5580018859 Genuine Atlas Copco Epiroc Drilling Rig Spare Parts Catalog By CPMC

Atlas Copco Epiroc boomer DIRECTION VALVE By CPMC

Chengdu Pudding Mechatronic Co., Ltd. (CPMC) is a major supplier of Atlas Copco Epiroc Spare Parts. CPMC not only provides exceptional products and services, but they also place a high value on client happiness.5580018859 Genuine Atlas Copco Epiroc Drilling Rig Spare Parts Catalog By CPMC is available here.

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    Genuine Atlas Copco Epiroc Catalog

    Parts Number Parts Name Parts Name Parts Number
    5580018859 Pressure gauge fittings 压力表接头 5580 0188 59
    5590011330 BREATHER FILTER BREATHER FILTER 5590 0113 30
    3176004506 sensor 传感器 3176 0045 06
    3176004506 sensor 传感器 3176 0045 06
    5535180900 Cylinder kit 油缸套件 5535 1809 00
    9110953719 S7D-CT valve S7D-CT阀 9110 9537 19
    2911012000 Rotor installation maintenance kit 转子安装保养包 2911 0120 00
    3222329939 Fan cover 风扇罩 3222 3299 39
    5590011330 BREATHER FILTER 通气过滤器 5590 0113 30
    5590022561 FAN 5590 0225 61
    9120099304 Seal the package 密封包 9120 0993 04
    2639929351 AM-Air compressor shaft seal AM-空压机轴封 2639 9293 51
    3222338731 Front sprocket 前链轮 3222 3387 31
    2657501132 AM-Sprocket teeth AM-链轮齿 2657 5011 32
    3222343113 bearing 轴承 3222 3431 13
    3222340004 washer 垫圈 3222 3400 04
    1604620500 valve 1604 6205 00
    2657655086 AM-Adjuster AM-调整器 2657 6550 86
    2657826349 Feed handle 进给手柄 2657 8263 49
    2657308983 Joint 接头 2657 3089 83
    2657213936 AM-flange AM-法兰 2657 2139 36
    3222338768 Shock absorbing pads 减震垫 3222 3387 68
    2657352973 pump 2657 3529 73
    3222324409 Drill pipe weldment(1.5M) 钻杆焊接件(1.5M) 3222 3244 09
    2657429789 AM-axis AM-轴 2657 4297 89
    2657651234 gearbox 齿轮箱 2657 6512 34
    2657572398 cogs 齿轮 2657 5723 98
    2657572406 cogs 齿轮 2657 5724 06
    2650595115 Input axis 输入轴 2650 5951 15
    2650717750 Oil seals 油封 2650 7177 50
    2657368524 transmission shaft 传动轴 2657 3685 24
    2659516096 oversleeve 袖套 2659 5160 96
    2652143195 Transition sleeve 过渡套管 2652 1431 95
    2695200663 bearing 轴承 2695 2006 63
    2657558736 Rotary head overhaul kit 回转头大修包 2657 5587 36
    2657308983 Joint 接头 2657 3089 83
    2657174070 hose 软管 2657 1740 70
    2657572984 AM-motor AM-马达 2657 5729 84
    2657512311 Seal the package 密封包 2657 5123 11
    2650260314 wrench 扳手 2650 2603 14
    2652192556 Limit switch 限位开关 2652 1925 56
    2657284655 impeller 叶轮 2657 2846 55
    2657745796 AM-Housing AM-外壳 2657 7457 96
    2657903494 Coupling 联轴器 2657 9034 94
    2635307784 Bushings 衬套 2635 3077 84
    2657903494 Coupling 联轴器 2657 9034 94
    2635103852 Bushings 衬套 2635 1038 52
    2658508492 Seal the package 密封包 2658 5084 92
    2639919485 AM-Sealed AM-密封 2639 9194 85
    2657117780 seal 密封 2657 1177 80
    2657799637 Pump element 泵芯 2657 7996 37
    2657799645 P2 pump element P2泵芯 2657 7996 45
    2657799652 P3 pump element P3泵芯 2657 7996 52
    2657799678 axis 2657 7996 78
    2657799660 Seal the package 密封包 2657 7996 60
    2656934185 valve 2656 9341 85
    2657003790 valve 2657 0037 90
    2658387091 connector 连接器 2658 3870 91
    2657309536 valve 2657 3095 36
    2695214037 bearing 轴承 2695 2140 37
    2657363822 AM-bearings AM-轴承 2657 3638 22
    2695711156 bolt 螺栓 2695 7111 56
    5112319767 INPUTSHAFT 输入轴 5112 3197 67
    5590000209 Valve 5590 0002 09
    0054407309 DRIVE SHAFT 传动轴 0054 4073 09
    0057799678  AM-pin  AM针 0057 7996 78
    0057770232 VALVE,PROP P 阀门,螺旋桨 P 0057 7702 32
    0057159113 GEAR, INTERM 齿轮,内 0057 1591 13
    3222327753 Cylinder Seal Repair Kit 气缸密封维修套件 3222 3277 53
    3222327749 Cylinder Seal Repair Kit 气缸密封维修套件 3222 3277 49
    3222327753 Cylinder Seal Repair Kit 气缸密封维修套件 3222 3277 53
    9120099310 Cylinder Seal Repair Kit 气缸密封维修套件 9120 0993 10
    3222310424 Plate/Drilling Rig 板式/钻机 3222 3104 24
    3222319183 Fan Wheel 风扇叶轮 3222 3191 83
    3217531510 WASHER 洗衣机 3217 5315 10
    0211125200 Filter Kit 过滤器套件 0211 1252 00
    3315019502 WASHER 洗衣机 3315 0195 02
    2657815433 VALVE,BUTRFLY 8 阀门,阀蝇 8 2657 8154 33
    2310131804 Oil filter 机油滤清器 2310 1318 04
    2635299429 Epiroc BEARING 安百拓轴承 2635 2994 29
    2653186300 FUEL CAP ASS 燃油盖屁股 2653 1863 00
    2653341251 VALVE 2653 3412 51
    2652679200 Killer Filter 杀手级过滤器 2652 6792 00
    2310038701 SHUTDOWN EMERGENCY 停机紧急情况 2310 0387 01
    2657986176 HOSE 软管 2657 9861 76
    2658589062 Seal kit hydraulics 密封套件液压系统 2658 5890 62
    3725000561 seal kit 密封套件 3725 0005 61
    6060011099 Genuine Brand New Diesel Fuel Injector Pump 正品全新柴油喷油泵 6060 0110 99
    9120099310 Cylinder Seal Repair Kit 气缸密封维修套件 9120 0993 10
    3719000279 Packing Kit, V14 包装套件,V14 3719 0002 79
    3725000177 OIL COOLER MOTOR 油冷却器电机 3725 0001 77
    6060010993 Solenoid Vacuum Valve 电磁真空阀 6060 0109 93
    3725001062 SEAL KIT 密封套件 3725 0010 62
    3719004640 Kit 工具箱 3719 0046 40
    3719005736 Repair Kit 维修套件 3719 0057 36
    3719004666 Disc Epiroc 盘安百拓 3719 0046 66
    3719004667 BRAKE PAD 刹车片 3719 0046 67
    9106250406 SENSOR CABLE 传感器电缆 9106 2504 06
    2657309536 Epiroc Valve 安百洛克阀 2657 3095 36
    0051779155  Mounting Bracket  安装支架 0051 7791 55
    0057641912 BEARING-CAM 轴承凸轮 0057 6419 12
    2658566305 TEMP SENSOR, DEUSTCH E 温度传感器,DEUSTCH E 2658 5663 05
    2658588670 ROTARY HEAD, LU 转头, 卢 2658 5886 70
    2558509080 sensor 传感器 2558 5090 80
    2659595678 INNER BUSHING 内衬套 2659 5956 78
    2659595679 BUSHING 套管 2659 5956 79
    3222328320 UNDERCARRIAGE PARTS 底盘部件 3222 3283 20
    3222328339 Drive Wheel 驱动轮 3222 3283 39
    0211195712 SCREW(DRIVE WHEEL 螺杆(驱动轮) 0211 1957 12
    2653306890 COUPLING 耦合 2653 3068 90
    3222328320 UNDERCARRIAGE PARTS 底盘部件 3222 3283 20
    3222328339 Drive Wheel, Atlas Copco 驱动轮,阿特拉斯·科普柯 3222 3283 39
    2653306890 Flywheel 飞轮 2653 3068 90
    0211195712 SCREW(DRIVE WHEEL) 螺杆(驱动轮) 0211 1957 12
    2658589062 SEAL KIT 密封套件 2658 5890 62
    2658405095 KIT,SEAL,CYLINDER 套件,密封件,气缸 2658 4050 95
    2653307054 RUBBER ELEMENT W/BUSHING 带衬套的橡胶元件 2653 3070 54
    2653265468 PUMP 2653 2654 68
    2653236287 Hydraulic Gear Pumps 液压齿轮泵 2653 2362 87
    2653328399 TEMP. SWITCH ASSY 温度开关总成 2653 3283 99
    2657770232 Valve 2657 7702 32
    2657770240 COIL, 24 V.DC 线圈,24 V.DC 2657 7702 40
    2651641819 RUBBER PART 橡胶部分 2651 6418 19
    0265325447 RUBBER PART 橡胶部分 0265 3254 47
    2651683274 HISE SUCTION PART 吸嗡� 2651 6832 74
    2652254470 CARTRIDGE FILTER PART 筒式过滤器部分 2652 2544 70
    2653158017 BUSHIN HALE(T-45/63) PART 布信海尔(T-45/63)零件 2653 1580 17
    3115247100 DIAPHRAGM PART 隔膜部分 3115 2471 00
    3115182201 DIAPHRAGM PART 隔膜部分 3115 1822 01
    3115192602 DIAPHRAGM PART 隔膜部分 3115 1926 02
    2653236287 HYDRAULIC PUMP Part 液压泵零件 2653 2362 87
    5580010042 pipe 管子 5580 0100 42
    9106220700 Address plug 地址堵头 9106 2207 00
    5580003754 Brake valves 制动阀 5580 0037 54
    9106219201 Pressure switch 压力开关 9106 2192 01
    5580012554 Pressure sensors 压力传感器 5580 0125 54
    9106979606 joystick 操纵杆 9106 9796 06
    9106240978 joystick 操纵杆 9106 2409 78
    9106979605 Control stick 控制杆 9106 9796 05
    9106240977 Control stick 控制杆 9106 2409 77
    3176001064 Wiring harnesses 线束 3176 0010 64
    3176002305 Main cable 主电缆 3176 0023 05
    5575396500 KABEL KABEL 5575 3965 00
    5580022690 C21 harness C21线束 5580 0226 90
    5580000051 AM-White line AM-白线 5580 0000 51
    3176000577 cable 电缆 3176 0005 77
    5580000824 cable 电缆 5580 0008 24
    5580022691 cable 电缆 5580 0226 91
    5580024527 C23 harness C23线束 5580 0245 27
    5580010146 HARNESS HARNESS 5580 0101 46
    9106237106 Bus cable 总线电缆 9106 2371 06
    3176002301 Main cable 主电缆 3176 0023 01
    5580010080 Solenoid valve 电磁阀 5580 0100 80
    8202030303 Ball valve 球阀 8202 0303 03
    5541341800 Seal the package 密封包 5541 3418 00
    5541086000 Relays 继电器 5541 0860 00
    5541317300 Relays 继电器 5541 3173 00
    3176003266 Time relay 时间继电器 3176 0032 66
    0147137703 Hex bolts 六角螺栓 0147 1377 03
    3176000985 Signal cable 信号电缆 3176 0009 85
    3176001069 Signal cable 信号电缆 3176 0010 69
    3176001073 Signal cable 信号电缆 3176 0010 73
    0147196057 AM-Bolt AM-螺栓 0147 1960 57
    5506761300 sensor 传感器 5506 7613 00
    5540993400 instructions 指示 5540 9934 00
    5540993500 instructions 指示 5540 9935 00
    5542110100 instructions 指示 5542 1101 00
    5540993500 instructions 指示 5540 9935 00
    5590017160 Drivetrain 传动系统 5590 0171 60
    5541540400 valve 5541 5404 00
    5540903200 base 底座 5540 9032 00
    5590012597 Crank rocker 曲柄摇手 5590 0125 97
    9110952442 Brake lever 制动柄 9110 9524 42
    5580004146 Brake lever 制动柄 5580 0041 46
    5533398300 AM-Seals AM-密封件 5533 3983 00
    5580014818 valve 5580 0148 18
    5536364700 AM-Pump AM-泵 5536 3647 00
    5580006351 VALVE SET 阀组 5580 0063 51
    5580105844 SEAL 密封 5580 1058 44
    5580028006 HYDR.CYLINDER 水力。圆柱体 5580 0280 06
    3176003909 CABLE COMPLE 电缆组件 3176 0039 09
    5580000823 CABLE 电缆 5580 0008 23
    5580105437 Molex 莫莱克斯 5580 1054 37
    5580105442 CABLE 电缆 5580 1054 42
    5580023955 CABLE COMPLETE 电缆完成 5580 0239 55
    5580027460 CABLE SET C20 电缆组 C20 5580 0274 60
    5580012918 WIRING 布线 5580 0129 18
    5580013937 OIL COOLER 油冷却器 5580 0139 37
    5575700612 HARNESS 利用 5575 7006 12
    5590000900 CABLE 电缆 5590 0009 00
    5590002875 Cable, Atlas Copco 电缆,阿特拉斯·科普柯 5590 0028 75
    5590011041 Epiroc Parts 安百拓零件 5590 0110 41
    0580001490 Epiroc Parts 安百拓零件 0580 0014 90
    5590001696 BRAKE LIGHT 刹车灯 5590 0016 96
    5590004854 DOMINE – O RING 多明 – O型圈 5590 0048 54
    5580030146 CABLE COMPLETE 电缆完成 5580 0301 46
    5590011887 SHIFTER 5590 0118 87

    99 thoughts on “5580018859 Genuine Atlas Copco Epiroc Drilling Rig Spare Parts Catalog By CPMC

    1. Mr Finn says:

      Dear Sir!

      Please take a look and help us with your suggestions.

      A-Nr: 119977/09

      Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

      Nice day to you.

      • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

        Thank you Mohammed for leaving the message, well currently Kaeser compressors parts are still restricted for distribution and we welcome your RFQs on other main compressors brands such as Atlas Copco, Sullair, INGERSOLL RAND (IR, CompAir, Doosan, Gardner Denver, etc). Thank you again.

    2. Knowledge Sourcing says:

      Modern centrifugal compressors are equipped with sophisticated control systems that allow for precise regulation of air pressure and flow. These systems enable adaptive performance based on real-time demand, further improving efficiency and performance.

    3. Ali says:

      Dear :sir/madam

      I hope this email finds you well.
      I am  Eng. Ali yousee   representing  Power Tech for Engineering & construction.
      We are interested in establishing a business partnership with your company to fulfill the requirements
      We would like to get a quote for 4 complete units  of air compressor and dryers with  control systems according to following details:
      – Atlas copco air compressor screw oil injected Model:GA132-7.5 bar,  4 units
      -Atlas copco air compressor screw oil injected Model:GA110-7.5 bar ,4units
      – Atlas copco twin tower heatless adsorption dryer Model:CD480+ / 4 units 
      – Atlas copco twin tower heatless adsorption dryer Model:CD400+ , 4units
      – Atlas copco Equalizer pro.4 (EQ) control system up to 4 compressors
      – others Accessories for installation

      Best regards

      Ali Yousee
      Power Tech for Engineering and construction
      Yemen,sanaa Almatar street
      Phon : +967777605085
      Email: info@uptech.com.ye/info@hyzpower-s.com.ye

      • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

        Thanks Ali for your message on our website, we well received and our team should have quoted to you via email. We welcome your RFQs and orders. Looking forward to supporting your business with our strong supply chain worldwide. Tony, funder of CPMC!

    4. matheus says:

      I want to buy several Sandvik parts, I currently buy from Türkiye and would like more reliable suppliers

      • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

        Thank you for your message RFQ on our website, we welcome your inquiries and orders on Sandvik, Epiroc drilling and mining equipment parts, and Atlas Copco, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Doosan, Gardner Denver, Sullair air compressors spare parts. Please always feel free to write an email to us when you have RFQs and orders demand. Thank you, Tony, funder of CPMC.

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