6001114700 Coupling to 8311128009 COP 1132 Thread type SR28 Epiroc Parts List

Genuine Epiroc Spare Parts by Reliable China Distributor CPMC

Here is the 6001114700 Coupling to 8311128009 COP 1132 Thread type SR28 Epiroc Parts List. If you are looking for Atlas Copco compressors or Epiroc genuine parts, feel free to submit your Motors RFQ inquiry form below. 

    Full Name



    Company Name

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    Quick RFQ, Pls provide P/N, compressors name plate, etc.

    Please attach 1 file up to 2MB if you have.

    6001114700 Coupling Epiroc China 6001 1147 00
    6003516100 Safety Valve Epiroc China 6003 5161 00
    6003550100 Stud Epiroc China 6003 5501 00
    6201923500 Sleeve Epiroc China 6201 9235 00
    6203056300 Seal Ring Epiroc China 6203 0563 00
    8032010103 Rot.Unit Bbr Epiroc China 8032 0101 03
    8032010244 Dhr 48 H 56 Epiroc China 8032 0102 44
    8032010277 Dhr 48 H 68 Epiroc China 8032 0102 77
    8032010285 Dhr 48 H 45 Epiroc China 8032 0102 85
    8032010299 Dhr 48 H 56 Epiroc China 8032 0102 99
    8092002443 Guide Tubes Epiroc China 8092 0024 43
    8092002444 Tube Guide Epiroc China 8092 0024 44
    8092002445 Tube Guide Epiroc China 8092 0024 45
    8092002456 Anti.Freeze Epiroc China 8092 0024 56
    8092020117 Bsp 10 Epiroc China 8092 0201 17
    8093011401 Ted 89-18 Epiroc China 8093 0114 01
    8093011407 Ted 127-40 Epiroc China 8093 0114 07
    8095010313 Test. Unit Epiroc China 8095 0103 13
    8115430186 Compressor Epiroc China 8115 4301 86
    8115430640 Compressor Epiroc China 8115 4306 40
    8115460019 Compressorbl Epiroc China 8115 4600 19
    8115470042 Compressor Epiroc China 8115 4700 42
    8115470596 Compressor Epiroc China 8115 4705 96
    8202010172 Filter Epiroc China 8202 0101 72
    8202010412 Filter Epiroc China 8202 0104 12
    8202010453 Filter Epiroc China 8202 0104 53
    8202030204 Ball Valve Epiroc China 8202 0302 04
    8202030303 Ball Valve Epiroc China 8202 0303 03
    8202030402 Ball Valve Epiroc China 8202 0304 02
    8202030501 Ball Valve Epiroc China 8202 0305 01
    8202031103 Ball Valve Epiroc China 8202 0311 03
    8202031129 Ball Valve Epiroc China 8202 0311 29
    8202031137 Ball Valve Epiroc China 8202 0311 37
    8202031145 Ball Valve Epiroc China 8202 0311 45
    8202031160 Ball Valve Epiroc China 8202 0311 60
    8202031178 Ball Valve Epiroc China 8202 0311 78
    8202120518 Nipple Epiroc China 8202 1205 18
    8202120559 Quick Coupli Epiroc China 8202 1205 59
    8202125129 Quick Coupl. Epiroc China 8202 1251 29
    8202125210 Quick Coupl. Epiroc China 8202 1252 10
    8202130038 Quick Coupl. Epiroc China 8202 1300 38
    8202130400 Quick Coupl. Epiroc China 8202 1304 00
    8202130418 Quick Coupl. Epiroc China 8202 1304 18
    8202130459 Quick Coupl. Epiroc China 8202 1304 59
    8202130467 Quick Coupl. Epiroc China 8202 1304 67
    8202511146 Valve Epiroc China 8202 5111 46
    8202511179 Gauge Set Epiroc China 8202 5111 79
    8202511187 Dosing Pump Epiroc China 8202 5111 87
    8202511401 Lubr.Valve Epiroc China 8202 5114 01
    8202520162 Lubricator Epiroc China 8202 5201 62
    8202520670 Oil-Fog Unit Epiroc China 8202 5206 70
    8202520902 Oil-Fog Lubr Epiroc China 8202 5209 02
    8204021078 Valve Epiroc China 8204 0210 78
    8204021243 Direct.Valve Epiroc China 8204 0212 43
    8204022043 Direct.Valve Epiroc China 8204 0220 43
    8204022142 Direct.Valve Epiroc China 8204 0221 42
    8204022225 Valve Epiroc China 8204 0222 25
    8204031325 Direct.Valve Epiroc China 8204 0313 25
    8204049897 Solenoid Val Epiroc China 8204 0498 97
    8204065117 Air Valve Epiroc China 8204 0651 17
    8204070133 Valve Epiroc China 8204 0701 33
    8204084803 Valve Epiroc China 8204 0848 03
    8204085008 Valve Epiroc China 8204 0850 08
    8204093010 Shuttl.Valve Epiroc China 8204 0930 10
    8204094018 Check Valve Epiroc China 8204 0940 18
    8204094034 Check Valve Epiroc China 8204 0940 34
    8204094216 Thrott.Valve Epiroc China 8204 0942 16
    8204094232 Thrott.Valve Epiroc China 8204 0942 32
    8204094323 Exhaus.Valve Epiroc China 8204 0943 23
    8204150208 Direct.Valve Epiroc China 8204 1502 08
    8204382801 Pressure Box Epiroc China 8204 3828 01
    8204423407 Air Cylinder Epiroc China 8204 4234 07
    8204423605 Air Cyl Epiroc China 8204 4236 05
    8204435713 Air Cylinder Epiroc China 8204 4357 13
    8204436202 Cylinder Epiroc China 8204 4362 02
    8204436302 Air Cyl. Epiroc China 8204 4363 02
    8204437410 Air-Cylinder Epiroc China 8204 4374 10
    8231085013 Fil.Insert Epiroc China 8231 0850 13
    8231085345 O-Ring Epiroc China 8231 0853 45
    8231085346 O-Ring Epiroc China 8231 0853 46
    8231085419 Breat.Filter Epiroc China 8231 0854 19
    8231085484 Manometer Epiroc China 8231 0854 84
    8231085815 Indicator Epiroc China 8231 0858 15
    8231085823 Cover Compl. Epiroc China 8231 0858 23
    8231101804 Filter Inser Epiroc China 8231 1018 04
    8231101828 Filterinsert Epiroc China 8231 1018 28
    8231107946 Ret.Oil Filt Epiroc China 8231 1079 46
    8231108252 Suct.Filter Epiroc China 8231 1082 52
    8231108575 Press.Switch Epiroc China 8231 1085 75
    8231108609 Protec.Cover Epiroc China 8231 1086 09
    8231109011 Filter Cartr Epiroc China 8231 1090 11
    8231109012 Filtercartri Epiroc China 8231 1090 12
    8231109046 Pressure Fil Epiroc China 8231 1090 46
    8231109048 O-Ring Epiroc China 8231 1090 48
    8231109049 Indicator Epiroc China 8231 1090 49
    8231109095 Cover Epiroc China 8231 1090 95
    8231109697 Valve Epiroc China 8231 1096 97
    8231109700 Valve Epiroc China 8231 1097 00
    8231109900 Valve Unit Epiroc China 8231 1099 00
    8231112013 Check Valve Epiroc China 8231 1120 13
    8231112710 Valve Insert Epiroc China 8231 1127 10
    8231112714 Solen. Valve Epiroc China 8231 1127 14
    8231112751 Solenoid Epiroc China 8231 1127 51
    8231112752 Coil Epiroc China 8231 1127 52
    8231112775 Coil Epiroc China 8231 1127 75
    8231112787 Valve Epiroc China 8231 1127 87
    8231112800 Solen.Valve Epiroc China 8231 1128 00
    8231120020 Pr.Rel.Valve Epiroc China 8231 1200 20
    8231120028 Pr.Rel.Valve Epiroc China 8231 1200 28
    8231120029 Pr.Rel.Valve Epiroc China 8231 1200 29
    8231120035 Pr.Rel.Valve Epiroc China 8231 1200 35
    8231120037 Pr.Rel.Valve Epiroc China 8231 1200 37
    8231120153 Sequen.Valve Epiroc China 8231 1201 53
    8231120157 Sequen.Valve Epiroc China 8231 1201 57
    8231120206 Press.Reg. Epiroc China 8231 1202 06
    8231120210 Regulator Epiroc China 8231 1202 10
    8231120212 Regulator Epiroc China 8231 1202 12
    8231120286 Check Valve Epiroc China 8231 1202 86
    8231120291 Piston Epiroc China 8231 1202 91
    8231120306 Overc.Valve Epiroc China 8231 1203 06
    8231120307 Overc.Valve Epiroc China 8231 1203 07
    8231120361 Overc.Valve Epiroc China 8231 1203 61
    8231120363 Valve Epiroc China 8231 1203 63
    8231120366 Valve Epiroc China 8231 1203 66
    8231120367 Overc.Valve Epiroc China 8231 1203 67
    8231120378 Overc.Valve Epiroc China 8231 1203 78
    8231120427 Flow Reg. Epiroc China 8231 1204 27
    8231120462 Cartridge Epiroc China 8231 1204 62
    8231120555 Valve Housin Epiroc China 8231 1205 55
    8231120607 Knob Epiroc China 8231 1206 07
    8231120608 Steering Whe Epiroc China 8231 1206 08
    8231120653 Sealing Set Epiroc China 8231 1206 53
    8231120667 Sealing Set Epiroc China 8231 1206 67
    8231120679 Sealing Set Epiroc China 8231 1206 79
    8231120686 Overc.Valve Epiroc China 8231 1206 86
    8231120689 Sealing Set Epiroc China 8231 1206 89
    8231120698 Sealing Set Epiroc China 8231 1206 98
    8231130062 Hydr.Pump Epiroc China 8231 1300 62
    8231600100 Connector Epiroc China 8231 6001 00
    8231600386 Overc.Valve Epiroc China 8231 6003 86
    8231600387 Overc.Valve Epiroc China 8231 6003 87
    2696700893 Screw,Hex/35M2Ab518M3 Epiroc China 2696 7008 93
    8231600685 Overc.Valve Epiroc China 8231 6006 85
    8232100068 Hyd.Cylinder Epiroc China 8232 1000 68
    8232110067 Hyd.Cylinder Epiroc China 8232 1100 67
    8232300001 Hyd.Cylinder Epiroc China 8232 3000 01
    8232300002 Hyd.Cylinder Epiroc China 8232 3000 02
    8232300003 Hyd.Cylinder Epiroc China 8232 3000 03
    8232300005 Hyd.Cylinder Epiroc China 8232 3000 05
    8232300009 Cylinder Epiroc China 8232 3000 09
    8232300086 Hyd.Cylinder Epiroc China 8232 3000 86
    8232300126 Hyd.Cylinder Epiroc China 8232 3001 26
    8232300132 Hyd.Cylinder Epiroc China 8232 3001 32
    8232300135 Hyd.Cyl Epiroc China 8232 3001 35
    8232300137 Hyd.Cylinder Epiroc China 8232 3001 37
    8232300175 Hyd.Cylinder Epiroc China 8232 3001 75
    8232300215 Hyd.Cylinder Epiroc China 8232 3002 15
    8232300236 Feed Dump Cy Epiroc China 8232 3002 36
    8232300237 Feedswingcyl Epiroc China 8232 3002 37
    8232300272 Hyd.Cylinder Epiroc China 8232 3002 72
    8232300300 Hyd.Cyl Epiroc China 8232 3003 00
    8232300302 Hyd.Cyl. Epiroc China 8232 3003 02
    8232300303 Hyd.Cyl. Epiroc China 8232 3003 03
    8232300304 Hyd.Cyl. Epiroc China 8232 3003 04
    8232300310 Hyd.Cyl. Epiroc China 8232 3003 10
    8232300385 Cylinder Epiroc China 8232 3003 85
    8234020031 Hyd.Cylinder Epiroc China 8234 0200 31
    8234020032 Pilot Valve Epiroc China 8234 0200 32
    8234020036 Filter Compl Epiroc China 8234 0200 36
    1604707982 Valve Epiroc China 1604 7079 82
    8234020056 Joystick Epiroc China 8234 0200 56
    8234020057 Joystick Epiroc China 8234 0200 57
    8234020058 Amplifier Epiroc China 8234 0200 58
    8234020059 Amplifier Epiroc China 8234 0200 59
    8234020061 Valve Epiroc China 8234 0200 61
    8234020080 Valve Epiroc China 8234 0200 80
    8234020117 Contr.Lever Epiroc China 8234 0201 17
    8234020119 Contr.Valve Epiroc China 8234 0201 19
    8234020122 Joystick Epiroc China 8234 0201 22
    8234300042 Seq. Valve Epiroc China 8234 3000 42
    8234300043 Seq. Valve Epiroc China 8234 3000 43
    8234300065 Sequence Val Epiroc China 8234 3000 65
    8234890588 Sequen.Valve Epiroc China 8234 8905 88
    8234890589 Valve Epiroc China 8234 8905 89
    8234930250 Pilot Valve Epiroc China 8234 9302 50
    8311060308 Bbc 120 F Epiroc China 8311 0603 08
    8311060325 Bbc 120 Fz Epiroc China 8311 0603 25
    8311101904 Cop 1019-8 Epiroc China 8311 1019 04
    8311102225 Cop 1022-20 Epiroc China 8311 1022 25
    8311102226 Cop 1022Hf-2 Epiroc China 8311 1022 26
    8311102227 Cop 1022-8 Epiroc China 8311 1022 27
    8311102228 Cop 1022Hf-3 Epiroc China 8311 1022 28
    8311102506 Cop 1025-20 Epiroc China 8311 1025 06
    8311102507 Cop1025-32 Epiroc China 8311 1025 07
    8311102811 Cop 1028Hb-R Epiroc China 8311 1028 11
    8311102829 Cop 1028Hd-R Epiroc China 8311 1028 29
    8311102845 Cop 1028 Hd- Epiroc China 8311 1028 45
    8311102850 Cop 1028Hb-S Epiroc China 8311 1028 50
    8311102860 Rock Drill Epiroc China 8311 1028 60
    8311124400 Cop1240-R32E Epiroc China 8311 1244 00
    8311124401 Cop 1240-T38 Epiroc China 8311 1244 01
    8311124402 Cop 1240-T45 Epiroc China 8311 1244 02
    8311124403 Cop 1240-T45 Epiroc China 8311 1244 03
    8311124404 Cop1240-T38E Epiroc China 8311 1244 04
    8311124421 Cop1240Ex-T3 Epiroc China 8311 1244 21
    8311124422 Cop1240Ex-T4 Epiroc China 8311 1244 22
    8311124423 Cop1240Ex-T3 Epiroc China 8311 1244 23
    8311124705 Cop 1840He-T Epiroc China 8311 1247 05
    8311124706 Cop 1840He-T Epiroc China 8311 1247 06
    8311124720 Cop 1838He-T Epiroc China 8311 1247 20
    8311124722 Cop 1838Het5 Epiroc China 8311 1247 22
    8311124723 Cop1838He-T4 Epiroc China 8311 1247 23
    8311124724 Cop1838He-T5 Epiroc China 8311 1247 24
    8311124740 Cop1838Me-T3 Epiroc China 8311 1247 40
    8311124742 Cop1838Me-T4 Epiroc China 8311 1247 42
    8311124743 Cop 1838Met3 Epiroc China 8311 1247 43
    8311124744 Cop 1838 Met Epiroc China 8311 1247 44
    8311124745 Cop 1838Mer3 Epiroc China 8311 1247 45
    8311124746 Cop1838Me R3 Epiroc China 8311 1247 46
    8311124747 Cop1838Me T3 Epiroc China 8311 1247 47
    8311124748 Cop 1838Mer3 Epiroc China 8311 1247 48
    8311124749 Cop 1838Met3 Epiroc China 8311 1247 49
    8311124750 Cop1838Me-T3 Epiroc China 8311 1247 50
    8311124751 Cop1838Met38 Epiroc China 8311 1247 51
    8311124752 Cop 1838Me R Epiroc China 8311 1247 52
    8311124754 Cop1838Me-R3 Epiroc China 8311 1247 54
    8311124755 Cop 1838Me-R Epiroc China 8311 1247 55
    8311124756 Cop 1838Me-A Epiroc China 8311 1247 56
    8311124758 Cop 1838Me-R Epiroc China 8311 1247 58
    8311124770 Cop 1838Me T Epiroc China 8311 1247 70
    8311124772 Cop1838Met45 Epiroc China 8311 1247 72
    8311124789 Cop1840He-T4 Epiroc China 8311 1247 89
    8311124790 Cop 1840He T Epiroc China 8311 1247 90
    8311124791 Cop1840He-T4 Epiroc China 8311 1247 91
    8311124792 Cop 1840He T Epiroc China 8311 1247 92
    8311124793 Cop1840-T51E Epiroc China 8311 1247 93
    8311124950 Cop 1838 Le Epiroc China 8311 1249 50
    8311124952 Cop 1838Le T Epiroc China 8311 1249 52
    8311124953 Cop 1638-T38 Epiroc China 8311 1249 53
    8311124954 Cop 1638 R38 Epiroc China 8311 1249 54
    8311124955 Cop1638-T380 Epiroc China 8311 1249 55
    8311124956 Cop1638-T380 Epiroc China 8311 1249 56
    8311124957 Cop1638-Aw-R Epiroc China 8311 1249 57
    8311124958 Cop1638-Aw-T Epiroc China 8311 1249 58
    8311124959 Cop 1838Le-R Epiroc China 8311 1249 59
    8311124961 Cop 1638 R32 Epiroc China 8311 1249 61
    8311124962 Cop 1638-R32 Epiroc China 8311 1249 62
    8311125700 Cop2238-R380 Epiroc China 8311 1257 00
    8311125701 Cop2238-T380 Epiroc China 8311 1257 01
    8311125702 Cop2238-T380 Epiroc China 8311 1257 02
    8311125703 Cop2238-T380 Epiroc China 8311 1257 03
    8311125704 Cop2238-T380 Epiroc China 8311 1257 04
    8311125705 Cop2238-T38E Epiroc China 8311 1257 05
    8311125706 Cop2238-T38E Epiroc China 8311 1257 06
    8311125709 Cop2238-Tc45 Epiroc China 8311 1257 09
    8311125800 Cop1640-R32E Epiroc China 8311 1258 00
    8311125801 Cop1640-R32E Epiroc China 8311 1258 01
    8311125802 Cop1640-T38E Epiroc China 8311 1258 02
    8311125803 Cop1640-T38E Epiroc China 8311 1258 03
    8311125804 Cop1640-T45E Epiroc China 8311 1258 04
    8311125805 Cop1640-T45E Epiroc China 8311 1258 05
    8311125806 Cop1640-T45E Epiroc China 8311 1258 06
    8311125810 Cop1640Ex-T3 Epiroc China 8311 1258 10
    8311125811 Cop1640Ex-T3 Epiroc China 8311 1258 11
    8311125812 Cop1640Ex-T4 Epiroc China 8311 1258 12
    8311125813 Cop1640Ex-T4 Epiroc China 8311 1258 13
    8311125814 Cop1640Ex-T4 Epiroc China 8311 1258 14
    8311128009 Cop1132-Sr28 Epiroc China 8311 1280 09
    8411100509 Air Motor Epiroc China 8411 1005 09
    8613110242 Seal Kit Epiroc China 8613 1102 42
    8915002010 Prohibition Epiroc China 8915 0020 10
    8915002018 Information Epiroc China 8915 0020 18
    8915002021 Prohibition Epiroc China 8915 0020 21
    8915002027 Warning Sign Epiroc China 8915 0020 27
    8915002043 Warning Sign Epiroc China 8915 0020 43
    8915002071 Warning Sign Epiroc China 8915 0020 71
    8915002072 Warning Sign Epiroc China 8915 0020 72
    8915002091 Warning Deca Epiroc China 8915 0020 91
    8915002098 Information Epiroc China 8915 0020 98
    8915002099 Information Epiroc China 8915 0020 99
    8915002101 Warning Sign Epiroc China 8915 0021 01
    8915002122 Warning Sign Epiroc China 8915 0021 22
    8915002132 Information Epiroc China 8915 0021 32
    8915002141 Information Epiroc China 8915 0021 41
    8915002164 Information Epiroc China 8915 0021 64
    8915002182 Information Epiroc China 8915 0021 82
    8915002192 Information Epiroc China 8915 0021 92
    8915002202 Information Epiroc China 8915 0022 02
    8915002212 Information Epiroc China 8915 0022 12
    8915002222 Information Epiroc China 8915 0022 22
    8915002232 Information Epiroc China 8915 0022 32
    8915002242 Information Epiroc China 8915 0022 42
    8915002283 Mandatory Ac Epiroc China 8915 0022 83
    8915002303 Mandatory Si Epiroc China 8915 0023 03
    8915002312 Information Epiroc China 8915 0023 12
    8915002353 Warning Sign Epiroc China 8915 0023 53
    8915002361 Warning Sign Epiroc China 8915 0023 61
    8915002371 Information Epiroc China 8915 0023 71
    8915002461 Warning Sign Epiroc China 8915 0024 61
    8915002522 Information Epiroc China 8915 0025 22
    8915002552 Information Epiroc China 8915 0025 52
    8915002573 Sign Epiroc China 8915 0025 73
    8915002612 Information Epiroc China 8915 0026 12
    8915002742 Information Epiroc China 8915 0027 42
    8915002792 Information Epiroc China 8915 0027 92
    8915002822 Information Epiroc China 8915 0028 22
    8915002842 Information Epiroc China 8915 0028 42
    8915002852 Information Epiroc China 8915 0028 52
    8915002862 Information Epiroc China 8915 0028 62
    8915002872 Information Epiroc China 8915 0028 72

    99 thoughts on “6001114700 Coupling to 8311128009 COP 1132 Thread type SR28 Epiroc Parts List

    1. Dan Schwartman says:

      Dear, Good day

      We kindly ask you to send us by email information about the price and
      other conditions for the supply of the material described below:

      Item Description

      04 – UNTS

      1503037780-J ATLAS COPCO

      HS CODE, Delivery Time, Taxes.
      Payment conditions
      Technical information: Datasheet/Drawing
      Send Certificates (if applicable)
      Weight and dimensions estimate

      King regards,

      • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

        Thank you Dan for your comments and RFQ leaving on our website, our team will check and quote to you on Monday via email. If you need any other genuine parts for Atlas Copco, Epiroc drilling and mining equipment parts, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Gardner Denver, Doosan, Sullair, etc, feel free to contact with us.

    2. Александр Петрович Малухин says:

      Добрый день просим рассмотреть возможность поставки фильтров на компрессор ZH 7000-6-7(р/комплекты,фильтры, сепаратор, клапана)

    3. Александр Петрович Малухин says:

      Добрый день, жду сообщений по поставке расходников

    4. Кузнецова says:

      Уважаемый Господин или Госпожа
      Может ли ваша компания поставлять детали для центробежных воздушных компрессоров Ingersoll Rand? Для таких моделей, как Centac 400, C700E и т. д., а также запасных частей для безмасляных воздушных компрессоров Atlas Copco. Если да, то как быстро вы можете отправить нам продукцию и насколько надежна ваша продукция, если мы принимаем только оригинальные запасные части?

      • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

        Dear Sir or madam, Thank you very much for leaving comment on our website. Our company offer MANY GENUINE ORIGINAL parts for all top brands of air compressors like Atlas Copco, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Doosan, Gardner Denver, and yes, we do serve centrifugal air compressors spare parts. You can compare our prices if based on 100% Genuine original parts. Thanks and hope we can communicate in email via English if possible. Kind regards, Team from CPMC, China.

    5. Robert Arano says:

      I would like to request a Parts List Manual for Atlas Copco G55, We are planning to purchase PM parts for our compressor.

      Your immediate response is highly appreciated.


      Robert Arano

      PDEC Co. (Purtlev Dynamics Engineering Company)
      86 Hemedez Coumpound, Brgy. Sala Cabuyao Laguna Philippines
      (049) 560 6264

    6. Kamran Hashim says:

      S No Description Part Number
      1 Cooler Kit 3001531121
      2 O-RING 0663210968
      3 Seal Washer 0661100038
      4 RING INTERNAL 1635051200
      5 PROFILE, 1635051400
      6 SEAL GASKET 1635051500
      7 O RING 1623172600
      8 COOLER AFTER 1635051900
      9 CORE COOLER, AIR 1635051600
      10 CORE COOLER, OIL 1635127300
      11 O RING 0663210612
      12 O RING 0663210968
      Can someone please share prices and availibility.

    Leave a Reply

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