阿特拉斯·科普柯发布最新G2-7 型最小喷油螺杆压缩机

Atlas Copco G2-G3-G4-G5-G7 Rotary Screw Oil Injected

2021 年 4 月 12 日 – 阿特拉斯·科普柯最新的 G2-7 型号现在是该公司专业产品组合中最小的喷油螺杆压缩机。它们旨在取代当前的 GX2-7 系列,提高生产力并降低运营成本,是一种无与伦比的低成本解决方案,适用于空气需求不频繁、希望扩大其压缩空气应用的小型公司、车间和运营。

典型的应用行业,如木工、小型制造、CNC 操作、洗车台、喷漆、服装印刷机、汽车维修店等都依赖压缩空气源作为辅助其活动的基本工具。

阿特拉斯.科普柯 G 2-7 系列螺杆空压机: G2,G3,G4,G,G7

这就是为什么全新的 G2-7 皮带驱动、定速压缩机系列从一开始就被设计为在其五种型号范围内提供安静、高效、强大和可靠的性能。 2.2、3、4、5 和 7.5kW 机器均由 IE3 电机提供动力,工作压力为 8 和 10 bar(e),输出容量范围为 6.1 – 16.4 l/s (22.0 – 59.0 m3) /小时)。

与相同尺寸的往复式压缩机相比,旋转螺杆式空气压缩机每千瓦功率可提供更多空气。这就是为什么G2-7 较小的旋转机器,与具有相同输出的活塞等效物相比,可以为节能做出重大贡献,从而降低拥有成本。

除了整体能效之外,与其他压缩机技术相比,G2-7 压缩机还具有多种优势。这些特点包括低噪音输出、重量轻、占地面积小,适用于使用点、即插即用安装。

G 7 FF TM – G 系列喷油螺杆压缩机油箱安装有冷冻式干燥机 – G 2-7 系列 – 封面图片
除了简化的维护程序和零容量损失外,新型压缩机还可以在高达 46 摄氏度的温度下 100% 可靠、24/7 连续运行,而无需活塞式压缩机所需的频繁冷却期。此外,进入输送空气中的油夹带量极低,低于 5 ppm,可保护工具和最终产品的质量。

在将运营成本保持在最低水平的同时,得益于其 IE3 高效率电机,G2-7 压缩机的皮带驱动、最先进的低振动螺杆元件大大降低了振动,从而实现近乎静音的运行。噪音水平降至最低至 61 dB(A),允许安装在靠近使用点的位置,无需额外的隔音要求或需要单独的压缩机房选址。

G 2 喷油螺杆压缩机 落地式 G 2-7 系列

压缩机的 Elektronikon® Base 单元可提供简单、直观的控制,使监测和控制变得容易。其基于图标的显示屏提供压力设置、出口温度读数、运行小时数/负载工作小时数。该控制器还具有维修警告和视觉警报功能,以帮助保障性能和可靠性。

凭借其出色的整体能源效率,G2-7 不仅降低了运营成本,还最大限度地减少了用户的碳足迹,为营造更绿色的工作环境做出了贡献。

新的 G2-7 系列提供落地式或罐装式两种型号,可提供不同尺寸的空气接收器,可根据客户的特定要求定制一系列选项。其中包括食品级油、RSXD 油、DD 过滤器、后冷却器和热带恒温器。此外,可选设备可包括电子排水管 (EWD)、计时器排水管和防冷凝套件。


总体而言,新一代阿特拉斯·科普柯 G2-7 工作场所设备提供高端功能和性能,低初始投资资本和 TCO 运行成本。创新的解决方案能够满足对小型企业最重要的所有条件:保证可靠性、经济性能和所选设备的随时可用。


102 thoughts on “阿特拉斯·科普柯发布最新G2-7 型最小喷油螺杆压缩机

  1. Knowledge Sourcing says:

    Modern centrifugal compressors are equipped with sophisticated control systems that allow for precise regulation of air pressure and flow. These systems enable adaptive performance based on real-time demand, further improving efficiency and performance.

  2. Ali says:

    Dear :sir/madam

    I hope this email finds you well.
    I am  Eng. Ali yousee   representing  Power Tech for Engineering & construction.
    We are interested in establishing a business partnership with your company to fulfill the requirements
    We would like to get a quote for 4 complete units  of air compressor and dryers with  control systems according to following details:
    – Atlas copco air compressor screw oil injected Model:GA132-7.5 bar,  4 units
    -Atlas copco air compressor screw oil injected Model:GA110-7.5 bar ,4units
    – Atlas copco twin tower heatless adsorption dryer Model:CD480+ / 4 units 
    – Atlas copco twin tower heatless adsorption dryer Model:CD400+ , 4units
    – Atlas copco Equalizer pro.4 (EQ) control system up to 4 compressors
    – others Accessories for installation

    Best regards

    Ali Yousee
    Power Tech for Engineering and construction
    Yemen,sanaa Almatar street
    Phon : +967777605085
    Email: in**@up****.ye/in**@hy********.ye

    • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

      Thanks Ali for your message on our website, we well received and our team should have quoted to you via email. We welcome your RFQs and orders. Looking forward to supporting your business with our strong supply chain worldwide. Tony, funder of CPMC!

  3. matheus says:

    I want to buy several Sandvik parts, I currently buy from Türkiye and would like more reliable suppliers

    • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

      Thank you for your message RFQ on our website, we welcome your inquiries and orders on Sandvik, Epiroc drilling and mining equipment parts, and Atlas Copco, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Doosan, Gardner Denver, Sullair air compressors spare parts. Please always feel free to write an email to us when you have RFQs and orders demand. Thank you, Tony, funder of CPMC.

  4. Dan Schwartman says:

    Dear, Good day

    We kindly ask you to send us by email information about the price and
    other conditions for the supply of the material described below:

    Item Description

    04 – UNTS

    1503037780-J ATLAS COPCO

    HS CODE, Delivery Time, Taxes.
    Payment conditions
    Technical information: Datasheet/Drawing
    Send Certificates (if applicable)
    Weight and dimensions estimate

    King regards,

    • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

      Thank you Dan for your comments and RFQ leaving on our website, our team will check and quote to you on Monday via email. If you need any other genuine parts for Atlas Copco, Epiroc drilling and mining equipment parts, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Gardner Denver, Doosan, Sullair, etc, feel free to contact with us.

  5. Александр Петрович Малухин says:

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