Coolers – Watercooled – G 132/160 VSD Fan and cooling duct plates – Aircooled – G 110 VSD
Fan and cooling duct plates – Aircooled – G132/160VSD Frame and motor – G 110 VSD Frame and motor – G 132/160 VSD Regulating system – G 110 VSD
Regulating system – G 132/160 VSD Drain system 22 Bodywork 23 – G110VSD
Atlas Copco Stationary Air Compressors G 110 VSD, G 132 VSD, G 160 VSD User Manual Parts list
Copyright 2014, Atlas Copco Wuxi, China.
No.9829 3060 01 Ed.01
Registration code : APC GA>90
Check out more Atlas Copco Genuine Parts here ( or just send us RFQ emails to or
Element and connections – G 110 VSD 1
Element and connections – G 132/160 VSD 2
Gearbox – G 110 VSD 3
Gearbox – G 132/160 VSD 4
Valves on element – G 110 VSD 5
Valves on element – G 132/160 VSD 6
Gears – G 110 VSD 7
Air inlet 8
Air receiver 9
Air and oil system – G 110 VSD 10
Air and oil system – G 132/160 VSD 11
Air oulet 12
– Aircooled
– Watercooled – G 110 VSD 14
Contents Inhoud
Coolers – Watercooled – G 132/160 VSD 15
Fan and cooling duct plates – Aircooled – G 110 VSD 16
Fan and cooling duct plates – Aircooled –
G 132/160 VSD ……………………………………………………..
Frame and motor – G 110 VSD 18
Frame and motor – G 132/160 VSD 19
Regulating system – G 110 VSD 20
Regulating system – G 132/160 VSD 21
Drain system 22
– G 110 VSD ………………………………………………………
– G 132/160 VSD 24
Cubicle box 25
Control panel 26
Service kits 27
Element and connections – G 110 VSD 1
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1616 7409 80 1 Service stage 1100 0101 1626 00 2 Pin
1020 0508 1158 01 1 Bearing 1120 0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer
1030 0335 2160 00 1 Int.circlip 1130 0686 3716 01 1 Plug
1040 1623 1476 00 1 Spacer 1140 0147 1365 03 3 Hexagon bolt
1050 0337 0009 77 1 Key parallel 1150 0147 1366 03 3 Hexagon bolt
1060 1623 0367 00 1 Washer 1160 0211 1366 03 2 Sock screw
1070 0211 1409 00 1 Screw 1200 0663 2111 46 1 O-ring
1080 0663 2109 78 1 O-ring 1230 1619 6032 00 5 Nipple
Element and connections – G 132/160 VSD 2
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
10101616 7345 821Service stage11000663 2114 071O-ring
10400663 7138 001O-ring11100101 1626 002Pin
10501621 7324 001Bushing11400686 6123 001Plug
10601621 7326 001Bushing11500147 1405 0315Hexagon bolt
10700337 8350 001Parallel key12101619 6032 005Nipple
10801623 0075 001Washer
10900147 1409 031Hexagon bolt
Gearbox – G 110 VSD 3
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
10101621 7939 001Gear box1140 0663 2107 761O-ring
10200661 1000 271Seal washer1150 0147 1366 034Hexagon bolt
10301623 0972 001Shaft1160 0337 0009 911Key parallel
10400211 1480 008Hexagon bolt1170 0147 1557 038Hexagon bolt
10800504 0110 011Bearing1220 0147 1479 031Hexagon bolt
10901616 5518 001Washer1230 0333 3244 001Lock washer
11001616 5519 001Bushing1240 0574 8235 321Hose assembly
11101623 0611 001Bushing1250 1079 5840 151Nipple
11201616 5515 001Retainer1260 1614 9252 001Plug
1130 1621 4840 00 1 Seal 1270 0266 2116 00
Gearbox – G 132/160 VSD 4
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1621 7991 01 1 Coupling housing 1130 0147 1407 03 2 Bolt
1020 0686 3716 01 1 Plug 1140 1092 1200 46 1 Plate
1030 0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer 1150 0147 1401 03 6 Bolt
1040 1614 8944 00 1 Ring 1155 0301 2344 00 6 Washer
1050 1623 1177 00 1 Bushing 1160 1619 5189 01 2 Rubber buffer
1070 1614 8943 00 1 Retainer 1165 0147 1400 03 8 Bolt
1080 1623 4841 00 1 Seal 1170 0147 1480 03 2 Bolt
1090 0663 2108 23 1 O-ring 1180 0033 3244 00 5 Lock washer
1100 0221 1246 03 4 Hex sock.screw 1190 1202 6668 07 2 Transport support
1110 0337 0009 79 1 Key parallel 1200 0147 1557 03 8 Bolt
1120 1623 0075 00 1 Washer 1210 0266 2116 00 8 Nut
Valves on element – G 110 VSD 5
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1010 1622 0795 00 1 Valve housing 1090 1622 5662 00 1 Spring
1020 1622 0977 00 1 Gasket 1100 0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer
1030 1622 9639 00 1 Check valve 1110 1623 0798 00 1 Nipple
1040 1622 0796 00 1 Spring 1120 0686 3716 01 1 Plug
1050 1622 1041 00 1 Piston 1130 0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer
1060 0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer 1140 1079 5840 19 1 Nipple
1070 0686 3716 07 1 Plug 1150 0661 1000 27 1 Seal washer
1080 1623 1362 00 1 Valve oil stop 1160 0211 1964 75 4 Hex. Sock. Screw
Valves on element – G 132/160 VSD 6
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
10101623 0385 001Valve check1120 0147 1421 034Hexagon bolt
10202254 8075 001Compr.spring1130 0301 2358 002Washer
10301623 1354 001Valve stop1140 0147 1413 032Hexagon bolt
10401623 1767 001Spring1150 2255 2813 001Piston
10502252 6269 001Spring guide1160 0686 3716 011Plug
10600335 2145 001Int.circlip1170 0661 1000 251Seal washer
10700663 2108 122O-ring1180 0686 3716 101Plug
10800663 2106 201O-ring1190 0661 1000 321Seal washer
10900663 2106 151O-ring1200 0686 6441 001Plug
11000663 3116 001O-ring1210 0686 3101 001Plug
11100301 2358 004Washer
Gears – G 110 VSD 7
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
G 110 VSD
1010 1623 4115 00 1 Gear pinion
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1020 1623 4114 00 1 Gear drive
Air inlet 8
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1020 1616 2987 00 8 Plug 1090 0347 6100 43 1 Hose clip
1030 1621 5012 00 2 Support 1100 1614 9625 00 1 Support
1040 1079 1472 06 8 Hexagon bolt 1110 1621 5690 00 1 Support
1050 0147 1362 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1120 0147 1326 03 2 Hexagon bolt
1060 0301 2344 00 4 Washer 1140 1079 1472 06 1 Hexagon bolt
1070 1 Hose 1150 0346 1000 26 2 Pipe clamp
1092 0030 27 G 110 VSD A 1180 1614 9772 00 1 Support watercooled
1092 1200 57G 110 VSD W1621 7377 801Air filter
1092 1200 74 G 132/160 VSD A 2010 1621 7376 00 • 1 Air filter
1092 1200 60 G 132/160 VSD W 2020 1621 7377 00 • 1 Housing
1080 1092 0002 55 1 Hose clamp
Air receiver 9
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
Min.Press valve51100663 2109 452O-ring
2010 9125 7289 00 1 Set screw 5120 1092 0112 00 1 Pipe
2020 0147 1365 03 6 Hexagon bolt 5130 1 Oil separator element
2030 0147 1958 97 2 Hexagon bolt 1614 9054 00 G 110 VSD
2040 0301 2335 00 2 Washer 1614 9056 00 G 132/160 VSD
2050 0663 2106 58 1 O-ring 5140 1614 9089 00 1 Pivot pin
2060 0665 0701 39 1 Back-up ring 5150 1 Bushing
2070 1614 6477 00 1 Sleeve 1614 909000 G 110 VSD
2080 1614 6478 00 1 Cover 1614 909400 G 132/160 VSD
2090 1621 4977 00 1 Pistion 5160 1 Scavenge line
2100 1614 6957 00 1 Washer CE
2110 1623 2037 00 1 Shaft 1092 1200 94 G 110 VSD
2120 2253 1860 00 1 Spring 1092 1200 95 G 132/160V
2130 1621 4975 00 1 Ring Other
2140 1621 4976 00 1 Nut 1614 9142 00 G 110 VSD
Air receiver1614 9141 00G 132/160 VSD
1Vessel51701614 9146 001Plug
3010 ML(China) 5180 1614 9184 00 1 Level gauge
1092 1204 60G 110 VSD51901Shield
1092 1204 70G 132/160 VSD1614 9223 00G 110 VSD
ML(English)1092 0041 97G 132/160 VSD
1092 1204 61G 110 VSD52001621 9144 001Hose assembly
1092 1204 71G 132/160 VSD52102250 2528 001Plug
CESafety valve
1092 1201 46G 110 VSDML
1092 1201 47G 132/160 VSDG 110 VSD 7.5/8.5
ASME/MOM60101092 0125 121Safety valve
1092 1200 08G 110 VSD60200603 4106 031Nipple
1092 1200 10G 132/160 VSD60300560 0200 731Elbow
AS121060400653 1165 001Flat gasket
1092 0056 59G 110 VSD60501614 9144 001Nipple
1092 0056 62G 132/160 VSDG 110 VSD 10/14
3020 0147 1555 03 15 Hexagon bolt 6010 1092 0001 76 1 Safety valve
3030 0301 2394 00 15 Washer 6020 0603 4106 03 1 Nipple
4020 1 Valve housing 6030 0560 0200 73 1 Elbow
ML60400653 1189 901Flat gasket
1092 1201 35G 110 VSD60501092 0032 991Nipple
1092 1201 37G 132/160 VSDG 132/160 VSD 7.5/8.5
CE60101092 0124 131Safety valve
1092 1204 80G 110 VSD60200603 4107 031Nipple
1092 1205 80G 132/160 VSD60300564 0000 821Elbow
ASME/MOM/AS121060400653 1165 001Flat gasket
1092 0033 08G 110 VSD60501614 9144 001Nipple
1092 0033 09G 132/160 VSDG 132/160 VSD 10/14
5010 0147 1479 03 1 Hexagon bolt 6010 1092 0125 18 1 Safety valve
5020 0147 1962 29 11 Hexagon bolt 6020 0603 4107 13 1 Nipple
5090 0661 1000 31 1 Seal washer 6030 0564 0000 81 1 Elbow
5100 0663 2106 20 1 O-ring 6040 0653 1189 00 1 Flat gasket
60501614 9144 001Nipple
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
Others (CE,ASME,AS1210,MOM)G 110 VSD 10/14 50Hz
G 110 VSD 150/200 PSI 60Hz
G 110 VSD 7.5/8.5 50Hz60100830 1008 921Safety valve
G 110 VSD 100/125 PSI 60Hz60200603 4107 031Nipple
G 132/160 VSD60300564 0000 811Elbow
6010 0830 1008 95 1 Safety valve 6040 0653 1189 00 1 Flat gasket
6020 0603 4106 03 1 Nipple Oil-Roto Xtend duty
6030 0560 0200 73 1 Elbow 7010 1092 0012 07 1 Label
6040 0653 1165 00 2 Flat gasket 7020 1092 0050 00 1 Oil can
Air and oil system – G 110 VSD 10
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
Oil connection21401Pipe
1010 0147 1362 03 2 Hexagon bolt 1092 1265 03 CE
1020 0147 1370 03 3 Hexagon bolt 1092 0020 29 Other
1030 0147 1401 03 2 Hexagon bolt 2160 1614 8926 00 8 Absorber
1040 0301 2344 00 5 Washer 2165 1 Pipe
1050 0301 2358 00 2 Washer 1092 1265 02 CE
1060 0661 1000 24 2 Seal washer 1092 0020 30 Other
1070 0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer 2190 2 Pipe
1080 0663 2107 77 2 O-ring 1092 1202 87 CE
1090 0663 2106 11 1 O-ring 1614 9117 00 Other
1100 0663 2109 68 1 O-ring 2210 1 Pipe
1110 0686 3716 01 1 Plug 1092 1208 00 CE
1120 1079 5840 01 2 Nipple 1614 9171 00 Other
1130 1621 7378 00 2 Glass fiber oil filter 2220 1 Pipe
1140 1092 0023 35 1 Oil filter housing 1092 1202 82 CE
1150 1623 1451 00 2 Nipple 1614 9169 00 Other
1170 1621 9635 00 1 Hose 2230 0147 1363 03 4 Hexagon bolt
1190 0266 2112 00 4 Nut 2240 1 Pipe
1200 1202 5869 03 1 Thermost.valve 1092 1202 84 CE
Air connection1614 9459 00Other
2010 0147 1369 03 8 Hexagon bolt 2285 1092 0020 28 1 Pipe
2020 0147 1961 01 4 Hexagon bolt 2290 1 Pipe
2025 0147 1406 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1092 1202 83 CE
2028 0147 1476 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1092 1202 01 Other
2030 0147 1499 03 2 Hexagon bolt 2300 0346 1000 27 2 Pipe clamp
2050 0291 1114 00 4 Locknut 2310 1619 2766 00 1 Hexagon bolt
2060 0301 2378 00 8 Washer 2320 0147 1500 03 2 Hexagon bolt
2070 0301 2344 00 20 Washer
2080 0301 2358 00 8 Washer
2085 0300 0276 03 4 Washer
2090 0663 2106 15 1 O-ring
2100 0663 2106 17 1 O-ring
2110 0663 2106 17 1 O-ring
2120 0663 2106 18 2 O-ring
2130 0663 2107 94 1 O-ring
2135 0147 1363 03 2 Hexagon bolt
1614 9114 00 4 Joint set
3010 1614 9115 00 • 8 Joint
3020 1614 9116 00 • 8 Ring
3030 1614 9118 00 • 16 Bracket
4020 0147 1325 03 4 Hexagon bolt
4030 0301 2335 00 4 Washer
4040 1614 9007 00 1 Cover
4050 0663 2107 77 1 O-ring
Air and oil system – G 132/160 VSD 11
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
Oil connection
1010 0147 1362 03 2 Hexagon bolt
1020 0147 1370 03 3 Hexagon bolt
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
2140 1 Pipe
1092 1265 00 CE
1092 1202 05 Other
2060 0300 0276 03 8 Washer
2070 0301 2344 00 20 Washer
2080 0301 2358 00 12 Washer
2090 0663 2106 15 1 O-ring
2100 0663 2106 17 1 O-ring
2110 0663 2106 17 1 O-ring
2120 0663 2106 18 2 O-ring
2130 0663 2109 69 1 O-ring
1614 9063 00 4 Joint set
3010 1614 9064 00 • 8 Joint
3020 1614 9065 00 • 8 Ring
3030 1614 9067 00 • 16 Bracket
4020 0147 1325 03 4 Hexagon bolt
4030 0301 2335 00 4 Washer
4040 1614 9007 00 1 Cover
4050 0663 2107 77 1 O-ring
Air outlet 12
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1005 0147 1323 03 1 Hexagon bolt
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1092 0033 11 G 132/160 VSD
1055 1 O-ring
0663 2107 94 G 110 VSD
0663 2109 69 G 132/160 VSD
1621 2048 00 G 132/160 VSD W
1614 9461 00 G 110 VSD
1080 1 Pipe
1614 9117 00 G 110 VSD
1614 9066 00 G 132/160 VSD
1085 1619 2766 00 2 Hexagon bolt
1090 1 Pipe
2 005 1614 9114 00 2 Joint set G 110 VSD
1614 9115 00 • 1 Joint
2 005 1614 9063 00 2 Joint set G 132/160 VSD
1614 9064 00 • 1 Joint
Coolers – Aircooled 13
10100147 1323 0312Hexagon bolt11851619 2861 011Clamp
10200147 1362 0312Hexagon bolt11901619 5337 011Hexagon bolt
10250147 1475 032Hexagon bolt12001Aftercooler
10400300 8019 0012WasherCE
1050 0301 2344 00 12 Washer 1092 1203 38 G 110 VSD
1055 0301 2378 00 1 Washer 1092 1203 39 G 132/160 VSD
10600346 1000 152Pipe clampOther
1065 0346 1012 44 1 Pipe clamp 1621 5363 00 G 110 VSD
10801Hose assembly1621 4110 00G 132/160 VSD
0574 8235 32 G 110 VSD 1210 2 Oil cooler
0574 8235 37 G 132/160 VSD 1621 4112 00 G 110 VSD
10901Hose assembly1621 4111 00G 132/160 VSD
0574 8235 42 G 110 VSD 1220 1 Hose assembly
0574 8235 45 G 132/160 VSD 1614 8959 00 G 110 VSD
1100 0661 1000 27 4 Seal washer 1621 9139 00 G 132/160 VSD
1110 0663 2109 68 4 O-ring 1230 1 Hose assembly
1120 0663 2109 68 2 O-ring 1092 0035 19 G 110 VSD
1140 0686 3716 02
1079 5840 15 2
2 Plug
Nipple 1240 1621 9137 00 1 G 132/160 VSD
1150 1092 0074 00 3 Bracket 1621 9636 00 G 110 VSD
1160 1614 9252 00 2 Plug 1621 9138 00 G 132/160 VSD
11801619 2766 005Hexagon bolt
Coolers – Watercooled – G 110 VSD 14
1010 0147 1362 03 12 Hexagon bolt 2160 1092 1200 32 1 Pipe
1020 0147 1401 03 4 Hexagon bolt 2165 1092 1200 33 1 Pipe
1030 0147 1407 03 2 Hexagon bolt 2170 1092 1200 28 1 Pipe
1040 0147 1474 03 2 Hexagon bolt 2180 1 Pipe
1050 0266 2112 00 2 Nut 1092 0031 61 CE/ML/AS1210/MOM
1060 0301 2344 00 12 Washer 1092 0033 13 ASME
1070 0301 2358 00 8 Washer 2190 1092 0031 62 1 Pipe
1080 0301 2378 00 2 Washer 2200 1 Pipe
1090 0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer 1092 1200 29 CE/ML/AS1210/MOM
1100 0663 2106 11 2 O-ring 1092 1204 59 ASME
1110 0663 2106 12 2 O-ring 2210 0634 1000 27 4 Victaulic coupling
1120 0663 2109 68 2 O-ring 2240 0686 3716 35 2 Plug
1130 0686 3716 01 1 Plug 2250 0661 1000 29 2 Seal washer
1140 1614 6632 00 1 Plate 3010 0663 2106 17 1 O-ring
1150 1614 8661 08 1 Oil cooler 3020 0147 1363 03 4 Hexagon bolt
1160 1619 5337 01 7 Hexagon bolt 3030 0301 2344 00 4 Seal washer
1170 1092 0018 14 1 Support 3040 1 Pipe
1180 1 Aftercooler 1092 1209 00 CE
1092 1203 31 CE 1621 2328 00 Other
1621 2094 08 Other 3050 1 Pipe
1190 1621 4858 00 1 Hose assembly 1092 1202 79 CE
1200 1621 4859 00 1 Hose assembly 1092 0005 79 Other
1250 1621 2096 00 1 Support 3060 0663 2106 20 1 O-ring
Water connection30700147 1402 034Hexagon bolt
2010 0147 1405 03 4 Hexagon bolt 3080 0301 2344 00 4 Seal washer
2020 0266 2112 00 4 Nut 4020 0147 1476 03 2 Hexagon bolt
2030 0301 2358 00 4 Washer 4030 0301 2378 00 2 Seal washer
2040 0661 1000 24 1 Seal washer 4040 0663 2107 94 1 O-ring
2050 0661 1000 25 2 Seal washer 4050 1 Pipe
2060 0661 1000 29 2 Seal washer 1092 1202 81 CE
2070 0663 2106 12 2 O-ring 1092 0005 80 Other
2130 1619 5337 01 2 Hexagon bolt 4060 0147 1364 03 4 Hexagon bolt
2140 1619 6153 08 1 Ball valve 4070 0301 2344 00 4 Seal washer
2150 1092 0031 58 1 Pipe 4080 0663 2106 15
Coolers – Watercooled – G 132/160 VSD 15
1060 0301 2344 00 16 Washer 1621 2047 00 Other
1070 0301 2358 00 12 Washer 3060 0663 2106 17 1 O-ring
1080 0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer 3070 0147 1363 03 4 Hexagon bolt
1090 0663 2106 11 4 O-ring 3080 0663 2106 20 4 seal washer
1110 0663 2106 12
0663 2109 68 2
2 O-ring
O-ring 4010 0147 1405 03 8 Water connection
Hexagon bolt
1120 0686 3716 01 1 Plug 4020 0266 2112 00 8 Nut
1130 1614 6632 00 1 Plate 4030 0301 2358 00 10 Washer
1140 1614 6634 00 1 Pipe 4040 0661 1000 24 1 Seal washer
1150 1614 9299 00 1 Support 4050 0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer
1160 1614 9583 00 1 Support 4060 0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer
1170 1619 2766 00 4 Hexagon bolt 4070 0661 1000 29 1 Seal washer
1180 1619 5337 01 4 Hexagon bolt 4080 0663 2106 12 4 O-ring
1190 1621 2039 00 1 Hose assembly 4150 1619 6153 08 1 Ball valve
1200 1621 2040 00 1 Hose assembly 4160 1092 0031 68 1 Pipe
1210 1 Aftercooler 4170 1092 1200 31 1 Pipe
1092 1203 38 CE 4180 1 Pipe
1621 2050 08 Other 1092 1200 29 CE/ML/AS1210/MOM
1220 1621 4850 08 2 Oil cooler 1092 1204 59 ASME
1230 1092 0018 13 1 Support 4190 1092 0031 64 1 Pipe
1270 1092 5690 00 1 Support 4200 1092 1200 30 1 Pipe
1280 1614 9299 00 1 Support 4210 1092 1200 28 1 Pipe
1092 1202 93 1 Pipe
CE 4220
1092 0031 61 1 Pipe
1621 2048 00 Other 1092 0033 13 ASME
2020 0663 2106 15 1 O-ring 4230 0634 1000 27 4 Victaulic coupling
2030 0147 1364 03 4 Hexagon bolt 4260 1621 4847 00 1 Pipe
2040 0301 2344 00 4 Seal washer 4270 0686 3716 35 2 Plug
3010 0663 2106 20 1 O-ring 4280 0661 1000 29 2 Seal washer
30200147 1402 034Hexagon bolt
30300301 2344 004seal washer
Fan and cooling duct plates – Aircooled – G 110 VSD
2020 1503 1056 00 • 2 Seal
2030 1092 1200 88 • 1 Baffle
2040 1619 6449 00 • AR Seal
1092 1200 85 1 Baffle
3020 1202 6584 00 • AR Seal
3030 1092 1200 86 • 1 Baffle
3040 1619 6449 00 • AR Seal
1092 0038 17 1 Beam 1)
Lined with / Bekleed met / Beklädd med / Ausgekleidet mit / Kledd med / Vuorattu :
Garnir de / Rivestido de / Allineato con / Foret med / Revestido com /
Kledd med / Vuorattu :
1) Foam: 0395 6001 69 (AR) 50 x 2040 x 1650
2) Foam: 0395 6001 69 (AR) 30 x 2040 x 1650
Fan and cooling duct plates – Aircooled – G 132/160 VSD
2020 1202 6584 00 • AR Seal
2030 1092 1200 51 • 1 Baffle
2040 1619 6449 00 • AR Seal
1092 1200 53 Baffle
3010 1092 1200 52 • 1 Baffle
Garnir de / Rivestido de / Allineato con / Foret med / Revestido com / Kledd med / Vuorattu :
1) Foam: 0395 6001 69 (AR) 50 x 2040 x 1650
2) Foam: 0395 6001 69 (AR) 30 x 2040 x 1650
Frame and motor – G 110 VSD 18
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
Frame11300301 2378 002Washer
G 110 VSD11350147 1491 032Hexagon bolt
1020 0147 1322 03 1 Hexagon bolt 1145 1614 9542 00 3 Buffer
1025 0147 1358 03 1 Hexagon bolt 1150 1092 0038 33 1 Frame
1030 0147 1400 03 6 Hexagon bolt 1165 1092 0023 13 2 Spacer
1035 0147 1401 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1170 0147 1377 03 3 Hexagon bolt
1040 0147 1411 03 2 Hexagon bolt 1172 0301 2344 00 3 Washer
1060 0266 2111 00 3 Nut 1175 1092 0178 00 3 Support
1065 0266 2112 00 4 Nut 1180 0346 1012 44 1 Pipe clamp
1070 0301 2358 00 18 Washer 1185 1619 5337 01 1 Hexagon bolt
1080 1088 0019 01 1 Contact washer 1190 1092 0020 33 2 Support
1085 1088 0019 02 1 Contact washer 2010 1092 0920 88 1 Motor
1095 0346 1005 19 2 Pipe clamp Coupling
11003175 1782 002Anti padG 110 VSD
1105 1020 5072 00 1 Rubber buffer 3010 1623 0377 00 1 Coupling drive
1110 1092 0043 00 1 Cable 3015 1623 0378 00 1 Absorber
1120 1092 0022 22 1 Support 3020 1623 0379 01 1 Coupling drive
Frame and motor – G 132/160 VSD 19
Frame 1185 1619 5337 01 1 Hexagon bolt
1020 0147 1322 03 1 G 132/160 VSD
Hexagon bolt 1190
2010 1092 0020 33
1092 0913 88 2
1 Support
1025 0147 1358 03 1 Hexagon bolt Coupling
1030 0147 1400 03 6 Hexagon bolt G 132/160 VSD
1035 0147 1401 03 4 Hexagon bolt 3010 1623 7131 00 1 Coupling element
1060 0266 2111 00 3 Nut 3015 1623 3571 00 1 Absorber
1065 0266 2112 00 4 Nut 3020 1623 3569 02 1 Coupling drive
1080 1088 0019 01 1 Contact washer 3030 0211 1400 00 10 Screw
1085 1088 0019 02 1 Contact washer 4010 0147 1475 03 2 Hexagon bolt
1095 0346 1005 19 2 Pipe clamp 4020 0301 2344 00 2 Washer
1100 3175 1782 00 2 Anti pad 4030 0301 2344 00 2 Washer
1110 1092 0043 00 1 Cable 4040 0147 1377 03 2 Hexagon bolt
1145 1614 9542 00 3 Buffer 4050 1092 0003 81 2 Rubber buffer
1150 1092 0038 33 1 Frame 4060 0147 1411 03 4 Hexagon bolt
1170 0147 1377 03 3 Hexagon bolt 4070 1092 1200 58 1 Support
1172 0301 2344 00 3 Washer 4080 0147 1549 03 1 Hexagon bolt
1175 1092 0178 00 3 Support 4090 0301 2358 00 4 Washer
11800346 1012 441Pipe clamp
Regulating system – G 110 VSD 20
Control system21000653 0500 021Flat gasket
1050 1089 0574 70 4 Temperature sensor 2110 0661 1000 24 2 Seal washer
1060 1089 9625 01 1 Dp transducer 2140 0661 1000 29 2 Seal washer
1080 1089 9625 33 2 Pressure transducer 2150 0661 1000 30 1 Seal washer
1085 1621 1247 80 1 Nipple 2160 0663 2107 37 1 O-ring
1090 0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer 2190 1079 5840 29 2 Nipple
1100 1092 0150 00 1 Label 2200 1092 0029 97 1 Flange
1110 1614 9406 00 1 Bracket 2210 0663 2109 71 1 O-ring
1120 1900 5200 00 1 Electronikon 2220 0211 1362 03 4 Hex. sock. screw
1130 1089 0637 16 1 Temperature switch 2230 0564 0000 34 1 Tee
1140 1 Wire harness 2240 0571 0035 05 1 Plug
1092 1277 03 CE 2260 0603 4105 03 1 Nipple
1092 1200 62 Other 2270 0653 1124 00 1 Flat gasket
Regulation3 2001092 1200 171Inlet housing
2020 0147 1364 03 4 Hexagon bolt 3220 1614 9144 00 1 Nipple
2040 0301 2344 00 4 Washer 3230 1092 0008 96 1 Nozzle
2050 0574 8231 26 2 Hose assembly 4010 1 Wire harness
2060 0574 9917 15 1 Hose assembly 1092 1277 04 CE
2070 1 Hose 1092 0050 51 Other
1092 0031 38 Aircooled Solenoid valve
1092 0030 26Watercooled50101089 0580031Solenoid valve
2090 0580 0013 32 1 Coupling 5020 1622 6611 00 1 Nipple
Regulating system – G 132/160 VSD 21
Control system22200580 0013 321Coupling
1050 1089 0574 70 4 Temperature sensor 2230 0653 0500 02 1 Flat gasket
1060 1089 9625 01 1 Dp transducer 2240 0661 1000 24 2 Seal washer
1070 1089 9625 36 1 Pressure transducer 2250 0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer
1080 1089 9625 33 2 Pressure transducer 2260 0661 1000 27 1 Seal washer
1085 1621 1247 80 1 Nipple 2280 0661 1000 30 1 Seal washer
1090 0661 1000 25 1 Seal washer 2290 0663 2114 23 1 O-ring
1100 1092 0150 00 1 Label 2300 1079 5840 01 1 Nipple
1110 1614 9406 00 1 Bracket 2310 1079 5840 19 1 Nipple
1120 1900 5200 22 1 Electronikon 2320 1079 5840 29 2 Nipple
1130 1089 0637 16 1 Temperature switch 3 200 1092 1200 18 1 Inlet housing
1140 1 Wire harness 3220 1092 0030 31 1 Flange
1092 1277 03CE32401092 0032 521Nipple
1092 1200 62Other32601614 9144 001Nipple
1170 0663 2114 23 1 O-ring Aircooled 3270 1092 0008 96 1 Nozzle
1180 0211 1362 03 4 Hex. sock. screw 3300 0661 1000 26 1 Seal washer
Aircooled33101092 2106 101Plug
1190 0663 2114 23 1 O-ring Aircooled 3320 1092 2106 10 1 Plug
1200 0564 0000 34 1 Tee 4010 1092 0050 51 1 Wire harness
1210 0571 0035 05 1 Plug 4010 1 Wire harness
Regulation1092 1277 04CE
2020 0147 1364 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1092 0050 51 Other
2040 0301 2344 00 4 Washer Solenoid valve
2060 0574 9917 15 1 Hose 5010 1089 058003 1 Solenoid valve
2180 1091 6006 00 1 Hose 5020 1622 6611 00 1 Nipple
21901092 0039 001Hose
Drain system 22
2010 0291 1111 00 1 Locknut
1613 9385 80 • 1 Float assembly
Bodywork – G 110 VSD 23
1010 1088 1301 03 1 Cable tie 1092 1200 91 Air cooled
1020 1089 9068 01 1 Key 1092 1200 67 Water cooled
1030 1092 0038 32 1 Door 2020 1092 0038 62 1 Roof
1040 1092 0038 01 1 Door 2030 1 Roof
1050 1092 0038 04 2 Door 1092 0038 60 Air cooled
1060 1092 0038 41 2 Door 1092 0038 72 Water cooled
1070 1092 0038 06 2 Stay 3020 1 Dataplate
1080 1614 9017 80 2 Door 1092 1277 02 CE
1090 1092 0057 17 2 Stay 1092 0042 32 AS1210/ASME/MOM/ML
1100 1614 9161 80 1 Door 1092 9181 81 China local
1110 1092 1200 36 1 Stay 3030 0129 3107 00 4 Blind rivert
1120 1 Stay Fan assembly (Water-cooled)
1092 1200 89Air cooled130100147 1250 033Hexagon bolt
1092 1200 38Water cooled130200301 2321 003Washer
1130 1092 0057 18 1 Stay 13030 1088 1001 01 1 Warning label
1140 2 Stay 13040 1503 0786 00 1 Rotation arrow
1092 0057 18Watercooled130501092 1202 721Fan
Bodywork – G 132/160 VSD 24
1010 1088 1301 03 1 Cable tie 1092 0038 66 Aircooled
1020 1089 9068 01 1 Key 1092 0038 76 Watercooled
1030 1092 0038 32 1 Door 2020 1092 0038 68 1 Roof
1040 1092 0038 01 1 Door 2030 1 Roof
1050 1092 0038 04 2 Door 1092 1200 65 Aircooled
1060 1092 0038 41 2 Door 1092 1200 44 Watercooled
1070 1092 0038 06 2 Stay 3020 1 Dataplate
1 080 1614 9017 80 2 Door 1092 1277 02 CE
1614 9017 001Door1092 0042 32AS1210/ASME/MOM/ML
1090 1092 0057 17 2 Stay 1092 9181 81 China local
1100 1614 9017 81 1 Door 3030 0129 3107 00 4 Blind rivert
1105 1092 1200 36 1 Stay Fan assembly (Water-cooled)
1110 1092 1200 55 1 Door 13010 0147 1250 03 3 Hexagon bolt
1120 1 Stay 13020 0301 2321 00 3 Washer
1092 0032 33Aircooled130301088 1001 011Warning label
1092 0032 35Watercooled130401503 0786 001Rotation arrow
1130 1092 0057 18 1 Stay 13050 1092 0030 93 1 Fan
1092 0057 18Watercooled
1Cubicle11701614 6562 004Clamp
1010 1619 2766 00 6 Bolt 1180 1614 6563 00 4 Clamp
1020 1089 9154 02 2 Key 1190 0147 1250 03 8 Bolt
1030 1621 0478 00 1 Label 1200 0301 2321 00 8 Washer
1040 1088 1001 01 1 Warning mark 1210 0266 2108 00 8 Nut
1090 1621 1235 00 1 Cable box 1 Cubicle ass’y
1100 0697 9810 40 4 Plug 2010 1092 1202 43 1 Cubicle
1110 1614 6567 00 1 Seal 2020 1621 2538 00 3 Hinge
1120 0147 1322 03 6 Bolt 2030 1619 7704 00 2 lock
1130 0301 2355 00 6 Washer 2040 1202 6584 00 AR Seal
1140 1621 1309 00 1 Plate 3010 1092 1001 68 6 Filter
1150 0147 1322 03 2 Bolt 3020 1092 1202 42 1 Filter
1160 0301 2355 00 2 Washer 3030 1092 1203 33 1 Filter Element
1010 1 Frequency converter
1092 1202 56 G 132/160 VSD A
27 Service kits
3001 5006 21 1 Air/oil filter kit 0663 2109 68 • 4 O-ring
1621 7376 99 • 1 Heavy duty air filter element 0663 2106 17 • 1 O-ring
1621 7378 90•2Oil filter element
0653 1046 00 • 1 Flat gasket 2906 1000 00 1 Cooler kit G 90-110W
0653 1100 00 • 1 Flat gasket 1092 0147 00 • 8 O-ring
0661 1124 00 • 1 Flat gasket 0663 2106 20 • 2 O-ring
0661 1000 25 • 2 Seal washer 0663 2106 12 • 3 O-ring
0661 1000 27 • 3 Seal washer 0663 2106 11 • 2 O-ring
0663 1000 31•1Seal washer
2906 1001 001Cooler kit G 132-160W
2906 0960 00 1 Kit CV-OSV C146 1092 0147 00 • 12 O-ring
1622 9639 00 • 1 Check valve 0663 2106 20 • 1 O-ring
1622 5662 00 • 1 Spring 0663 2106 12 • 4 O-ring
1622 0796 00 • 1 Spring 0663 2106 11 • 4 O-ring
1622 0977 00•1Gasket
0661 1000 44 • 1 Seal washer 2906 0971 00 1 Kit element exchange C46
0661 1000 44 • 1 Seal washer 0663 2109 78 • 1 O-ring
0661 1000 25 • 1 Seal washer 0663 2111 46 • 1 O-ring 30 x 2.4
0661 1000 27 • 1 Seal washer 0663 2107 37 • 1 O-ring
0663 7138 00•1O-ring69.5 x 3
2906 0961 00 1 Kit CV-OSV C190 1623 7407 00 • 1 Gasket
1623 0385 00 • 1 Check valve 0661 1000 27 • 1 Seal washer
2254 8075 00 • 1 Spring 0337 0009 77 • 1 Parallel key
1623 1767 00 • 1 Spring 0211 1409 00 • 1 Cap screw
0663 2108 12•2O-ring
0663 2106 20 • 1 O-ring 2906 0972 00 1 Kit element exchange C190
0663 2106 15 • 1 O-ring 0663 2114 07 • 1 O-ring
0663 3116 00 • 1 O-ring 0663 2114 23 • 1 O-ring
0661 1000 25 • 1 Seal washer 0663 2108 13 • 1 O-ring
0661 1000 32 • 1 Seal washer 0663 2109 68 • 1 O-ring
0663 2108 12•2O-ring
3001 5006 26 1 Min. Pressure valve kit 0663 2106 20 • 1 O-ring
0663 2106 58 • 1 O-ring 0663 2106 15 • 1 O-ring
1614 6957 00 • 1 Washer 0663 3116 00 • 1 O-ring
1621 4976 00 • 1 Nut 0661 1000 27 • 1 Seal washer
0665 0701 39 • 1 Back-up ring 0337 8350 00 • 1 Parallel key
9125 7289 00 • 3 Set-screw 0147 1407 03 • 1 Bolt
3001 5006 24 1 Oil separator kit G 90-110 2906 0969 00 1 Kit gearbox C146
0663 2106 17 • 1 O-ring 0661 1000 27 • 1 Seal washer
0663 2109 45 • 2 O-ring 0211 1325 00 • 4 Cap screw
1614 9054 99 • 1 Oil separator element 0337 0009 74 • 1 Parallel key
0337 8352 00•1Parallel key
3001 5006 25 1 Oil separator kit G 132-160 0504 0110 01 • 1 Bearing ball
0663 2106 17 • 1 O-ring 0508 1158 01 • 1 Bearing
0663 2109 45 • 2 O-ring 2906 0968 00 • 1 Shaft seal kit
1614 9056 99•1Oil separator element
2906 0970 001Kit gearbox C190
2906 0566 00 1 Cooler kit G 90-160 0661 1000 27 • 1 Seal washer
0663 2106 19 • 1 O-ring 0211 1325 00 • 4 Cap screw
0663 2106 15 • 1 O-ring 0337 0009 74 • 1 Parallel key
Service kit 27
1614 9064 00 • 4 Rubber joint
1614 8926 00 • 4 Absorber
2906 0578 00 1 Seal washer kit
0653 0500 08 • 3 Flat cu gasket
3002 6032 30 1 G 110 Motor bearing
0502 1101 29 • 1 Bearing
0502 1101 31 • 1 Bearing
3002 6032 40 1 G 132/160 Motor bearing
Atlas Copco Stationary Air Compressors
G 110 VSD, G 132 VSD, G 160 VSD
Parts list
What setsAtlas Copco apart as a company is our convic- tion that we can only excel in what we do if we provide the best possible know-how and technology to really help our customers produce, grow and succeed.
There is a unique way of achieving that – we simply call it the Atlas Copco way. It builds oninteraction, on long-term relationships and involvement in the customers’ process, needs and objectives. It means having the flexibility to adapt to the diverse demands of the people we cater for. It’s the commitment to our customers’ business that drives our effort towards increasing their productivity through better solutions. It starts with fully supporting existing products and continuously doing things better, but it goes much further, creating advances in technology throughinnovation. Not for the sake of technology, but for the sake of our customer’s bottom line and peace-of-mind. That is howAtlas Copco will strive to remain the first choice, to succeed in attracting new business and to maintain our position as the industry lead.
Dear, Good day
We kindly ask you to send us by email information about the price and
other conditions for the supply of the material described below:
Item Description
04 – UNTS
1503037780-J ATLAS COPCO
HS CODE, Delivery Time, Taxes.
Payment conditions
Technical information: Datasheet/Drawing
Send Certificates (if applicable)
Weight and dimensions estimate
King regards,
Thank you Dan for your comments and RFQ leaving on our website, our team will check and quote to you on Monday via email. If you need any other genuine parts for Atlas Copco, Epiroc drilling and mining equipment parts, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Gardner Denver, Doosan, Sullair, etc, feel free to contact with us.
Добрый день просим рассмотреть возможность поставки фильтров на компрессор ZH 7000-6-7(р/комплекты,фильтры, сепаратор, клапана)
Dear Sir or madam, thanks, please send us by email with the part numbers for ZH7000 Atlas Copco Air Compressors, we are looking forward to quoting you for your RFQs.
Добрый день, жду сообщений по поставке расходников
Thank you, please provide the part numbers, air compressor name plate by email to us:
Уважаемый Господин или Госпожа
Может ли ваша компания поставлять детали для центробежных воздушных компрессоров Ingersoll Rand? Для таких моделей, как Centac 400, C700E и т. д., а также запасных частей для безмасляных воздушных компрессоров Atlas Copco. Если да, то как быстро вы можете отправить нам продукцию и насколько надежна ваша продукция, если мы принимаем только оригинальные запасные части?
Dear Sir or madam, Thank you very much for leaving comment on our website. Our company offer MANY GENUINE ORIGINAL parts for all top brands of air compressors like Atlas Copco, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Doosan, Gardner Denver, and yes, we do serve centrifugal air compressors spare parts. You can compare our prices if based on 100% Genuine original parts. Thanks and hope we can communicate in email via English if possible. Kind regards, Team from CPMC, China.
I would like to request a Parts List Manual for Atlas Copco G55, We are planning to purchase PM parts for our compressor.
Your immediate response is highly appreciated.
Robert Arano
PDEC Co. (Purtlev Dynamics Engineering Company)
86 Hemedez Coumpound, Brgy. Sala Cabuyao Laguna Philippines
(049) 560 6264
Dear Robert, can you please send email to us with the compressor nameplate and so we can try to check the related user manual and see if we can get the part numbers for the PM parts. our email address: (miss Wendy) or (miss JoJo). Thank you for your inquiry and best regards, CPMC service team!
S No Description Part Number
1 Cooler Kit 3001531121
2 O-RING 0663210968
3 Seal Washer 0661100038
4 RING INTERNAL 1635051200
5 PROFILE, 1635051400
6 SEAL GASKET 1635051500
7 O RING 1623172600
8 COOLER AFTER 1635051900
9 CORE COOLER, AIR 1635051600
10 CORE COOLER, OIL 1635127300
11 O RING 0663210612
12 O RING 0663210968
Can someone please share prices and availibility.
Dear Kamran
Good morning and happy new Year 2025! We well received your message and our team will check and quote to you asap in this holiday period.
Kind regards