Genuine Atlas Copco Oil-sealed rotary vane vacuum pumps catalog from Chinese supplier

1089962501 Atlas Copco Connection Torque China Supplier

This is a catalog of Atlas Copco oil seal rotary vane vacuum pumps from Chinese suppliers, which includes GVS 16A, GVS 25A, GVS 40a, GVS 60A, GVS 100A, GVS 200A, GVS 300A, GVS 630A and other products. If you have any needs, please feel free to contact us.

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    Genuine Atlas Copco Oil-sealed rotary vane vacuum pumps catalog from Chinese supplier

    Part number Name Remarks
    3002 6016 00 Seals kit GVS 16A
    Non return screw
    Flat gasket
    71237600 O-ring
    71413470 O-ring
    71415640 Spring
    71042990 Antisuckback valve
    71419340 O-ring
    71217590 O-ring
    71413240 Flat gasket outlet
    71416430 Flat gasket
    3002 6016 01 Maintenance kit GVS 16A
    Filter VK31/2 Only for pump produced before Aug, 2018
    71413240 Flat gasket outlet
    71413270 Friction spring cartridge
    3002601602 Oil separator element
    71416440 Oil return filter
    3002 6016 03 Repair kit GVS 16A
    Filter VK31/2
    71413150 Vane (set of 3)
    Valve stop
    71416370 Valve plate
    71413270 Friction spring cartridge
    3002 6016 02 Oil separator element
    71416440 Oil return filter
    71219480 Oil sight glass
    3002 6016 00 Seals kit GVS16A
    EK6702951 Gasballast unit
    EK6528992 Front end plate
    71413100 Rotor
    71416450 Pump cylinder
    71413440 Dirt trap
    71413110 Inlet adapter
    71418080 Inlet flange NPT
    71413120 Inlet flange G3/4
    71422140 Reduction piece NPT
    95124 Reduction piece G3/4
    71256380 Plug + o-ring G3/4
    Oil casing unit
    71078740 Ball valve
    71413160 Flange exhaust
    71415300 Supporting plate
    E6526450 Motor 3ph EUR
    E6526454 Motor 1ph USA
    E6526452 Motor 1ph EUR
    3001 1701 94 Polyester inlet filter element
    1630 2044 01 Vacuum Vane Fluid 32-Mineral oil(1L)
    1630 2047 01 Vacuum Vane Fluid Plus 32-Synthetic oil(1L)
    3002 6016 04 Seals kit GVS 25A
    71418070 GB screw kit
    71237720 O-ring
    71237600 O-ring
    71415640 Spring
    71042990 Antisuckback valve
    71419340 O-ring
    71217590 O-ring
    971423480 Flat gasket
    71419730 Flat gasket
    971433220 Float valve assembly
    71217580 O-ring
    3002 6016 05 Maintenance kit GVS 25A
    971423480 Flat gasket
    71420370 Spring unit
    3002601606 Oil separator element
    71217580 O-ring
    3002 6016 07 Repair kit GVS 25A
    71418060 GB silencer
    71416290 Vane (set of 3)
    71418580 Valve stop
    71418570 Valve plate
    71420370 Spring unit
    3002601606 Oil separator element
    71219480 Oil sight glass
    3002 6016 04 Seals kit GVS25A
    971422940 End plate with GB
    71416310 Rotor
    71420220 Pump cylinder
    71413110 Inlet adapter
    71413440 Dirt trap
    71416170 Intake flange G 3/4
    71418080 Intake flange NPT 3/4
    95124 Reduction + O-Ring G 3/4-G 1/2
    71422140 Reduction NPT 3/4- NPT 1/2
    71256380 Plug Slotted
    Oil casing
    71420140 Plug plus o-ring
    71078740 Oil drain tap
    71416220 Exhaust flange G 3/4
    71418090 Exhaust flange NPT 3/4
    71416240 Supporting plate
    E6526456 Motor 1ph Eur
    E6526457 Motor 1ph USA
    971422980 Motor 3ph wide
    71414030 Rubber mount D20X15 M6
    71418020 Rubber mount D20X15 M6
    3001 1701 94 Polyester inlet filter element
    1630 2044 01 Vacuum Vane Fluid 32-Mineral oil(1L)
    1630 2047 01 Vacuum Vane Fluid Plus 32-Synthetic oil(1L)
    3001170141 Seals ki+B106:B128t +B106:B147GVS 40A
    ES6509598 Radial shaft seal (Set 5)
    71237320 O-ring
    71417060 Membrane
    71417260 O-ring
    71237440 O-ring
    ES6509620 Radial shaft seal (Set 5)
    71421340 O-ring
    71015460 Intake valve
    71217660 O-ring
    71237130 O-ring
    71417330 O-ring
    ES971456791 Gasket
    71217410 O-ring
    971454030 Gasket
    971433220 Float valve assembly
    971427110 Pin seal (Set 5)
    71217980 O-ring
    71212400 Spring
    3001 1701 55 Maintenance kit GVS 40A
    71217410 O-ring
    71420370 Spring unit
    3001170183 Oil separator element
    971454030 Gasket
    3001 1701 69 Repair kit GVS 40A
    Rotor ring
    Rotor ring
    Rotor ring
    71420810 Vane (set of 3)
    3001 1701 90 Oil filter
    71420840 Valve stop
    G71418831 Valve plate
    71219480 Oil level glass
    71420370 Spring unit
    3001 1701 83 Oil separator element
    3001 1701 41 Seals kit GVS 40A
    971424850 Module cover
    971424860 Protective cover
    71420450 End plate with GB
    71420760 Rotor with rings
    71420400 Pump cylinder
    71416640 Intake flange
    71407290 Filter DN45
    71416650 Intake flange G1 1/4
    71417390 Intake flange NPT 1 1/4
    Oil casing unit
    71073040 Plug + O-ring
    71256380 Plug + O-ring G ¾
    71420440 Exhaust flange G1 ¼
    71422000 Exhaust flange NPT 1 ¼
    Plug + gasket G 2
    71418960 Oil filter holder
    71421240 Motor 3ph Wide
    71416840 Fan
    71416830 Fan Cover
    71212640 Rubber mount Kit DN30 H25
    3001 1701 95 Polyester inlet filter element
    1630 2045 01 Vacuum Vane Fluid 68-Mineral oil(1L)
    1630 2049 01 Vacuum Vane Fluid Plus 100-Synthetic oil(1L)
    3001 1701 42 Seals kit GVS 60A
    GM6514707 Radial shaft seal (Set 5)
    71237320 O-ring
    71417060 Membrane
    71417260 O-ring
    71417240 O-ring
    ES6514709 Radial shaft seal (Set 5)
    71421340 O-ring
    71015460 Intake valve
    71217660 O-ring
    71237130 O-ring
    71417330 O-ring
    ES971456801 Gasket
    71217410 O-ring
    971454030 Gasket
    971433220 Float valve assembly
    971427110 Pin seal
    71217980 O-ring
    71212400 Spring
    3001 1701 56 Maintenance kit GVS 60A
    71217410 O-ring
    71420370 Spring unit
    3001 1701 84 Oil separator element
    971454030 Gasket
    3001 1701 70 Repair kit GVS 60A
    Rotor ring
    Rotor ring
    Rotor ring
    Rotor ring
    71416750 Vane (set of 3)
    3001 1701 90 Oil filter
    71417100 Valve stop
    G71417091 Valve plate
    71219480 Oil level glass
    71420370 Spring unit
    3001 1701 84 Oil separator element
    3001 1701 42 Seals kit GVS 60A
    71417020 Module cover
    71417080 Turbine
    971423420 End plate with GB
    71417400 Rotor with Rings
    71416600 Pump cylinder
    71416640 Intake flange
    71407290 Filter DN45
    71416650 Intake flange G1 1/4
    71417390 Intake flange NPT 1 1/4
    Oil casing unit
    71073040 Plug + O-ring G 1
    71078740 Oil drain tap Bs G3/4 M/F
    71420440 Exhaust flange G1 1/4
    71422000 Exhaust flange NPT 1 1/4
    Plug + gasket G 2”
    71422130 Motor 3ph wide
    71416840 Fan
    71416830 Fan cover
    71212640 Rubber mount (set of 4) DN30 H25
    3001 1701 96 Polyester inlet filter element GVS 60A
    1630 2045 01 Vacuum Vane Fluid 68-Mineral oil(1L)
    1630 2049 01 Vacuum Vane Fluid Plus 100-Synthetic oil(1L)
    3002 6016 12 Seals kit GVS 100A
    71417570 Radial shaft seal
    71237320 O-ring
    71417060 Membrane
    71417260 O-ring
    71417240 O-ring
    71421340 O-ring
    71015460 Intake valve
    71217660 O-ring
    71237130 O-ring
    71418910 Gasket
    71417260 O-ring
    71417330 O-ring
    ES971456811 Gasket
    Flat gasket
    971433220 Float valve assembly
    Pin seal
    71217410 O-ring
    71217980 O-ring
    71212400 Spring
    3001 1701 57 Maintenance kit GVS 100A
    Flat gasket
    3001 1701 84 Oil separator element
    71420370 Spring unit
    71217410 O-ring
    3002 6016 13 Repair kit GVS 100A
    Rotor ring
    71418750 Vane (set of 3)
    71418780 Toothed ring
    71418840 Valve stop
    G71420831 Valve
    3001 1701 91 Oil filter
    71219480 Oil level glass
    3001170184 Oil separator element
    71420370 Spring unit
    3002 6016 12 Seals kit GVS 100A
    71417020 Module cover
    71417080 Turbine
    971423930 End plate with GB
    G6525980 Rotor with rings
    971472280 Pump cylinder
    71416640 Intake flange
    71407290 Filter DN45
    71416650 Intake flange G1 1/4
    71417390 Intake flange NPT 1/4
    71418950 Grid
    Oil casing unit
    71073040 Plug + O-ring G 1
    71078740 Oil Drain Tap
    71418900 Exhaust flange G1 1/4
    71421780 Exhaust flange NPT 1 1/4
    71418790 Coupling housing
    71418980 Pump coupling
    71418990 Motor coupling
    971423680 Motor 3ph Wide
    71024220 Rubber mount DN50 H30
    71418960 Oil filter holder
    Plug + gasket G 2”
    3001 1701 96 Polyester inlet filter element GVS 100A
    1630 2045 01 Vacuum Vane Fluid 68-Mineral oil(1L)
    1630 2049 01 Vacuum Vane Fluid Plus 100-Synthetic oil(1L)
    3001 1701 44 Seals kit GVS 200A
    Flat gasket
    Flat gasket
    971463030 Float valve assembly
    Gasballast membrane
    Flat gasket
    Flat gasket
    Relief valve seal
    Intake valve
    GM71223182 Radial shaft seal (Set 2)
    3001 1701 58 Maintenance kit GVS
    Flat gasket
    3001 1701 92 Oilfilter
    Relief valve seal
    3001 1701 85 Oil separator element
    Spring unit
    3001 1701 72 Repair kit GVS 200A
    Valve plate set
    Valve stop
    3001 1701 92 Oil filter
    3001 1701 85 Oil separator element
    Toothed ring
    Needle bearing (outer)
    71412000 Vane (set of 3)
    Needle bearing (inner)
    Rotor ring
    Oil level glass
    3001 1701 44 · Seals kit GVS 200A
    95129 Gas ballast valve
    71401350 Front end plate
    71400990 Rotor with rings
    71401200 Oil Tube
    971466220 Fitting DN12
    71401430 Connecting element
    71436580 Pump cylinder
    71401210 Oil tube
    71401360 Rear bearing flange
    EK71400771 Half coupling
    71076170 Turbine
    EK6507189 Oil cooler
    71407020 Turbine housing
    EK71436621 Turbine housing (incl.69,73,97,98)
    EK6519349 Motor 3ph Wide
    Oil casing cover with switch
    71259410 Rubber mount set
    71078740 Oil drain tap
    GK71060854 Exhaust flange
    Oil casing unit
    3001 1701 97 Polyester inlet filter element
    1630 2045 01 Vacuum Vane Fluid 68-Mineral oil(1L)
    1630 2049 01 Vacuum Vane Fluid Plus 100-Synthetic oil(1L)
    3001 1701 45 Seals kit GVS 300A
    Antisuckback valve
    71417010 Shaft seal
    971433220 Float valve assembly
    Gasballast membrane
    3001 1701 59 Maintenance kit GVS 300A
    71073040 Oil fill plug
    3001 1701 86 Oil separator element with bypass
    71436210 Compressor spring
    3001 1701 75 Repair kit GVS 300A
    971445970 Coupling Eur Iec Motors
    971446030 Coupling US Nema Motors
    971464910 Bearing kit
    971446880 Vane (set of 3)
    971464940 Valve and valve stop kit
    3001 1701 92 Oil filter
    971460230 Oil sight glass
    3001 1701 86 Oil separator element with bypass
    71436210 Compressor spring
    3001 1701 45 Seals kit GVS 300A
    971460710 Cover
    971460700 Radiator
    971445920 Turbine
    EK6503195 Turbine
    971467690 End Plate Kit
    971464130 Gas ballast 3 Flows
    971445930 Rotor kit
    971464930 Rubber feet kit
    EK971461271 Stator
    971457690 Anti suckback valve
    EK971458911 Intake flange us NPT2’’
    971457700 Motor 3ph wide
    71078740 Oil drain tap Bs G3/4 M/F
    EK971460541 Exhaust plate NPT2 Kit
    EK971469641 Orient exhaust deflector
    3001 1701 97 Polyester inlet filter element
    1630 2045 01 Vacuum Vane Fluid 68-Mineral oil(1L)
    1630 2049 01 Vacuum Vane Fluid Plus 100-Synthetic oil(1L)
    3001 1701 47 Seals kit GVS 630A
    Shaft seal (set)
    Antisuckback valve
    Gasballast membrane
    971433220 Float valve assembly
    971425990 Spring
    3001 1701 61 Maintenance kit GVS 630A
    71436210 Spring
    3001 1701 86 Oil separator element with bypass
    3001 1701 93 Oil filter
    3001 1701 75 Repair kit GVS 630A
    71249660 Disc for rotor
    Ballbearing (set of 2)
    971424540 Vane( set of 3)
    971425950 Race bushing
    Ball bearing
    Spring ring
    971425920 Valve stop
    971425900 Valve plate
    971425910 Valve plate
    71040760 Filter element
    Spring ring
    Ball bearing
    Race bushing
    71029600 Oil level glass
    3001 1701 86 Oil separator element with bypass
    3001 1701 93 Oil filter
    971425870 Clip
    3001 1701 47 Seals kit GVS 630A
    971430740 Base frame
    71078740 Oil drain tap Bs G3/4 M/F
    971425210 Exhaust deflecter
    971425710 Cover
    971425130 Demister support unit
    971425750 Cover under oil casing
    971425860 Cover
    971432390 Frond hood air cool
    971432800 Oil cooler
    971434740 Oil pipe cooler to oil casing
    971434730 Oil tube cooler to stator
    971425110 Oil cooler base
    971431620 Fan D350
    971431890 V-Belt pulley DN250
    971465350 Pulley unit
    971424070 Unit stretcher
    E971472058 Wide range motor
    971424020 Rear end plate
    971424000 Stator
    971426060 Gas ballast
    971424980 Motor support
    971424970 Motor support
    971432640 Lifting plug
    971424480 Rotor
    971424010 Front end plate
    971437760 Oil hold back steel sheet
    971425270 Cover frond oil casing
    971430550 Intake flange 100
    71242230 Collar flange100
    971432410 Hood rear
    971432420 Hood
    971432510 Hood (Upper)
    71403350 Set of rubber feet DN100
    3001 1701 98 Polyester inlet filter element
    3001 1701 38 Belt set GVS 630A Europe/World
    1630 2045 01 Vacuum Vane Fluid 68-Mineral oil(1L)
    1630 2049 01 Vacuum Vane Fluid Plus 100-Synthetic oil(1L)
    2906909200 ZH9Q00/3 4000HR MAINTKIT
    2906909300 ZH9Q00/3 8000HR MAINTKIT
    2906910700 ZH9000/1500035T24000HR KIT
    2906904600 ZH4000MAINTENANCEKIT000HRS
    2906904700 ZH4000MAINTENANCE KIT8QQ0HRS
    2906904800 ZH4000MAINTENANCEKIT24000HR


    Contact information

    Export DepartmentTony Phone: +86 18080158435

    For Genuine Atlas Copco Oil-sealed rotary vane vacuum pumps Price and Availability in China, Please Submit a Quick RFQ, we will answer you soon!

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    99 thoughts on “Genuine Atlas Copco Oil-sealed rotary vane vacuum pumps catalog from Chinese supplier

    1. Mr Finn says:

      Dear Sir!

      Please take a look and help us with your suggestions.

      A-Nr: 119977/09

      Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

      Nice day to you.

      • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

        Thank you Mohammed for leaving the message, well currently Kaeser compressors parts are still restricted for distribution and we welcome your RFQs on other main compressors brands such as Atlas Copco, Sullair, INGERSOLL RAND (IR, CompAir, Doosan, Gardner Denver, etc). Thank you again.

    2. Knowledge Sourcing says:

      Modern centrifugal compressors are equipped with sophisticated control systems that allow for precise regulation of air pressure and flow. These systems enable adaptive performance based on real-time demand, further improving efficiency and performance.

    3. Ali says:

      Dear :sir/madam

      I hope this email finds you well.
      I am  Eng. Ali yousee   representing  Power Tech for Engineering & construction.
      We are interested in establishing a business partnership with your company to fulfill the requirements
      We would like to get a quote for 4 complete units  of air compressor and dryers with  control systems according to following details:
      – Atlas copco air compressor screw oil injected Model:GA132-7.5 bar,  4 units
      -Atlas copco air compressor screw oil injected Model:GA110-7.5 bar ,4units
      – Atlas copco twin tower heatless adsorption dryer Model:CD480+ / 4 units 
      – Atlas copco twin tower heatless adsorption dryer Model:CD400+ , 4units
      – Atlas copco Equalizer pro.4 (EQ) control system up to 4 compressors
      – others Accessories for installation

      Best regards

      Ali Yousee
      Power Tech for Engineering and construction
      Yemen,sanaa Almatar street
      Phon : +967777605085

      • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

        Thanks Ali for your message on our website, we well received and our team should have quoted to you via email. We welcome your RFQs and orders. Looking forward to supporting your business with our strong supply chain worldwide. Tony, funder of CPMC!

    4. matheus says:

      I want to buy several Sandvik parts, I currently buy from Türkiye and would like more reliable suppliers

      • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

        Thank you for your message RFQ on our website, we welcome your inquiries and orders on Sandvik, Epiroc drilling and mining equipment parts, and Atlas Copco, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Doosan, Gardner Denver, Sullair air compressors spare parts. Please always feel free to write an email to us when you have RFQs and orders demand. Thank you, Tony, funder of CPMC.

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