1 DBM-to-aerial assembly Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10006/2/2 Diagnostic and battery module DBM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10006/1/1 Diagnostic and battery module DBM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10005/O/1 Watchdog horizontal bus Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10005/1/1 Watchdog Module (WM) Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 1004/I/1 Isolated RS485/RS422 Interface Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 1004/H/1 RS422 interface with readback Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 1004/G/1 Glass fiber Interface Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 1004/F/1 Tri-state RS232C Interface Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 1004/E/1 Current loop Interface Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 1004/B/1 RS232C Interface Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 1004/1/1 Communication module(COM) Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10003/1/1 Memory module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10002/1/2 Central processor unit CPU Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10002/1/1 Central processor unit CPU Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10001/R/1 Vertical bus driver (VBD) Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 10001/1/1 Vertical bus driver (VBD) Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 621-9940C Serial I/O Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 621-9939C Serial Link Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 621-9938RC Redundant Serial I/O Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 621-6550RC 24Vdc Source Output 16 point Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 621-3580RC 24Vac Input Module 32 point Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 621-3560RC 24Vac Input Module 16 point Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 621-2201RC 230Vac Isolated Output 6 point Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 621-1250RC 240Vac Input Module 16 point Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 621-0021RC Enhanced Diagnostics Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 620-0085 2048 I/O Control Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 620-0080 620-35 Processor Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 620-0056 Register Module-4K * 4K Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 620-0054 620-35 System Control Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 620-0036 Processor Power Supply Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 620-0024 24K Memory Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 9904-TPS ControlNet T Tap straight angle Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 9904-TPR ControlNet T Tap right angle Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 83957061-002 FUSE 0.5 AMP Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80367163-001 HPM Analog Input Adapter EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80367031-208 CONN BLK 8PT TE EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366484-175 HPM Anlog Output FTA EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366484-125 Anlog Output FTA SCREW EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366481-175 HDIO Anlog Output FTA EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366481-125 Anlog Output COMP EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366198-100 BRIDGE CBL 1M MU-KBFT01 EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366195-175 HDIO HLAI FTA EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366195-150 HDIO HLAI/STI EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366195-125 HLAI FTA COMPR EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366195-100 HLAI RED COMP EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366192-150 HDIO HLAI/STI EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366192-100 HLAI FTA SCR MU-TAIH62 EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366189-175 HDIO Digital Output Relay 24VDC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366189-125 Digital Output Relay 24VDC COMP EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366189-100 HD Digital Output Relay 24VDC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366186-175 HDIO Digital Output Relay 24VDC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366186-125 FTA Digital Output Relay 24VDC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366186-100 FTA Digital Output Relay 24VDC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366183-175 HDIO Digital Output 24VDC COMP EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366183-125 FTA Digital Output 24VDC COMP EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366183-100 FTA Digital Output 24VDC COMP EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366180-175 HDIO Digital Input 24VDC COMP Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366180-125 FTA Digital Input 24VDC COMP Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366180-100 FTA Digital Input 24VDC COMP Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366177-250 FTA Analog Output COMP W/STBY EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366177-200 MU-TAOY23 Analog Output COMP Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80366177-100 HD FTA Analog Output COMP W/STBY EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80364013-175 HDIO Digital Output 24VDC SCREW EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80364013-125 FTA Digital Output 24VDC SCREW EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80364013-100 FTA Digital Output 24VDC SCREW EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80364010-175 FTA Digital Input 24VDC SCREW EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80364010-125 FTA Digital Input 24VDC SCREW EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80364010-100 FTA Digital Input 24VDC SCREW EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80364007-250 Analog Output FTA SCR EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80364007-200 MU-TAOY53 Analog Output FTA SCR Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80364007-100 Analog Output FTA SCR EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80363975-150 MC-PDOY22 Digital Output IOP 32 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80363975-100 MU-PDOY22 Digital Output IOP 32 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80363972-150 MC-PDIY22 Digital Input IOP 24VDC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80363972-100 MU-PDIY22 Digital Input IOP 24VDC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80363969-150 HPM HD I/O IOP EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80363969-100 HPM HD I/O IOP EA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80360230-001 I/O Module CLI Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80360209-001 I/O Module CLI Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80360206-001 Computer Gateway CLI Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80364013-175 HDIO Digital Output FTA EA 51204156 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80364010-175 Digital Input 24VDC SCR EA 51204154 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 80364010-125 Digital Input 24VDC SCR EA 51204154 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 42622268002 16ch Analog Input(HART) FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30754661-011 Fuse Subminiature .25 Amp Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731808-503 TDC 2000 Regulator Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731808-004 TDC 2000 Regulator Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731808-003 TDC 2000 Regulator Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731808-002 TDC 2000 Regulator Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731808-001 TDC 2000 Regulator Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731808-501 TDC 2000 Regulator Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731811-501 TDC 2000 Output Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731811-001 TDC 2000 Output Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731814-505 TDC 2000 Hiway 2 Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731814-504 TDC 2000 Hiway 2 Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731814-004 TDC 2000 Hiway 2 Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731814-005 TDC 2000 Hiway 2 Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731817-506 TDC 2000 Hiway 1 Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731817-505 TDC 2000 Hiway 1 Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731817-504 TDC 2000 Hiway 1 Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731817-004 TDC 2000 Hiway 1 Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731817-005 TDC 2000 Hiway 1 Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731817-006 TDC 2000 Hiway 1 Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731820-501 TDC 2000 DEP Interface Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731820-001 TDC 2000 DEP Interface Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731823-501 TDC 2000 A/D MUX Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731823-001 TDC 2000 A/D MUX Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell30731829-506 TDC 2000 Solid State Memory Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell30731829-006 TDC 2000 Solid State Memory Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731900-011 TDC 2000 Card File Backplane Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731832-501 TDC 2000 Processor Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731832-502 TDC 2000 Processor Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731832-503 TDC 2000 Processor Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731832-504 TDC 2000 Processor Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731832-505 TDC 2000 Processor Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731832-506 TDC 2000 Processor Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731832-007 TDC 2000 Processor Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731832-006 TDC 2000 Processor Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731832-005 TDC 2000 Processor Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731832-004 TDC 2000 Processor Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731832-003 TDC 2000 Processor Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731832-002 TDC 2000 Processor Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731832-001 TDC 2000 Processor Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30732037-001 TDC 2000 Display Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30731996-002 TDC 2000 Ohm Resistor (single) Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30732219-001 TDC 2000 Cable Logic Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30732254-001 TDC 2000 Display Generator DMA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30732233-001 TDC 2000 Cable Driver & Detectors Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30732269-001 TDC 2000 Memory DMA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30732266-001 TDC 2000 Operator Station Memory Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30732425-001 TDC 2000 Recorder Interface Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30732269-002 TDC 2000 Memory DMA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30732386-501 TDC 2000 GPCI Test Logic Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30732386-001 TDC 2000 GPCI Test Logic Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30732393-501 TDC 2000 GPCI Driver/Receiver Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30732393-001 TDC 2000 GPCI Driver/Receiver Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30732480-001 TDC 2000 Power Supply/Charger Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30732439-003 TDC 2000 Display Generator Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30733155-001 TDC 2000 Regulator Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30732418-001 TDC 2000 Power Supply Assy Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30733157-001 TDC 2000 Cable I/F Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30733159-002 TDC 2000 Driver/Detector Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30733159-001 TDC 2000 Driver/Detector Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30733262-001 TDC 2000 Cassette Interface Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30733174-002 TDC 2000 Hiway Traffic Director Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30733174-001 TDC 2000 Hiway Traffic Director Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30734558-001 TDC 2000 Battery Backup Logic Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30734492-001 TDC 2000 Keyboard Interface Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30734772-001 C-AA101 TDC 2000 Auxiliary Alarm Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30734772-002 C-AA201 TDC 2000 Auxiliary Alarm Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735150-003 TDC 2000 Cardfile & Backplane Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30734982-001 TDC 2000 Cassette Bootstrap Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735871-003 TDC 2000 RCD File/Backplane Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735173-002 TDC 2000 Logic Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735857-505 TDC 2000 CB CMOS Memory Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735857-005 TDC 2000 CB CMOS Memory Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735857-001 TDC 2000 CB CMOS Memory Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735857-501 TDC 2000 CB CMOS Memory Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735860-501 TDC 2000 Transceiver – RCD Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735860-001 TDC 2000 Transceiver – RCD Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735863-501 TDC 2000 Switching Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735863-002 TDC 2000 Switching Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735863-502 TDC 2000 Switching Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735863-001 TDC 2000 Switching Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735866-501 TDC 2000 Decoder Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735866-001 TDC 2000 Decoder Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735869-501 TDC 2000 RCD Backplane Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735869-001 TDC 2000 RCD Backplane Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735873-501 TDC 2000 Loop Module Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735873-001 TDC 2000 Loop Module Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735876-001 TDC 2000 Junction Panel Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30752551-001 TDC 2000 Data Hiway Port Backplane Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735887-001 TDC 2000 Printer Interface Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735892-501 TDC 2000 Address Cable Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735892-001 TDC 2000 Address Cable Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735974-502 TDC 2000 Trend Memory Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735974-002 TDC 2000 Trend Memory Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30735974-003 TDC 2000 Trend Memory Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750218-503 TDC 2000 Memory Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750218-003 TDC 2000 Memory Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750218-508 TDC 2000 Memory Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750218-008 TDC 2000 Memory Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750218-509 TDC 2000 Memory Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750218-009 TDC 2000 Memory Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750218-510 TDC 2000 Memory Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750218-010 TDC 2000 Memory Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750218-511 TDC 2000 Memory Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750218-011 TDC 2000 Memory Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750318-502 TDC 2000 Interface w/ DI Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750318-002 TDC 2000 Interface w/ DI Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750318-503 TDC 2000 Interface w/ DI Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750318-003 TDC 2000 Interface w/ DI Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750338-502 TDC 2000 Hiway 2 Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750338-002 TDC 2000 Hiway 2 Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750338-503 TDC 2000 Hiway 2 Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750338-003 TDC 2000 Hiway 2 Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750338-504 TDC 2000 Hiway 2 Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750338-004 TDC 2000 Hiway 2 Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750338-505 TDC 2000 Hiway 2 Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750338-005 TDC 2000 Hiway 2 Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750732-501 TDC 2000 Core Memory 16K Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750732-001 TDC 2000 Core Memory 16K Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750768-501 TDC 2000 Digital Input Output Switch Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750768-001 TDC 2000 Digital Input Output Switch Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750768-502 TDC 2000 Digital Input Output Switch Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750768-002 TDC 2000 Digital Input Output Switch Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750783-503 TDC 2000 Diskette Bootstrap Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750783-003 TDC 2000 Diskette Bootstrap Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750786-501 TDC 2000 Memory Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750786-001 TDC 2000 Memory Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750990-002 TDC 2000 Keyboard Interface Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30750990-001 TDC 2000 Keyboard Interface Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30751044-504 TDC 2000 Controller II ROM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30751044-004 TDC 2000 Controller II ROM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30751044-505 TDC 2000 Controller II ROM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30751044-005 TDC 2000 Controller II ROM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30751044-506 TDC 2000 Controller II ROM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30751044-006 TDC 2000 Controller II ROM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30751044-507 TDC 2000 Controller II ROM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30751044-007 TDC 2000 Controller II ROM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30751044-508 TDC 2000 Controller II ROM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30751044-008 TDC 2000 Controller II ROM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30751044-509 TDC 2000 Controller II ROM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30751044-009 TDC 2000 Controller II ROM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30751044-510 TDC 2000 Controller II ROM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30751044-010 TDC 2000 Controller II ROM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30751315-001 TDC 2000 Terminal Panel Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30751856-001 TDC 2000 Memory Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30751853-001 TDC 2000 Error Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30752588-001 TDC 2000 PC Board CMOS RAM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30752606-501 TDC 2000 Battery Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30752606-001 TDC 2000 Battery Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30752766-501 TDC 2000 RS232C Transceiver Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30752766-001 TDC 2000 RS232C Transceiver Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30752787-001 TDC 2000 Communication Logic Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30752787-502 TDC 2000 Communication Logic Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30752787-002 TDC 2000 Communication Logic Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30752787-503 TDC 2000 Communication Logic Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30752787-003 TDC 2000 Communication Logic Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30752946-501 TDC 2000 Battery Test Assembly Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30752946-001 TDC 2000 Battery Test Assembly Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 38002931-100 TDC 2000 Battery Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 30752948-001 TDC 2000 Battery Assembly Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 38500143-101 TDC 3000 Hub Assembly Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 38500143-100 TDC 3000 Hub Assembly Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 38500143-201 TDC 3000 Hub Assembly Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 38500143-200 TDC 3000 Hub Assembly Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXAD111 TDC 2000 A/D Converter Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APCFA403 TDC 2000 High Level PIU CCFA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXAD611 TDC 2000 A/D Converter Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXAD211 TDC 2000 A/D Converter PIU Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXDH111 TDC 2000 Cable Interface Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXAD911 TDC 2000 A/D Converter PIU Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXDH222 TDC 2000 Data Hiway DMA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXDH122 TDC 2000 Data Hiway DMA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXDH244 TDC 2000 Data Hiway DMA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXDH233 TDC 2000 Data Hiway DMA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXIA122 TDC 2000 Signal Condition Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXIA111 TDC 2000 Signal Condition Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXIA222 TDC 2000 Signal Condition Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXIA211 TDC 2000 Signal Condition Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXIA322 TDC 2000 Signal Condition Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXIA311 TDC 2000 Signal Condition Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXIA811 TDC 2000 Signal Condition Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXIA422 TDC 2000 Signal Condition Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXIA911 TDC 2000 Signal Condition Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXID111 TDC 2000 Digital Input Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXID311 TDC 2000 Digital Input Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXID211 TDC 2000 Digital Input Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXID511 TDC 2000 Digital Input Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXID411 TDC 2000 Digital Input Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXID622 TDC 2000 Digital Input Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXID611 TDC 2000 Digital Input Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXIO211 TDC 2000 Process Interface Unit Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXIO111 TDC 2000 Process Interface Unit Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXIP211 TDC 2000 Pulse Input Slow Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXIP111 TDC 2000 Pulse Input Slow Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXIP411 TDC 2000 Pulse Input Slow Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXIP311 TDC 2000 Pulse Input Slow Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXMD211 TDC 2000 Multiplexer PWB Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXMD111 TDC 2000 MUX Driver Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXOA211 TDC 2000 Analog Output Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXOA111 TDC 2000 Analog Output Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXOD111 TDC 2000 Digital Ouput Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXOA311 TDC 2000 Analog Output Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXOD311 TDC 2000 Digital Output Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXOD211 TDC 2000 Digital Output Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXOD411 TDC 2000 Digital Output Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXPM122 TDC 2000 PROM/RAM PWB Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXPM144 TDC 2000 PROM/RAM PWB Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXPM133 TDC 2000 PROM/RAM PWB Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXPM233 TDC 2000 PROM/RAM PWB Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXPM155 TDC 2000 PIU PROM/RAM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXPR211 TDC 2000 Power Regulator Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXPM333 TDC 2000 PROM/RAM PWB Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXRP111 TDC 2000 Power Supply Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXPR311 TDC 2000 Power Regulator Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXSC311 TDC 2000 Signal Condition Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXSC111 TDC 2000 Signal Condition Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXSM111 TDC 2000 PIU Submultiplexer Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXSD111 TDC 2000 Signal Condition Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXSR211 TDC 2000 Signal Condition Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXSR111 TDC 2000 Signal Condition Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXSV111 TDC 2000 Signal Condition Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXSR311 TDC 2000 Signal Condition Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51103671-100 Current Input daughter board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 4DP7APXSV211 TDC 2000 Signal Condition Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51201420-025 MU-KFTA25 UCN Termination Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51107403-100 TDC 3000 Input Output Address Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51104410-100 Pcb Circuit Board Rev D Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51108088-100 TDC 3000 Input Output Paddle Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51107595-100 TDC 3000 Power Supply Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51108899-100 TDC 3000 LCNFL Paddle Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51108306-200 Desktop Trackball Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51109684-100 PM/APM 20A Power Supply Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51109456-200 TDC 3000 Power Supply Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51109701-100 MP-DFDTM2 TDC 3000 Floppy Disk Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51109701-100 TDC 3000 Floppy Disk Drive Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51195053-100 STDC Smart Transmitter Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51195095-100 5.25″ OP Station Floppy Drive Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51195066-200 TDC 3000 Power Supply 8.75/5.25AMP Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51195156-200 TDC 3000 Bernoulli Drive Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51195156-100 TDC 3000 Bernoulli Drive Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51195156-300 TDC 3000 Bernoulli Drive Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51195499-100 TDC 3000 Five-slot Chassis Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51196653-100 TDC 3000 Five-slot File Power Supply Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51196485-400 Micro Trackball Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51196714-100 Micro Trackball Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51196692-100 TDC 3000 Five-slot Chassis Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51196880-100 TDC 2000 Universal Controller Proc Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51196879-100 TDC 2000 Universal Controller Proc Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51196882-100 TDC 2000 Universal Controller Proc Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51196881-100 TDC 2000 Universal Controller Proc Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51196886-100 TDC 2000 Universal Controller Input Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51196885-100 TDC 2000 Universal Controller Hiway Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51196929-135 ZIP FLOPPY DRIVE Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51196886-200 TDC 2000 Universal Controller Input Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51196989-200 TDC 2000 Universal Regulator Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51196989-100 TDC 2000 Universal Regulator Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51197006-100 21″ CRT Touchscreen Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51197005-200 Touchscreen Controller Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51198831-100 TDC 2000 Universal Controller Hiway Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TK-PRR021 51309288-275 Redundancy Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TK-PRS021 51404305-375 Control Processor Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TK-ODD321 DC Output 24vdc 32 pt Coated Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TK-OAV081 Analog Output 8pt Coated Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TK-IXR061 RTD Input 6pt Coated Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TK-IXL061 Thermocouple Input 6pt Coated Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TK-IDD321 DC Input 24vdc 32pt Coated Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TK-IAH161 Analog Input 16 Module Coated Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TK-FXX132 13 slot chassis coated 13 amp Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TK-FPDXX2 Conformal coated 24VDC power Supply Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TK-CCR014 CNI Redundant Media Coated Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TK-CCR013 CNI Redundant Media Coated Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TP-ZSBHM2-100 Redundant HM to Redundant Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TP-ZSBHM1-100 Redundant HM to Redundant Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TP-ZA2AD7-100 APP PE 2900 Tower LCNP4M Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TP-ZA2AD6-100 APP PE2950 Rack Ready LCNP4M Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TP-ZG2G05-100 GUS WS490 Single Processor Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TP-ZG2G04-100 GUS WS490 Dual Processor Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TP-OPADP1-201 OEP Adapter For Deskside WKS2 24 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TP-OPADP1-200 OEP Adapter 240V Deskside IKB Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403578-100 Operator Keyboard Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TP-LCNP02-100 LCNP4M Interface Card Mid-siz Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TP-LCNECM-100 XLCN Extender SET CE Multimode Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TP-DSOEP1-100 Operator Keyboard Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TP-DOKBNA-100 OEP Keyboard Deskside Gus Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TP-DIKBTA-100 IKB Keyboard w/Trackball Desktop Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-TCXBNC Terminator CNET Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-SWCS30 C300 system controller module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-MUX021 Serial Interface User-Configurable 2 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-MDP081 High Speed Pulse Input 8 Channel Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-KIOL02 Cable, I/O Link Protection, 2M Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-KCCX01 ControlNet Trunk Cable 1M Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-KCC200 ControlNet Trunk Cable 200M Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-TBNH Field Wiring Connector 36 pos Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-TBCH Field Wiring Connector 36 pos Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-SMPD01 Power Adapter Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-SMPC01 Power Adapter Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-RPFS01 Short-Distance Fiber Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-RPFM01 Medium-Distance Fiber Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-RPDXX1 Redundant Power Supply 24 VAC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-RPCXX1 Redundant Power Supply Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-RPA002 ControlNet Repeater Adapter Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-RPADK1 TC-RPAK01 TC-RPDK01 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-RPA001 ControlNet Repeater Adapter Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-PRR021 Redundant Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-PRS021 C200 Controller Processor Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-PNX021 51404305-125 C100 Controller Processor Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-PGCN11 ControlNet Gateway Redundant Media Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-PPD011 Battery Extension Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-PCIC01K ControlNet Interface Card (PCI Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-PBFO01 ControlNet Repeater Adapter Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-ORC081 Relay Discrete Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-ODX161 DC Output (Discrete) 10-30 VDC (Diagnostic) Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-ODX081 AC Output (Discrete) 120 VAC (Diagnostic) Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-ODK161 AC Output Module 120/220vac16pt Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-ODJ161 DC Output Module 24vdc 16pt Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-ODD321 DC Output Module 24vdc 32 pt Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-ODA161 AC Output Module 120/220vac16pt Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-OAV081 Analog Output Module 8-Point Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-OAV061 Analog Output Module 6-Point Current Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-OAH061 Analog Output Module 6-Point Current Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-IXR061 RTD Input Module 6pt Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-IXL062 Thermocouple Input Module 6pt Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-IXL061 Thermocouple Input Module 6pt Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-IOLI01 I/O Lim Assembly Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-IDX161 Diagnostic Discrete Input Module 10-30 VDC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-IDX081 AC Input (Discrete) 120 VAC (Diagnostic) Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-IDW161 AC Input Module 220vac 16pt Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-IDK161 AC Input (Discrete) 120 VAC (Isolated) Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-IDJ161 DC Input Module 24vdc 16pt (isoltd.) Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-IDD321 DC Input Module 24vdc 32pt Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-IDB321 Discrete Input Module 120 VAC 32-Point Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-IDA161 AC Input (Discrete) 120 VAC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-CJRT01 Analog input module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-IAH161 High Level Analog Input Module (10V & 4-20ma) Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-IAH061 High Level Analog Input Module (10V & 4-20ma) Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-HAO081 HART- Analog Output 8-Point Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-HAI081 9 HART- High Level Analog 8-Input Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FXX172 Rack 17 slot chassis 13 amp Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FXX132 Rack 13 Slot Chassis 13 Amp Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FXX102 Rack 10 Slot Chassis 13 Amp Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FXX072 Rack 7 Slot Chassis 13 Amp Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FXX042 Rack 4 Slot Chassis 13 Amp Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FTB3T1 3 – Wire Temperature Terminal Base Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FTB301 3 – Wire Terminal Base Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FTEB01 51309512-125 FTE Bridge Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FPDXX2 24Vvdc Power Supply Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FPCXX2 120/240vac Power Supply Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FOR081 Relay Digital Output Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FOD321 24 Vdc Source Digital Output – Protected Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FOD161 24 Vdc Source Digital Output – Protected Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FODA81 120 Vac Digital Output 8 TC-FTB301 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FOA121 Analog Output 12 TC-FTB3G1 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FOA041 Analog Output 4 TC-FTB301 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FIL081 Thermocouple Analog Input 8 TC-FTB3T1 TC-FIR081 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FIR081 3-wire RTD Analog Input 8 TC-FTB301 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FID321 24 Vdc Sink Digital Input 32 TC-FTB321 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FID161 24 Vdc Sink Digital Input 16 TC-FTB301 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FIDA81 120 Vac Digital Input 8 TC-FTB301 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FIA121 High Level Analog Input 12 TC-FTB3G1 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FIAH81 High Level Analog Input 8 TC-FTB301 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FFRU01 Fiber Module Controlnet 4A Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FFRP02 Fieldbus Rtp Powered Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FFPCX1 24 vdc (1.3 Amp) Power Supply Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FFIF01 51403420-0125 Fieldbus Interface Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FFC100 Emergency Stop Module 24VAC Dual Channel Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FFC050 Emergency Stop Module 24VAC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FFC025 Emergency Stop Module 24VAC Dual Channel Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FFC010 Emergency Stop Module 24VAC Dual Channel Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FCCR01 Gateway ControlNet Adapter Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-FCCN01 ControlNet Gateway Redundant Media Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-CEN021 Ethernet Interface Module 10/100MB Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-CCR014 CNI Module Redundant Media Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-CCR013 CNI Module Redundant Media Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell TC-CCN013 CNI Module Single Media Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell MU-KLAM00 DCS C300 Spare Parts Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell MU-TMCN01 DCS Spare Parts Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell MU-PDIY22 80363972-150 Digital Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell MU-PAOX01 Analog Output IOP R230 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell MP-ZKSDR5-100 K4SDR-16 Upgrade Kit Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell MP-ZPSC16-100 K4SDR-16 Upgrade Kit Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell MP-ZMSE01-100 Mouse Upgrade Kit Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell MP-ZIP100-100 Upgrade Kit Single Bernoulli to Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell MP-ZHMU19-100 HM Upgrade Kit Dual 1.8GB Drives Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell MP-ZHMU18-100 HM Upgrade Kit Dual 1.8GB Drives Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell MC-HPMS01 HPMM BOARD SET – SINGLE Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell MC-HPMR01 HPMM BOARD SET – REDUNDANT Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell MC-HPFX02 TDC 3000 CARD FILE 15 SLOT Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FTA-T-21 3410724 Fail-safe digital input FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FTA-T-02 3410706 Fail-safe digital output FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FS-USI-0001 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FS-TSGAS-1624 3410748 Fail-safe Gas -Flame Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FS-TSDO-0824 Digital Output FTA Moudle Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FS-TSDI-16UNI Digital Input FTA Moudle Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FS-TSAI-1620m Analog Input FTA Fail-safe 0 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FS-TPSU-2430 24 Vdc to 30 Vdc/1 A converter Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FS-SDOL-0424 Digital Output Module 24VDC 1A 4CH Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FS-SDO-0824 Digital Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-USI-0001 Universal Safety Interface Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-TPSU-2430 24 Vdc to 30 Vdc/1 A converter Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-TSDOL-0424C Safe Digital Output FTA 24 Vdc 4ch Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-TSDO-0824C Safe Digital Output FTA 24 Vdc 8ch Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-TSDO-0824 Safe Digital Output FTA 24 Vdc 8ch Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-TSDO-04UNI Safe Digital Output FTA 24 Vdc 4ch Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-TSDO-0424 Safe Digital Output FTA 24 Vdc 4ch Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-TSDI-16115 Safe Digital Input Field Termination Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-TSDI-1624C Safe Digital Input Field Termination Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-TSDI-16UNI Safe Digital Input Field Termination Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-TSAO-0220M Safe Analog Output Module FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-TSAI-0410 Safe Analog Input Module FTA 4ch Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-TIDI-1624 Isolated passive Digital Input Module FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-TDO-1624 Digital Output Module FTA 24 Vdc 16ch Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-SDO-0824 Safe Digital Output Module 24Vdc Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-SDI-1624 Safe Digital Input Module 24Vdc 16ch Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-SDIL-1608 Safety Manager System Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-PDB-0824 Power Distribution Board 8ch.24Vdc 2A Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-IOCHAS-0001R Chassis for redundant I/O module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-IO-0001 I/O Extender Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-DCOM-485 Communication interface FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-DCOM-232 Communication interface FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell FC-BKM-0001 Key and Battery switch Module CC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-SDOR01 Digital Output Relay Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-IP0101 51410056-175 Profibus Dp Gateway Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-TP0X01 Controller card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-TFB401 Fieldbus Interface Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-TDOR11 Digital Output Relay Module 24V IOTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-TDOR01 Digital Output Relay Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-TDOB11 Digital Output Module 24V IOTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-TDOB01 Digital Output Module 24V IOTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-TDI220 Digital Input 24V IOTA Redundant Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-TDIL11 Digital Input 24V IOTA Redundant Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-TDIL01 Digital Input 24V IOTA Redundant Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-TCF901 CF9 Control Firewall Input/Output Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-TAIM01 Low-level analog input module backplane Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-TAOX11 Analog Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-TAOX01 Non-Redund Series C HART Analog Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-TAIX01 Analog Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-TAID01 Analog Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PDIS01 Low Voltage Digital Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PDIH01 Analog Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PCF901 Control Firewall Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PAIN01 51410069-175 Analog Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PAIM01 51405045-175 Low-Level Analog Mux Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PAOX01 HART Analog Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PAIH51 Analog Input with HART Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PAIH02 Analog Input with HART Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PAIH01 Analog Input with HART Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PAIX02 Analog Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PAIX01 51405038-275 Analog Input Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-PFB401 51405044-175 Fieldbus Interface Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-KFSGR5 DCS C300 Spare Parts Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-MCAR01 51403892-100 Carrier Channel Assembly Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-FSMX01 Fibre Optic Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-FCF901 Analog Output Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell CC-CBDD01 Controller Model Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51506481-100 PWA Enhanced PNI Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51405045-175 Low-Level Analog Mux Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51404305-375 PCM Assembly Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51404174-275 PM Power System Assy 20Amp Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51404172-175 Baclpanel PM Power System Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51404170-125 MU-PSRX04 UCN Power System Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51404127-250 HPM File 15 Slot Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403988-150 TDC 3000 HPM Communication Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403776-100 LCNP4M Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403698-100 TDC 3000 Single Board History Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403645-400 SBHM Single Drive Assy Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403519-160 TDC 3000 Memory Processor Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403519-100 TDC 3000 Memory Processor Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403427-275 LIM Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403427-175 LIM Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403422-150 UCN HPM Comm/Controller Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403299-600 TDC 3000 Processor Board LCNP4G Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403299-500 TDC 3000 Processor Board LCNP4G Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403299-400 TDC 3000 Processor Board LCNP4G Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403299-300 TDC 3000 Processor Board LCNP4G Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403299-100 TDC 3000 Processor Board LCNP4G Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403299-200 TDC 3000 Processor Board LCNP4G Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403282-200 LCNP4 w/o card guide Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403282-100 LCNP4 w/o card guide Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403165-400 Keyboard Tray Assy Z CE Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403158-100 Brt/Contrst for CRT on Z Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403157-200 TDC 3000 Auxiliary Power Supply Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51403135-100 Touch Screen Assy 21″ Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51402797-200 LCNP w/ card guide Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51402755-100 K4LCN K4SS Motherboard Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51402645-200 TPDGX card Turbo Peripheral DG – USX Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51402625-175 MC-PDIS12 UCN Digital Input IOP SOE Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51402625-125 MC-PDIS12 UCN Digital Input IOP SOE Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51402615-800 K2LCN-8 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51402615-400 K2LCN-4 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51402615-200 K2LCN-2 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51402610-200 TPDGX card Turbo Peripheral DG – USX Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51402573-250 UCN High-perfomance Process Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51402573-150 UCN High-perfomance Process Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51402447-100 TDC 3000 EPDGC-1 Input Output Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51402447-200 TDC 3000 EPDGC-2 Input Output Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51402184-200 Power Supply Replacement Kit Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51402184-100 Power Supply Replacement Kit Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51402089-100 TDC 3000 Interface Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51402083-400 WSI2 100MHz w/o Graphics Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51402083-300 WSI2 64MHz w/o Graphics Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51402083-200 WSI2 100MHz w/o Graphics Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51402083-100 WSI2 64MHz w/o Graphics Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401975-100 Roving Gray Engineer Keyboard Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401952-200 Keyboard I/F “Z” kybd Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401952-100 Keyboard I/F “Z” kybd Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401583-100 UCN Enhanced Process Network Interface Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401577-100 QWERTY Keyboard KIT Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401573-150 MC-TAMT12 UCN Low Level MUX TC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401573-100 MU-TAMT12 UCN Low Level MUX TC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401560-100 QWERTY Membrane Keyboard Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401547-100 UCN Redundant Input Output File Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401491-150 MC-TAMT02 UCN Low Level MUX TC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401491-100 MU-TAMT02 UCN Low Level MUX TC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401497-100 TDC 3000 Dual Node Power Supply Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401496-100 TDC 3000 Dual Node Fan Assembly Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401364-100 UCN RTD Daughter Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401220-100 MU-TDOD11 UCN Digital Output Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401216-100 UCN Power System Controller Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401214-100 UCN Power System Housing Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401201-100 MU-TDID11 UCN Digital Input FTA 24V Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401988-150 HPM Comm Control Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401946-100 TDC 3000 68040 K4LCN Processor Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401642-150 UCN HPM Input Output Link Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401422-150 HPM Comm Control Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401291-100 TDC 3000 Low Power LCN Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401288-200 TDC 3000 HPK2-3 Processor 68020 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401288-100 TDC 3000 HPK2 Processor 68020 w/2 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401286-100 TDC 3000 Interface Card Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401191-100 MU-TDOR11 UCN Digital Output FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401186-100 MU-TDIA11 UCN Digital Input FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401183-100 UCN Low Level Analog Input Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401163-100 TDC 3000 Process Network Modem-NIM Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401140-850 Power System AC 240VAC 8A Redundant Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401140-450 Power System AC 240VAC 16A Redundant 51401135-350 PWA Redundant Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401135-350 PWA Redundant Power Supply 230VAC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401088-100 TDC 3000 CNI Interface 51401088-100 Plant Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401072-300 TDC 3000 Enhanced Memory Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401072-200 TDC 3000 QMEM-2 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51401052-100 TDC 3000 History Module SPC Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51400997-200 TDC 3000 PLC Gateway Interface Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51400997-100 TDC 3000 PLC Gateway Interface Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51400988-200 Touchscreen Smart Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51400988-100 Touchscreen Smart Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51400978-100 TDC 3000 Processor Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51400972-100 TDC 3000 Keyboard Interface Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51400955-100 TDC 3000 Process Network Interface Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51400910-100 1 M-Word Enhanced Memory Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51400855-100 SIO Board (Trend Pen) Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51400822-200 Touch Screen pre-smart Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51400771-100 Operator Keyboard Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51400751-100 Engineer’s Keyboard Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51400712-200 TDC 3000 10-slot Chassis Power Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51400712-100 TDC 3000 Five-slot Chassis Power Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51400700-100 TDC 3000 Data Hiway Interface Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51400667-100 TDC 3000 LCN Interface Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51400646-100 TDC 3000 Five-slot Chassis Fan Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309540-175 Analog Output GI/IS FTA(16)HART Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309516-175 SI power Adapter Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309512-175 FTE Bridge Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309288-375 UCN Power Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309276-150 UCN HPM I/O Link Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309241-175 Battery Extension Module Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309223-175 MC-TAMT03 UCN Low Level MUX FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309223-125 MU-TAMT03 UCN Low Level MUX FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309218-175 MC-TAMR03 UCN Low Level MUX FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309218-125 MU-TAMR03 UCN Low Level MUX FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309213-175 MC-TAMT13 UCN Low Level MUX FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309213-125 MU-TAMT13 UCN Low Level MUX FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309204-175 MC-TLPA02 UCN LLMux/SDI/SI Power Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309204-125 MU-TLPA02 UCN LLMux/SDI/SI Power Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309202-175 MC-TAIL03 UCN Low Level Analog Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309202-125 MU-TAIL03 UCN Low Level Analog Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309154-275 MC-TDOD63 UCN Digital Output FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309154-225 MU-TDOD63 UCN Digital Output FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309154-175 MC-TDOD23 UCN Digital Output FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309154-125 MU-TDOD23 UCN Digital Output FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309153-275 MC-TDOD54 UCN Digital Output FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309153-225 MU-TDOD54 UCN Digital Output FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309153-175 MC-TDOD14 UCN Digital Output FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309153-125 MU-TDOD14 UCN Digital Output FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309152-175 MC-PAOX33 UCN Analog Output IOP Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309150-175 UCN Digital Output DO FTA 240V Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309150-125 MU-TDOR22 UCN Digital Output DO Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309148-275 MC-TDOR52 UCN Digital Output DO Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309148-225 MU-TDOR52 UCN Digital Output DO Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309148-175 MC-TDOR12 UCN Digital Output DO Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309148-125 MU-TDOR12 UCN Digital Output DO Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309142-175 MC-TSTX13 UCN Smart Transmitter Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309142-125 MU-TSTX13 UCN Smart Transmitter Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309140-175 MC-TSTX03 UCN Smart Transmitter Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309140-125 MU-TSTX03 UCN Smart Transmitter Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309138-275 MC-TAIH53 UCN High Level Analog Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309138-225 MU-TAIH53 UCN High Level Analog Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309138-175 MC-TAIH13 UCN High Level Analog Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309138-125 MU-TAIH13 UCN High Level Analog Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309136-175 MC-TAIH03 UCN High Level Analog Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51309136-125 MU-TAIH03 UCN High Level Analog Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51308035-100 TDC 3000 Manifold PWA for Operator Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51308111-002 Cable Set LCN Coax 2M Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51308014-100 TDC 3000 Power Display Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51308012-100 TDC 3000 Power Display Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305907-175 MC-TAMR04 UCN Low Level Analog Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305896-200 PWA NIM Modem Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305890-175 UCN Low Level MUX FTA Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305557-100 TDC 3000 Power Cord 220VAC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305517-100 TDC 3000 LCNP4 Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305508-200 TDC 3000 XLCNE2 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305508-100 TDC 3000 XLCNE2 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305430-100 TDC 3000 Input Output Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305380-100 Cable MAU EC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305378-100 TDC 3000 Input Output Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305348-100 TDC 3000 Input Output Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305334-100 TDC 3000 Input Output Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305075-100 TDC 3000 Input Output Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305072-900 TDC 3000 Input Output Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305072-800 TDC 3000 Input Output Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305072-700 TDC 3000 Input Output Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305072-600 TDC 3000 Input Output Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305072-500 TDC 3000 Input Output Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305072-300 TDC 3000 Input Output Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305072-200 TDC 3000 Input Output Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51305072-100 TDC 3000 Input Output Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304947-100 TDC 3000 Work Station Input Output Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304924-100 TDC 3000 Input Output Board for UXS Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304924-200 TDC 3000 Input Output Board for UXS Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304907-200 TDC 3000 Statistical Process Control Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304907-100 TDC 3000 Statistical Process Control Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304903-200 TDC 3000 Wren Drive Interface Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304903-100 TDC 3000 Input Output Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304831-100 TDC 3000 Input Output Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304812-200 TDC 3000 Input Output Adapter Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304812-100 TDC 3000 Input Output Board Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304754-150 MC-PAIH03 UCN High Level Analog Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304754-100 MU-PAIH03 UCN High Level Analog Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304748-175 MC-GAIH22 UCN High Level Analog Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304748-125 MU-GAIH22 UCN High Level Analog Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304736-375 MC-GDOL82 DO FTA GI W/LFD Digital Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304736-325 MU-GDOL82 DO FTA GI W/LFD Digital Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304736-175 MC-GDOL12 DO FTA GI W/LFD Digital Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304736-125 MU-GDOL12 DO FTA GI W/LFD Digital Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304730-375 MC-GAIH84 UCN Auxiliary & High Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304730-325 MU-GAIH84 UCN Auxiliary & High Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304730-175 MC-GAIH14 UCN Auxiliary & High Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304730-125 MU-GAIH14 GI/IS FTA Aux & Hi V Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304728-375 MC-GDID83 DI FTA GI Digital Input Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304728-325 MU-GDID83 DI FTA GI Digital Input Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304728-175 MC-GDID13 DI FTA GI Digital Input Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304728-125 MU-GDID13 DI FTA GI/IS Digital Input Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304718-375 MC-GAIH83 HLAI FTA GI High Level Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304718-325 MU-GAIH83 HLAI FTA GI High Level Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304718-200 HLAI/STI High Level Analog Input Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304718-175 MC-GAIH13 HLAI FTA GI High Level Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304718-125 MU-GAIH13 HLAI FTA GI/IS High Level Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304690-100 MU-PDIS11 DI IOP Digital Input SOE Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304685-250 Advanced Communication Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304685-200 Advanced Communication Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304685-150 Advanced Communication Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304685-100 Advanced Communication Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304672-150 MC-PAOX03 AO IOP 8 Channel Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304672-100 MU-PAOX03 AO IOP 8 Channel Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304650-250 MC-TDOD53 DO FTA 3/30V Digital Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304650-200 MU-TDOD53 DO FTA 3/30V Digital Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304650-150 MC-TDOD13 DO FTA 3/30V Digital Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304650-100 MU-TDOD13 DO FTA 3/30V Digital Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304648-275 MC-TDOA53 DO FTA 120-240Vac Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304648-225 MU-TDOA52 DO FTA 120-240Vac Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304648-200 MU-TDOA52 DO FTA 120-240Vac Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304648-175 MC-TDOA13 DO FTA 120-240Vac Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304648-125 MU-TDOA13 DO FTA 120-240Vac Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell 51304648-100 MU-TDOA13 DO FTA 120-240Vac Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell  MC-PC1X02 51196694-928 51309288-375 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell  MC-PD1X02 51197564-200 51402573-150 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell  MC-PDOX02 51198947-100 51405039-175 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell  MC-TAIH04 51204160-175 51405040-175 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell  MC-TAIH14 51204162-175 51405043-176 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell  MC-TAMR03 51204172-175 51410069-175 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell  MC-TAOY22 51303932-476 51454472-175 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell  MC-TAOY25 51304441-175 51454473-175 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell  MC-TDID12 51304485-150 620-0036 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell  MC-TDIY22 51304487-150 621-1100RC Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell  MC-TDOY22 51304516-250 621-2100R Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell  MC-TSIM12 51304754-150 621-9940C Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell  MU-FOED02 51305865-275 80363969-150 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell  TC-PRR021 51305887-150 8C-PAIMA1 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell  TC-PRS021 CC-PDOB01 8C-PDODA1 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell  TK-OAV061 CC-TAID01 8C-TDODA1 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell  TSAI-1620M CC-TAIX01 CC-PAIN01 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN
Honeywell  CC-PDIL01 CC-TCNT01 CC-PAOH01 Pudding Mechatronic Negotiable about 1-4 weeks per actual PN

If you want to learn more about the genuine Honeywell parts pricing, stock status, leading time and shipping time, feel free to email us: in**@ai*****************.com. WhatsApp: 8618080158435

102 thoughts on “Honeywell Controllers and Modules Parts Catalog Latest Update by China Supplier

  1. Александр Петрович Малухин says:

    Добрый день, жду сообщений по поставке расходников

  2. Кузнецова says:

    Уважаемый Господин или Госпожа
    Может ли ваша компания поставлять детали для центробежных воздушных компрессоров Ingersoll Rand? Для таких моделей, как Centac 400, C700E и т. д., а также запасных частей для безмасляных воздушных компрессоров Atlas Copco. Если да, то как быстро вы можете отправить нам продукцию и насколько надежна ваша продукция, если мы принимаем только оригинальные запасные части?

    • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

      Dear Sir or madam, Thank you very much for leaving comment on our website. Our company offer MANY GENUINE ORIGINAL parts for all top brands of air compressors like Atlas Copco, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Doosan, Gardner Denver, and yes, we do serve centrifugal air compressors spare parts. You can compare our prices if based on 100% Genuine original parts. Thanks and hope we can communicate in email via English if possible. Kind regards, Team from CPMC, China.

  3. Robert Arano says:

    I would like to request a Parts List Manual for Atlas Copco G55, We are planning to purchase PM parts for our compressor.

    Your immediate response is highly appreciated.


    Robert Arano

    PDEC Co. (Purtlev Dynamics Engineering Company)
    86 Hemedez Coumpound, Brgy. Sala Cabuyao Laguna Philippines
    (049) 560 6264

  4. Kamran Hashim says:

    S No Description Part Number
    1 Cooler Kit 3001531121
    2 O-RING 0663210968
    3 Seal Washer 0661100038
    4 RING INTERNAL 1635051200
    5 PROFILE, 1635051400
    6 SEAL GASKET 1635051500
    7 O RING 1623172600
    8 COOLER AFTER 1635051900
    9 CORE COOLER, AIR 1635051600
    10 CORE COOLER, OIL 1635127300
    11 O RING 0663210612
    12 O RING 0663210968
    Can someone please share prices and availibility.

  5. Han sooyeon says:

    안녕하세요. honeywell glove box gloves 10Y1532A/9Q 6EA 빠른 견적 요청드립니다.

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