Genuine Honeywell HC900 Process and Safety System (SIL2) Catalogue from Chinese suppliers


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    Genuine Honeywell HC900 Process and Safety System (SIL2) Catalogue from Chinese suppliers

    900R04-0200 4 I/O Slot Rack 4 I/O插槽机架
    900R08-0200 8 I/O Slot Rack 8 I/O插槽机架
    900R12-0200 12 I/O Slot Rack 12 I/O插槽机架
    900R08R-0200 8 Slot Rack -Red. Power 8插槽机架-红色。权力
    900R12R-0200 12 Slot Rack – Red. Power 12插槽机架-红色。电源
    900PSM-0101 Redundant Power Status Module 冗余电源状态模块
    900S75-0360-00 I/O Scanner – 2 Port (1 per I/O rack) I/O扫描仪-2个端口(每个I/O机架1个)
    900S50-0360-00 I/O Scanner (for remote rack) I/O扫描仪(用于远程机架)
    900P01-0101 120/240VAC, 60W 120/240伏交流,60瓦
    900P02-0101 120/240VAC, 28W 120/240伏交流电压,28瓦
    900P24-0101 24Vdc, 60W 24V直流,60W
    900C70-0360-00 Controller C70 CPU 控制器C70 CPU
    900C50-0360-00 Controller C50 CPU 控制器C50 CPU
    900C30-0360-00 Controller C30 CPU 控制器C30 CPU
    900RR0-0101 Redundant CPU Rack 冗余CPU机架
    900C75-0360-00 Redundant Controller C75 CPU 冗余控制器C75 CPU
    900RSM-0101 Redundant Switch Module 冗余交换机模块
    900C70S-0360-00 Controller C70 CPU – SIL 控制器C70 CPU-SIL
    900C50S-0360-00 Controller C50 CPU – SIL 控制器C50 CPU-SIL
    900C30S-0360-00 Controller C30 CPU – SIL 控制器C30 CPU-SIL
    900RR0-0101 Redundant CPU Rack 冗余CPU机架
    900C75S-0360-00 Redundant Controller C75 CPU-SIL 冗余控制器C75 CPU-SIL
    900RSM-0101 Redundant Switch Module 冗余交换机模块
    900S75S-0360-00 I/O Scanner – 2 Port (1 per I/O rack) – SIL I/O扫描仪-2个端口(每个I/O机架1个)-SIL
    900S50S-0360-00 I/O Scanner – 1 Port (1 per I/O rack) – SIL I/O扫描仪-1个端口(每个I/O机架1个)-SIL
    900P01-0201 120/240VAC, 60W 120/240伏交流,60瓦
    900P02-0201 120/240VAC, 28W 120/240伏交流电压,28瓦
    900A01-0202 Analog Input (8 channel) 模拟输入(8通道)
    900A16-0101 Analog Input Hi level (16ch) 模拟输入高电平(16ch)
    900B01-0301 Analog Output, 0 to 20mA, (4 channel) 模拟输出,0至20mA,(4通道)
    900B08-0202 Analog Outputs 0 to 20mA (8 channel, 5 modules/rack) 模拟输出0至20mA(8通道,5模块/机架)
    900B16-0202 Analog Outputs 0 to 20mA (16 channel, 2 modules per rack) 模拟输出0至20mA(16通道,每个机架2个模块)
    900G01-0202 Digital Input, Contact type, (16 channel) 数字输入,触点型,(16通道)
    900G02-0202 Digital Input, 24VDC (16 channel) 数字输入,24VDC(16通道)
    900G03-0202 Digital Input, 120/240 VAC, (16 channel) 数字输入,120/240 VAC,(16通道)
    900G04-0101 Digital Input, 120/240 VAC-125VDC, (16 channel Isolated) 数字输入,120/240 VAC-125VDC,(16通道隔离)
    900G32-0101 Digital Input, 24VDC (32 channel) 数字输入,24VDC(32通道)
    900H01-0202 Digital Output, Relays ( 8 channel) 数字输出,继电器(8通道)
    900H02-0202 Digital Output, 24VDC (16 channel) 数字输出,24VDC(16通道)
    900H03-0202 Digital Output, 120/240 VAC (8 channel) 数字输出,120/240 VAC(8通道)
    900H32-0102 Digital Output, 24VDC (32 channel) 数字输出,24VDC(32通道)
    900K01-0201 Pulse/Freq/Quad (4chan, 1Quad) 脉冲/频率/四路(4chan,1Quad)
    900TEK-0101 Low VoltageTerminal Block (Euro style) 低压接线板(欧式)
    900TBK-0101 Low VoltageTerminal Block (Barrier Style) 低压接线板(屏障式)
    900TER-0101 High VoltageTerminal Block (Euro style) 高压接线板(欧式)
    900TBR-0101 High Voltage Terminal Block (Barrier Style) 高压接线板(屏障式)
    900TCK-0101 VoltageTerminal Block (36 channel) 电压接线盒(36通道)
    900RTA-L001 Analog Input Remote Terminal Panel (RTP) 模拟输入远程终端面板(RTP)
    900RTR-H001 Relay Output Remote Terminal Panel (RTP) 继电器输出远程终端面板(RTP)
    900RTS-0001 DI, DO, AO, 16pt AI, Remote Terminal Panel (RTP) DI、DO、AO、16pt AI、远程终端面板(RTP)
    900RTC-L110 Low Voltage RTP Cable (1.0M, 3.28ft.) 低压RTP电缆(1.0M,3.28ft)
    900RTC-L125 Low Voltage RTP Cable (2.5M, 8.2ft.) 低压RTP电缆(2.5M,8.2ft)
    900RTC-L150 Low Votage RTP Cable (5.0M, 16.4ft.) 低压RTP电缆(5.0M,16.4英尺)
    900RTC-H110 High Voltage RTP Cable (1.0M, 3.28ft.) 高压RTP电缆(1.0M,3.28ft)
    900RTC-H125 High Voltage RTP Cable (2.5M, 8.2ft.) 高压RTP电缆(2.5M,8.2ft)
    900RTC-H150 High Votage RTP Cable (5.0M, 16.4ft.) 高压RTP电缆(5.0M,16.4英尺)
    900RTC-3310 LV RTP Cable (32/16 channel) (1.0M, 3.28ft) 低压RTP电缆(32/16信道)(1.0M,3.28ft)
    900RTC-3325 LV RTP Cable (32/16 channel) (2.5M, 8.2ft) 低压RTP电缆(32/16信道)(2.5M,8.2ft)
    900RTC-3350 LV RTP Cable (32/16 channel) (5.0M, 16.4ft) 低压RTP电缆(32/16信道)(5.0M,16.4ft)
    900RTC-B910 8 ch A/O RTP Cable (1.0M, 3.3ft) 8信道A/O RTP电缆(1.0M,3.3ft)
    900RTC-B925 8 ch A/O RTP Cable (2.5M, 8.2ft) 8信道A/O RTP电缆(2.5M,8.2ft)
    900RTC-B950 8 ch A/O RTP Cable (5.0M, 16.4ft) 8信道A/O RTP电缆(5.0M,16.4英尺)
    900TNF-0101 Filler Block Terminal Cover 填充块端子盖
    900TSS-0001 Shield Terminal Strip (package of 2) 屏蔽端子条(2包)
    900J02-0001 Terminal board jumpers (10, two pos jumpers) 端子板跳线(10,两位跳线)
    900J10-0001 Terminal board jumpers (10, ten pos.jumpers) 端子板跳线(10,10位跳线)
    900ME1-0060-00 Full Document set on CD CD上的完整文档集
    900ME1S-0060-00 Full Document set on CD – SIL CD上的完整文档集-SIL
    900W01-0060-00 Designer Config. Software CD (with Matrikon OPC Server) 设计器配置。软件CD(带Matrikon OPC服务器)
    900W02-0060-00 Utilities Software/Documentation CD 实用程序软件/文档CD
    50045756-001 Historian Software w Documentation Historian软件和文档
    900C71-0144-00 Controller C70 CPU Config. SW & Docs 控制器C70 CPU配置。软件和文档
    900C51-0244-00 Controller C50 CPU Config.SW & Docs 控制器C50 CPU配置。软件和文档
    900C31-0244-00 Controller C30 CPU Config. SW & Docs 控制器C30 CPU配置。软件和文档
    900C71R-0100-44 Controller C70R CPU Config.SW & Docs 控制器C70R CPU配置。软件和文档
    900A01-0202 Analog Input (8 channel) 模拟输入(8通道)
    900B01-0301 Analog Output, 0 to 20mA, (4 channel) 模拟输出,0至20mA,(4通道)
    900B08-0202 Analog Outputs 0 to 20mA (8 channel, 5 modules/rack) 模拟输出0至20mA(8通道,5模块/机架)
    900B16-0202 Analog Outputs 0 to 20mA (16 channel, 2 modules per rack) 模拟输出0至20mA(16通道,每个机架2个模块)
    900G01-0202 Digital Input, Contact type, (16 channel) 数字输入,触点型,(16通道)
    900G02-0202 Digital Input, 24VDC (16 channel) 数字输入,24VDC(16通道)
    900G03-0202 Digital Input, 120/240 VAC, (16 channel) 数字输入,120/240 VAC,(16通道)
    900G04-0101 Digital Input, 120/240 VAC-125VDC, (16 channel Isolated) 数字输入,120/240 VAC-125VDC,(16通道隔离)
    900H01-0202 Digital Output, Relays ( 8 channel) 数字输出,继电器(8通道)
    900H02-0202 Digital Output, 24VDC (16 Channel) 数字输出,24VDC(16通道)
    900H03-0202 Digital Output, 120/240 VAC (8 channel) 数字输出,120/240 VAC(8通道)
    900A01-020X Analog Input Module 模拟输入模块
    900H01-010X Relay Output Module 继电器输出模块
    900B01-030X Analog Output Module 模拟输出模块
    900G01-020X Contact Discrete Input Module 触点离散输入模块
    900G02-020X DC Discrete Input Module 直流离散输入模块
    900H02-020X DC Discrete Output Module 直流离散输出模块
    900G03-020X AC Discrete Input Module 交流离散输入模块
    900H03-020X AC Discrete Output Module 交流离散输出模块
    900G32-010X Digital Input, 32 Channel 数字输入,32通道
    900H32-010X Digital Output, 32 Channel 数字输出,32通道
    900A16-010X Analog Input, 16 Channel 模拟输入,16通道
    900B08-0202 Analog Output Module 8 Channel 模拟输出模块8通道
    900B16-0202 Analog Output Module 16 Channel 模拟输出模块16通道
    51452262-501 Spare I/O Label Kit 备用I/O标签套件
    51500638-501 Replacement Battery Kit 更换电池套件
    900RPE-0200 Redundant Power, Rack Extension Kit 冗余电源、机架扩展套件
    900C32-0123-00 Replacement C30 CPU for systems built prior to 4/2006 更换2006年4月之前制造的系统的C30 CPU
    900C52-0123-00 Replacement C50 CPU for systems built prior to 4/2006 更换2006年4月之前生产的系统的C50 CPU
    900C53-0123-00 Replacement Scanner for systems built prior to 4/2006 2006年4月之前制造的系统的替换扫描仪
    51451432-010 Ethernet Cable (10 feet) 以太网电缆(10英尺)
    51451432-020 Ethernet Cable (20 feet) 以太网电缆(20英尺)
    51451996-020 Ethernet Cross-over Cable (20 feet) * 以太网交叉电缆(20英尺)*
    51404755-501 Null Modem Cable for CPUs built before 1/2006** 2006年1月之前制造的CPU的空调制解调器电缆**
    50004820-501 RS 232 Serial Cable (PC to HC900 serial port) RS 232串行电缆(PC到HC900串行端口)
    51205995-501 250 ohm Shunt Resistor Kit ( (8/pkg.) 250欧姆并联电阻器套件((8/包)
    50008930-001 Industrial Ethernet Switch (8 Ports) 工业以太网交换机(8端口)
    51452041-501 24 VDC Power Supply (1.3A) 24 VDC电源(1.3A)
    50047098-001 24 VDC Power Supply (2.5A) 24 VDC电源(2.5A)
    50089787-501 USB to RS-485 Dongle ** USB至RS-485加密狗**
    51-52-25-107 HC900 Controller Manual HC900控制器手册
    51-52-25-107-SP HC900 Controller Manual, Spanish HC900控制器手册,西班牙语
    51-52-25-107-FR HC900 Controller Manual, French HC900控制器手册,法语
    51-52-25-110 Designer Configuration Software Manual 设计者配置软件手册
    51-52-25-109 Function Block Reference Guide 功能块参考指南
    51-52-25-111 Communications Manual 通信手册
    900CS10-00 900 Control Station Interface 10″ 900控制站接口10“
    900CS15-00 900 Control Station Interface 15″ 900控制站接口15“
    900SDS-12-44-00 900 Station Designer Software 900 Station Designer软件
    50040636-002 CompactFlash Memory Module CompactFlash内存模块
    50038817-001 USB Programming Cable USB编程电缆
    51451432-010 Communicatications Cable (10 ft) Ethernet and RS485 通信电缆(10英尺)以太网和RS485
    50038816-501 10″ Screen Protective Films (Package of 10) 10“屏幕保护膜(10包)
    50038818-501 10″ Replacement Backlight 10英寸更换背光
    50038820-501 10″ Replacement Touch Screen Assy 10“更换触摸屏组件
    50039118-501 10″ Mounting Plate Adapter (1042 Replacement) 10“安装板适配器(1042更换)
    51452041-501 24 Vcd power supply (power for operator interface) 24 Vcd电源(操作员接口电源)
    51-52-25-148 900 Control Station User’s Manual (paper) 900控制站用户手册(纸质)
    51-52-25-149 900 Station Designer SW User’s Manual (paper) 900 Station Designer SW用户手册(纸质)
    900ME1-0044-44 Full Documentation Set on CD CD上的完整文档集
    50047098-001 24Vdc Power Supply, 10″ and 15″ OI Models 24Vdc电源,10“和15”OI型号
    50038816-502 15″ Screen Protective Films (Package of 10) 15“屏幕保护膜(10包)
    50047099-501 GSM/GPRS Cellular Modem Kit GSM/GPRS蜂窝调制解调器套件 

    WhatsApp: +86 18080158435

    For Genuine Honeywell HC900 Process and Safety System (SIL2) Parts Price and Availability in China, Please Submit a Quick RFQ, we will answer you soon!

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    99 thoughts on “Genuine Honeywell HC900 Process and Safety System (SIL2) Catalogue from Chinese suppliers

    1. Dan Schwartman says:

      Dear, Good day

      We kindly ask you to send us by email information about the price and
      other conditions for the supply of the material described below:

      Item Description

      04 – UNTS

      1503037780-J ATLAS COPCO

      HS CODE, Delivery Time, Taxes.
      Payment conditions
      Technical information: Datasheet/Drawing
      Send Certificates (if applicable)
      Weight and dimensions estimate

      King regards,

      • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

        Thank you Dan for your comments and RFQ leaving on our website, our team will check and quote to you on Monday via email. If you need any other genuine parts for Atlas Copco, Epiroc drilling and mining equipment parts, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Gardner Denver, Doosan, Sullair, etc, feel free to contact with us.

    2. Александр Петрович Малухин says:

      Добрый день просим рассмотреть возможность поставки фильтров на компрессор ZH 7000-6-7(р/комплекты,фильтры, сепаратор, клапана)

    3. Александр Петрович Малухин says:

      Добрый день, жду сообщений по поставке расходников

    4. Кузнецова says:

      Уважаемый Господин или Госпожа
      Может ли ваша компания поставлять детали для центробежных воздушных компрессоров Ingersoll Rand? Для таких моделей, как Centac 400, C700E и т. д., а также запасных частей для безмасляных воздушных компрессоров Atlas Copco. Если да, то как быстро вы можете отправить нам продукцию и насколько надежна ваша продукция, если мы принимаем только оригинальные запасные части?

      • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

        Dear Sir or madam, Thank you very much for leaving comment on our website. Our company offer MANY GENUINE ORIGINAL parts for all top brands of air compressors like Atlas Copco, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Doosan, Gardner Denver, and yes, we do serve centrifugal air compressors spare parts. You can compare our prices if based on 100% Genuine original parts. Thanks and hope we can communicate in email via English if possible. Kind regards, Team from CPMC, China.

    5. Robert Arano says:

      I would like to request a Parts List Manual for Atlas Copco G55, We are planning to purchase PM parts for our compressor.

      Your immediate response is highly appreciated.


      Robert Arano

      PDEC Co. (Purtlev Dynamics Engineering Company)
      86 Hemedez Coumpound, Brgy. Sala Cabuyao Laguna Philippines
      (049) 560 6264

    6. Kamran Hashim says:

      S No Description Part Number
      1 Cooler Kit 3001531121
      2 O-RING 0663210968
      3 Seal Washer 0661100038
      4 RING INTERNAL 1635051200
      5 PROFILE, 1635051400
      6 SEAL GASKET 1635051500
      7 O RING 1623172600
      8 COOLER AFTER 1635051900
      9 CORE COOLER, AIR 1635051600
      10 CORE COOLER, OIL 1635127300
      11 O RING 0663210612
      12 O RING 0663210968
      Can someone please share prices and availibility.

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