Here is the 6001114700 Coupling to 8311128009 COP 1132 Thread type SR28 Epiroc Parts List. If you are looking for Atlas Copco compressors or Epiroc genuine parts, feel free to submit your Motors RFQ inquiry form below.
6001114700 | Coupling | Epiroc China | 6001 1147 00 |
6003516100 | Safety Valve | Epiroc China | 6003 5161 00 |
6003550100 | Stud | Epiroc China | 6003 5501 00 |
6201923500 | Sleeve | Epiroc China | 6201 9235 00 |
6203056300 | Seal Ring | Epiroc China | 6203 0563 00 |
8032010103 | Rot.Unit Bbr | Epiroc China | 8032 0101 03 |
8032010244 | Dhr 48 H 56 | Epiroc China | 8032 0102 44 |
8032010277 | Dhr 48 H 68 | Epiroc China | 8032 0102 77 |
8032010285 | Dhr 48 H 45 | Epiroc China | 8032 0102 85 |
8032010299 | Dhr 48 H 56 | Epiroc China | 8032 0102 99 |
8092002443 | Guide Tubes | Epiroc China | 8092 0024 43 |
8092002444 | Tube Guide | Epiroc China | 8092 0024 44 |
8092002445 | Tube Guide | Epiroc China | 8092 0024 45 |
8092002456 | Anti.Freeze | Epiroc China | 8092 0024 56 |
8092020117 | Bsp 10 | Epiroc China | 8092 0201 17 |
8093011401 | Ted 89-18 | Epiroc China | 8093 0114 01 |
8093011407 | Ted 127-40 | Epiroc China | 8093 0114 07 |
8095010313 | Test. Unit | Epiroc China | 8095 0103 13 |
8115430186 | Compressor | Epiroc China | 8115 4301 86 |
8115430640 | Compressor | Epiroc China | 8115 4306 40 |
8115460019 | Compressorbl | Epiroc China | 8115 4600 19 |
8115470042 | Compressor | Epiroc China | 8115 4700 42 |
8115470596 | Compressor | Epiroc China | 8115 4705 96 |
8202010172 | Filter | Epiroc China | 8202 0101 72 |
8202010412 | Filter | Epiroc China | 8202 0104 12 |
8202010453 | Filter | Epiroc China | 8202 0104 53 |
8202030204 | Ball Valve | Epiroc China | 8202 0302 04 |
8202030303 | Ball Valve | Epiroc China | 8202 0303 03 |
8202030402 | Ball Valve | Epiroc China | 8202 0304 02 |
8202030501 | Ball Valve | Epiroc China | 8202 0305 01 |
8202031103 | Ball Valve | Epiroc China | 8202 0311 03 |
8202031129 | Ball Valve | Epiroc China | 8202 0311 29 |
8202031137 | Ball Valve | Epiroc China | 8202 0311 37 |
8202031145 | Ball Valve | Epiroc China | 8202 0311 45 |
8202031160 | Ball Valve | Epiroc China | 8202 0311 60 |
8202031178 | Ball Valve | Epiroc China | 8202 0311 78 |
8202120518 | Nipple | Epiroc China | 8202 1205 18 |
8202120559 | Quick Coupli | Epiroc China | 8202 1205 59 |
8202125129 | Quick Coupl. | Epiroc China | 8202 1251 29 |
8202125210 | Quick Coupl. | Epiroc China | 8202 1252 10 |
8202130038 | Quick Coupl. | Epiroc China | 8202 1300 38 |
8202130400 | Quick Coupl. | Epiroc China | 8202 1304 00 |
8202130418 | Quick Coupl. | Epiroc China | 8202 1304 18 |
8202130459 | Quick Coupl. | Epiroc China | 8202 1304 59 |
8202130467 | Quick Coupl. | Epiroc China | 8202 1304 67 |
8202511146 | Valve | Epiroc China | 8202 5111 46 |
8202511179 | Gauge Set | Epiroc China | 8202 5111 79 |
8202511187 | Dosing Pump | Epiroc China | 8202 5111 87 |
8202511401 | Lubr.Valve | Epiroc China | 8202 5114 01 |
8202520162 | Lubricator | Epiroc China | 8202 5201 62 |
8202520670 | Oil-Fog Unit | Epiroc China | 8202 5206 70 |
8202520902 | Oil-Fog Lubr | Epiroc China | 8202 5209 02 |
8204021078 | Valve | Epiroc China | 8204 0210 78 |
8204021243 | Direct.Valve | Epiroc China | 8204 0212 43 |
8204022043 | Direct.Valve | Epiroc China | 8204 0220 43 |
8204022142 | Direct.Valve | Epiroc China | 8204 0221 42 |
8204022225 | Valve | Epiroc China | 8204 0222 25 |
8204031325 | Direct.Valve | Epiroc China | 8204 0313 25 |
8204049897 | Solenoid Val | Epiroc China | 8204 0498 97 |
8204065117 | Air Valve | Epiroc China | 8204 0651 17 |
8204070133 | Valve | Epiroc China | 8204 0701 33 |
8204084803 | Valve | Epiroc China | 8204 0848 03 |
8204085008 | Valve | Epiroc China | 8204 0850 08 |
8204093010 | Shuttl.Valve | Epiroc China | 8204 0930 10 |
8204094018 | Check Valve | Epiroc China | 8204 0940 18 |
8204094034 | Check Valve | Epiroc China | 8204 0940 34 |
8204094216 | Thrott.Valve | Epiroc China | 8204 0942 16 |
8204094232 | Thrott.Valve | Epiroc China | 8204 0942 32 |
8204094323 | Exhaus.Valve | Epiroc China | 8204 0943 23 |
8204150208 | Direct.Valve | Epiroc China | 8204 1502 08 |
8204382801 | Pressure Box | Epiroc China | 8204 3828 01 |
8204423407 | Air Cylinder | Epiroc China | 8204 4234 07 |
8204423605 | Air Cyl | Epiroc China | 8204 4236 05 |
8204435713 | Air Cylinder | Epiroc China | 8204 4357 13 |
8204436202 | Cylinder | Epiroc China | 8204 4362 02 |
8204436302 | Air Cyl. | Epiroc China | 8204 4363 02 |
8204437410 | Air-Cylinder | Epiroc China | 8204 4374 10 |
8231085013 | Fil.Insert | Epiroc China | 8231 0850 13 |
8231085345 | O-Ring | Epiroc China | 8231 0853 45 |
8231085346 | O-Ring | Epiroc China | 8231 0853 46 |
8231085419 | Breat.Filter | Epiroc China | 8231 0854 19 |
8231085484 | Manometer | Epiroc China | 8231 0854 84 |
8231085815 | Indicator | Epiroc China | 8231 0858 15 |
8231085823 | Cover Compl. | Epiroc China | 8231 0858 23 |
8231101804 | Filter Inser | Epiroc China | 8231 1018 04 |
8231101828 | Filterinsert | Epiroc China | 8231 1018 28 |
8231107946 | Ret.Oil Filt | Epiroc China | 8231 1079 46 |
8231108252 | Suct.Filter | Epiroc China | 8231 1082 52 |
8231108575 | Press.Switch | Epiroc China | 8231 1085 75 |
8231108609 | Protec.Cover | Epiroc China | 8231 1086 09 |
8231109011 | Filter Cartr | Epiroc China | 8231 1090 11 |
8231109012 | Filtercartri | Epiroc China | 8231 1090 12 |
8231109046 | Pressure Fil | Epiroc China | 8231 1090 46 |
8231109048 | O-Ring | Epiroc China | 8231 1090 48 |
8231109049 | Indicator | Epiroc China | 8231 1090 49 |
8231109095 | Cover | Epiroc China | 8231 1090 95 |
8231109697 | Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1096 97 |
8231109700 | Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1097 00 |
8231109900 | Valve Unit | Epiroc China | 8231 1099 00 |
8231112013 | Check Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1120 13 |
8231112710 | Valve Insert | Epiroc China | 8231 1127 10 |
8231112714 | Solen. Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1127 14 |
8231112751 | Solenoid | Epiroc China | 8231 1127 51 |
8231112752 | Coil | Epiroc China | 8231 1127 52 |
8231112775 | Coil | Epiroc China | 8231 1127 75 |
8231112787 | Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1127 87 |
8231112800 | Solen.Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1128 00 |
8231120020 | Pr.Rel.Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1200 20 |
8231120028 | Pr.Rel.Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1200 28 |
8231120029 | Pr.Rel.Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1200 29 |
8231120035 | Pr.Rel.Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1200 35 |
8231120037 | Pr.Rel.Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1200 37 |
8231120153 | Sequen.Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1201 53 |
8231120157 | Sequen.Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1201 57 |
8231120206 | Press.Reg. | Epiroc China | 8231 1202 06 |
8231120210 | Regulator | Epiroc China | 8231 1202 10 |
8231120212 | Regulator | Epiroc China | 8231 1202 12 |
8231120286 | Check Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1202 86 |
8231120291 | Piston | Epiroc China | 8231 1202 91 |
8231120306 | Overc.Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1203 06 |
8231120307 | Overc.Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1203 07 |
8231120361 | Overc.Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1203 61 |
8231120363 | Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1203 63 |
8231120366 | Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1203 66 |
8231120367 | Overc.Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1203 67 |
8231120378 | Overc.Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1203 78 |
8231120427 | Flow Reg. | Epiroc China | 8231 1204 27 |
8231120462 | Cartridge | Epiroc China | 8231 1204 62 |
8231120555 | Valve Housin | Epiroc China | 8231 1205 55 |
8231120607 | Knob | Epiroc China | 8231 1206 07 |
8231120608 | Steering Whe | Epiroc China | 8231 1206 08 |
8231120653 | Sealing Set | Epiroc China | 8231 1206 53 |
8231120667 | Sealing Set | Epiroc China | 8231 1206 67 |
8231120679 | Sealing Set | Epiroc China | 8231 1206 79 |
8231120686 | Overc.Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 1206 86 |
8231120689 | Sealing Set | Epiroc China | 8231 1206 89 |
8231120698 | Sealing Set | Epiroc China | 8231 1206 98 |
8231130062 | Hydr.Pump | Epiroc China | 8231 1300 62 |
8231600100 | Connector | Epiroc China | 8231 6001 00 |
8231600386 | Overc.Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 6003 86 |
8231600387 | Overc.Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 6003 87 |
2696700893 | Screw,Hex/35M2Ab518M3 | Epiroc China | 2696 7008 93 |
8231600685 | Overc.Valve | Epiroc China | 8231 6006 85 |
8232100068 | Hyd.Cylinder | Epiroc China | 8232 1000 68 |
8232110067 | Hyd.Cylinder | Epiroc China | 8232 1100 67 |
8232300001 | Hyd.Cylinder | Epiroc China | 8232 3000 01 |
8232300002 | Hyd.Cylinder | Epiroc China | 8232 3000 02 |
8232300003 | Hyd.Cylinder | Epiroc China | 8232 3000 03 |
8232300005 | Hyd.Cylinder | Epiroc China | 8232 3000 05 |
8232300009 | Cylinder | Epiroc China | 8232 3000 09 |
8232300086 | Hyd.Cylinder | Epiroc China | 8232 3000 86 |
8232300126 | Hyd.Cylinder | Epiroc China | 8232 3001 26 |
8232300132 | Hyd.Cylinder | Epiroc China | 8232 3001 32 |
8232300135 | Hyd.Cyl | Epiroc China | 8232 3001 35 |
8232300137 | Hyd.Cylinder | Epiroc China | 8232 3001 37 |
8232300175 | Hyd.Cylinder | Epiroc China | 8232 3001 75 |
8232300215 | Hyd.Cylinder | Epiroc China | 8232 3002 15 |
8232300236 | Feed Dump Cy | Epiroc China | 8232 3002 36 |
8232300237 | Feedswingcyl | Epiroc China | 8232 3002 37 |
8232300272 | Hyd.Cylinder | Epiroc China | 8232 3002 72 |
8232300300 | Hyd.Cyl | Epiroc China | 8232 3003 00 |
8232300302 | Hyd.Cyl. | Epiroc China | 8232 3003 02 |
8232300303 | Hyd.Cyl. | Epiroc China | 8232 3003 03 |
8232300304 | Hyd.Cyl. | Epiroc China | 8232 3003 04 |
8232300310 | Hyd.Cyl. | Epiroc China | 8232 3003 10 |
8232300385 | Cylinder | Epiroc China | 8232 3003 85 |
8234020031 | Hyd.Cylinder | Epiroc China | 8234 0200 31 |
8234020032 | Pilot Valve | Epiroc China | 8234 0200 32 |
8234020036 | Filter Compl | Epiroc China | 8234 0200 36 |
1604707982 | Valve | Epiroc China | 1604 7079 82 |
8234020056 | Joystick | Epiroc China | 8234 0200 56 |
8234020057 | Joystick | Epiroc China | 8234 0200 57 |
8234020058 | Amplifier | Epiroc China | 8234 0200 58 |
8234020059 | Amplifier | Epiroc China | 8234 0200 59 |
8234020061 | Valve | Epiroc China | 8234 0200 61 |
8234020080 | Valve | Epiroc China | 8234 0200 80 |
8234020117 | Contr.Lever | Epiroc China | 8234 0201 17 |
8234020119 | Contr.Valve | Epiroc China | 8234 0201 19 |
8234020122 | Joystick | Epiroc China | 8234 0201 22 |
8234300042 | Seq. Valve | Epiroc China | 8234 3000 42 |
8234300043 | Seq. Valve | Epiroc China | 8234 3000 43 |
8234300065 | Sequence Val | Epiroc China | 8234 3000 65 |
8234890588 | Sequen.Valve | Epiroc China | 8234 8905 88 |
8234890589 | Valve | Epiroc China | 8234 8905 89 |
8234930250 | Pilot Valve | Epiroc China | 8234 9302 50 |
8311060308 | Bbc 120 F | Epiroc China | 8311 0603 08 |
8311060325 | Bbc 120 Fz | Epiroc China | 8311 0603 25 |
8311101904 | Cop 1019-8 | Epiroc China | 8311 1019 04 |
8311102225 | Cop 1022-20 | Epiroc China | 8311 1022 25 |
8311102226 | Cop 1022Hf-2 | Epiroc China | 8311 1022 26 |
8311102227 | Cop 1022-8 | Epiroc China | 8311 1022 27 |
8311102228 | Cop 1022Hf-3 | Epiroc China | 8311 1022 28 |
8311102506 | Cop 1025-20 | Epiroc China | 8311 1025 06 |
8311102507 | Cop1025-32 | Epiroc China | 8311 1025 07 |
8311102811 | Cop 1028Hb-R | Epiroc China | 8311 1028 11 |
8311102829 | Cop 1028Hd-R | Epiroc China | 8311 1028 29 |
8311102845 | Cop 1028 Hd- | Epiroc China | 8311 1028 45 |
8311102850 | Cop 1028Hb-S | Epiroc China | 8311 1028 50 |
8311102860 | Rock Drill | Epiroc China | 8311 1028 60 |
8311124400 | Cop1240-R32E | Epiroc China | 8311 1244 00 |
8311124401 | Cop 1240-T38 | Epiroc China | 8311 1244 01 |
8311124402 | Cop 1240-T45 | Epiroc China | 8311 1244 02 |
8311124403 | Cop 1240-T45 | Epiroc China | 8311 1244 03 |
8311124404 | Cop1240-T38E | Epiroc China | 8311 1244 04 |
8311124421 | Cop1240Ex-T3 | Epiroc China | 8311 1244 21 |
8311124422 | Cop1240Ex-T4 | Epiroc China | 8311 1244 22 |
8311124423 | Cop1240Ex-T3 | Epiroc China | 8311 1244 23 |
8311124705 | Cop 1840He-T | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 05 |
8311124706 | Cop 1840He-T | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 06 |
8311124720 | Cop 1838He-T | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 20 |
8311124722 | Cop 1838Het5 | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 22 |
8311124723 | Cop1838He-T4 | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 23 |
8311124724 | Cop1838He-T5 | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 24 |
8311124740 | Cop1838Me-T3 | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 40 |
8311124742 | Cop1838Me-T4 | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 42 |
8311124743 | Cop 1838Met3 | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 43 |
8311124744 | Cop 1838 Met | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 44 |
8311124745 | Cop 1838Mer3 | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 45 |
8311124746 | Cop1838Me R3 | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 46 |
8311124747 | Cop1838Me T3 | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 47 |
8311124748 | Cop 1838Mer3 | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 48 |
8311124749 | Cop 1838Met3 | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 49 |
8311124750 | Cop1838Me-T3 | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 50 |
8311124751 | Cop1838Met38 | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 51 |
8311124752 | Cop 1838Me R | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 52 |
8311124754 | Cop1838Me-R3 | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 54 |
8311124755 | Cop 1838Me-R | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 55 |
8311124756 | Cop 1838Me-A | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 56 |
8311124758 | Cop 1838Me-R | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 58 |
8311124770 | Cop 1838Me T | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 70 |
8311124772 | Cop1838Met45 | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 72 |
8311124789 | Cop1840He-T4 | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 89 |
8311124790 | Cop 1840He T | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 90 |
8311124791 | Cop1840He-T4 | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 91 |
8311124792 | Cop 1840He T | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 92 |
8311124793 | Cop1840-T51E | Epiroc China | 8311 1247 93 |
8311124950 | Cop 1838 Le | Epiroc China | 8311 1249 50 |
8311124952 | Cop 1838Le T | Epiroc China | 8311 1249 52 |
8311124953 | Cop 1638-T38 | Epiroc China | 8311 1249 53 |
8311124954 | Cop 1638 R38 | Epiroc China | 8311 1249 54 |
8311124955 | Cop1638-T380 | Epiroc China | 8311 1249 55 |
8311124956 | Cop1638-T380 | Epiroc China | 8311 1249 56 |
8311124957 | Cop1638-Aw-R | Epiroc China | 8311 1249 57 |
8311124958 | Cop1638-Aw-T | Epiroc China | 8311 1249 58 |
8311124959 | Cop 1838Le-R | Epiroc China | 8311 1249 59 |
8311124961 | Cop 1638 R32 | Epiroc China | 8311 1249 61 |
8311124962 | Cop 1638-R32 | Epiroc China | 8311 1249 62 |
8311125700 | Cop2238-R380 | Epiroc China | 8311 1257 00 |
8311125701 | Cop2238-T380 | Epiroc China | 8311 1257 01 |
8311125702 | Cop2238-T380 | Epiroc China | 8311 1257 02 |
8311125703 | Cop2238-T380 | Epiroc China | 8311 1257 03 |
8311125704 | Cop2238-T380 | Epiroc China | 8311 1257 04 |
8311125705 | Cop2238-T38E | Epiroc China | 8311 1257 05 |
8311125706 | Cop2238-T38E | Epiroc China | 8311 1257 06 |
8311125709 | Cop2238-Tc45 | Epiroc China | 8311 1257 09 |
8311125800 | Cop1640-R32E | Epiroc China | 8311 1258 00 |
8311125801 | Cop1640-R32E | Epiroc China | 8311 1258 01 |
8311125802 | Cop1640-T38E | Epiroc China | 8311 1258 02 |
8311125803 | Cop1640-T38E | Epiroc China | 8311 1258 03 |
8311125804 | Cop1640-T45E | Epiroc China | 8311 1258 04 |
8311125805 | Cop1640-T45E | Epiroc China | 8311 1258 05 |
8311125806 | Cop1640-T45E | Epiroc China | 8311 1258 06 |
8311125810 | Cop1640Ex-T3 | Epiroc China | 8311 1258 10 |
8311125811 | Cop1640Ex-T3 | Epiroc China | 8311 1258 11 |
8311125812 | Cop1640Ex-T4 | Epiroc China | 8311 1258 12 |
8311125813 | Cop1640Ex-T4 | Epiroc China | 8311 1258 13 |
8311125814 | Cop1640Ex-T4 | Epiroc China | 8311 1258 14 |
8311128009 | Cop1132-Sr28 | Epiroc China | 8311 1280 09 |
8411100509 | Air Motor | Epiroc China | 8411 1005 09 |
8613110242 | Seal Kit | Epiroc China | 8613 1102 42 |
8915002010 | Prohibition | Epiroc China | 8915 0020 10 |
8915002018 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0020 18 |
8915002021 | Prohibition | Epiroc China | 8915 0020 21 |
8915002027 | Warning Sign | Epiroc China | 8915 0020 27 |
8915002043 | Warning Sign | Epiroc China | 8915 0020 43 |
8915002071 | Warning Sign | Epiroc China | 8915 0020 71 |
8915002072 | Warning Sign | Epiroc China | 8915 0020 72 |
8915002091 | Warning Deca | Epiroc China | 8915 0020 91 |
8915002098 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0020 98 |
8915002099 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0020 99 |
8915002101 | Warning Sign | Epiroc China | 8915 0021 01 |
8915002122 | Warning Sign | Epiroc China | 8915 0021 22 |
8915002132 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0021 32 |
8915002141 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0021 41 |
8915002164 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0021 64 |
8915002182 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0021 82 |
8915002192 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0021 92 |
8915002202 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0022 02 |
8915002212 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0022 12 |
8915002222 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0022 22 |
8915002232 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0022 32 |
8915002242 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0022 42 |
8915002283 | Mandatory Ac | Epiroc China | 8915 0022 83 |
8915002303 | Mandatory Si | Epiroc China | 8915 0023 03 |
8915002312 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0023 12 |
8915002353 | Warning Sign | Epiroc China | 8915 0023 53 |
8915002361 | Warning Sign | Epiroc China | 8915 0023 61 |
8915002371 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0023 71 |
8915002461 | Warning Sign | Epiroc China | 8915 0024 61 |
8915002522 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0025 22 |
8915002552 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0025 52 |
8915002573 | Sign | Epiroc China | 8915 0025 73 |
8915002612 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0026 12 |
8915002742 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0027 42 |
8915002792 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0027 92 |
8915002822 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0028 22 |
8915002842 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0028 42 |
8915002852 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0028 52 |
8915002862 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0028 62 |
8915002872 | Information | Epiroc China | 8915 0028 72 |
Dear, Good day
We kindly ask you to send us by email information about the price and
other conditions for the supply of the material described below:
Item Description
04 – UNTS
1503037780-J ATLAS COPCO
HS CODE, Delivery Time, Taxes.
Payment conditions
Technical information: Datasheet/Drawing
Send Certificates (if applicable)
Weight and dimensions estimate
King regards,
Thank you Dan for your comments and RFQ leaving on our website, our team will check and quote to you on Monday via email. If you need any other genuine parts for Atlas Copco, Epiroc drilling and mining equipment parts, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Gardner Denver, Doosan, Sullair, etc, feel free to contact with us.
Добрый день просим рассмотреть возможность поставки фильтров на компрессор ZH 7000-6-7(р/комплекты,фильтры, сепаратор, клапана)
Dear Sir or madam, thanks, please send us by email with the part numbers for ZH7000 Atlas Copco Air Compressors, we are looking forward to quoting you for your RFQs.
Добрый день, жду сообщений по поставке расходников
Thank you, please provide the part numbers, air compressor name plate by email to us:
Уважаемый Господин или Госпожа
Может ли ваша компания поставлять детали для центробежных воздушных компрессоров Ingersoll Rand? Для таких моделей, как Centac 400, C700E и т. д., а также запасных частей для безмасляных воздушных компрессоров Atlas Copco. Если да, то как быстро вы можете отправить нам продукцию и насколько надежна ваша продукция, если мы принимаем только оригинальные запасные части?
Dear Sir or madam, Thank you very much for leaving comment on our website. Our company offer MANY GENUINE ORIGINAL parts for all top brands of air compressors like Atlas Copco, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Doosan, Gardner Denver, and yes, we do serve centrifugal air compressors spare parts. You can compare our prices if based on 100% Genuine original parts. Thanks and hope we can communicate in email via English if possible. Kind regards, Team from CPMC, China.
I would like to request a Parts List Manual for Atlas Copco G55, We are planning to purchase PM parts for our compressor.
Your immediate response is highly appreciated.
Robert Arano
PDEC Co. (Purtlev Dynamics Engineering Company)
86 Hemedez Coumpound, Brgy. Sala Cabuyao Laguna Philippines
(049) 560 6264
Dear Robert, can you please send email to us with the compressor nameplate and so we can try to check the related user manual and see if we can get the part numbers for the PM parts. our email address: (miss Wendy) or (miss JoJo). Thank you for your inquiry and best regards, CPMC service team!
S No Description Part Number
1 Cooler Kit 3001531121
2 O-RING 0663210968
3 Seal Washer 0661100038
4 RING INTERNAL 1635051200
5 PROFILE, 1635051400
6 SEAL GASKET 1635051500
7 O RING 1623172600
8 COOLER AFTER 1635051900
9 CORE COOLER, AIR 1635051600
10 CORE COOLER, OIL 1635127300
11 O RING 0663210612
12 O RING 0663210968
Can someone please share prices and availibility.
Dear Kamran
Good morning and happy new Year 2025! We well received your message and our team will check and quote to you asap in this holiday period.
Kind regards