Here you will find 1625752501, the same genuine oil filter for PN 2903752501, is the upgraded and new version from old part number 1625752500. If you are looking for any Atlas Copco Genuine original oil fitlers or air filter, oil separators etc, you are welcome to contact the most reliable compressors and genuine parts supplier in China – Pudding Mechatronic! Our genuine original parts prices are unbeatable, if you are bored with purchasing OEM parts from middle vendors on B2B platform such as Alibaba, Amazon, eBay, Globalsources.com, etc. No hesitate to contact with us now.
Oil filter elements are used to remove contaminants from oil in a compressor system. Required filtration efficiencies are obtained through the exclusive use of high-grade filter media and consistent surface area control, obtained by strict maintenance of pleat quantity and depth. Oil filter leakages are prevented by the positive seals obtained with both plastisol and epoxy encapsulation. Viton seals are used where applications of synthetic oil are typical.
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